Conversations Of A Sistah, Tracy L. Bell - Blog Talk Radio

“Love vs. Dopamine and Knowing The Difference” Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”

vtd_cos-2Dopamine relationships are doomed to failure. Dopamine is the chemical that mediates pleasure in the brain and love is not always pleasurable.

Love is an action, not a feeling. Love is a profound sense of responsibility and respect for another human being. LOVE IS NOT SEX. No matter what that man tells you; you do not prove your love to anyone by having sex with them!

Lust is NOT LOVE, LUST is however, an emotion or feeling of intense desire in the body. It is an uncontrolled or illicit sexual desire or appetite or a strong aggressive craving. And with Valentine’s Day upon, the talk of love, the questions of love and the mixed feelings of love that has flooded my inbox prompts the topic of discussion: “Love vs. Dopamine, Know The Difference

Tune in “LIVE” at 6:30 p.m. EST on “Conversations Of A Sistah” with Host Tracy L. Bell for her commentary “Love vs. Dopamine, Know The Difference“?……

We’ll be taking calls in our studios on this topic at 917-889-7872, don’t forget to press “1” for the host.

All “Conversation and topic links” in this post will access the show!!

See you on the air!!!

Beyonce, Infedelity, Jay Z, New Music

It’s “NEVER OK” for a Man (married or single) To Have a Side Chick

beyonce-lemonade-hbo-compressedI woke up to a flood of email messages this morning from blog readers and show listeners wondering what my thoughts and opinions were regarding Beyoncé’s new music “Lemonade”.

And based upon what I’m being schooled on is, Beyonce pouring out her frustration and bitterness in a collection of songs laced with lyrics of infidelity and deceit.

The gist of all the buzz is, Beyoncé’s husband of six years, rap mogul Jay Z cheated on her when she makes reference to Jay Z‘s mistress “Becky” in her song Sorry,” which ends with the line, “he better call Becky with the good hair.” Also referencing his mistress being a white woman.

The woman identified as Jay’s mistress is a fashion designer by the name of Rachel Roy. Roy is believed to be the catalyst behind Solange‘s (Beyoncé’s sister), infamous elevator assault on Jay Z in 2014. Surveillance video inside the elevator captured Solange wildly punching and kicking Jay Z as Beyonce stood by and watched with detached amusement.

My thoughts are #1, I can’t believe ‘good hair’ amongst women is still being referenced in 2016, along with the notion that women have to compete with white women for a man, their man or any man for that fact.

#2, That women are so damn desperate for a man, that they would actually think or accept it being ok for him to be with you and a side chick? What the fuck is wrong with women today? If he can’t  commit to you, kick his disloyal ass to the curb. Point, blank period!!

A male associate of mine said to me this morning, “Beyoncé is a strong woman to stay with Jay Z” Really? This has absolutely nothing to do with her strength but the message she’s sending to young woman regarding their self-worth. If you know he’s cheating and got a side chick, it’s not love it’s stupidity.

There you have it, my  2 cents and opinion on the matter..

Conversations Of A Sistah, Love, Love & Relationships, ReadyWriter Production Company, Relationships, Tracy L. Bell, Tracy L. Bell - Blog Talk Radio

Would you still Date -or- Marry Him, if he made “Less Money than you?” on “Conversations Of A Sistah

Indepenent-woman-shaidysworldIn today’s society  women are high achievers, successful and financially secure. They’re buying homes and investing in property and basically holding their own. Women are no longer waiting on the dream of meeting a prince and living in his home with 2.5 children and the white picket fence. Today’s women are independently stable and self-sufficient.

The successful woman have choices because they no longer need to worry about some man supporting or taking care of them? However, if you’re a woman who is in the top 10% of earners and you INSIST that your man out earn you, then you’ve now eliminated 90% of the dating population. And that’s before you’ve considered kindness, compatibility, attraction, values, height, weight, age, humor, children, etc. Doesn’t that sound like a self-defeating edict? Sure does.

Tune-in tonight at 6:30 p.m. EST on Conversations Of A Sistah” via Blog Talk Radio as I weigh in on the subject “Should Women date -or- Marry a man who makes LESS money than she does?”

I will be taking calls in the studio at 1-917-889-7872, just press “1” to speak with the operator.

Click the “Conversations link” in this post to access the show! ~ See you on the air!