Down Low, Homosexuality, On homosexuality

“Claiming to be “Straight” But Living In The Closet”…

This is a term used for contemporary homosexuals who hide their identities by living in the closet. This is why revealing one’s homosexuality is referred to as a “coming out”.

Gay men and women have difficulties acknowledging their homosexuality, either to themselves or to others due to their psychological complex. This is why a lot of gay people conceal important aspects of themselves such as their love life or a significant other. It’s like living the good lie.

Closet individuals cannot reveal to themselves, let alone to others their homoerotic feelings, attraction or fantasies. This is why these individuals continue to remain in the closet. They never marry or openly date because their hidden desires are only expressed behind closed doors. Their homosexuality is so unacceptable that it must be kept out of conscious awareness and cannot be integrated into their public persona. Consequently, these feelings must be dissociated from the self and hidden from others.

I have more respect for men who are openly gay and conservative, then those tall, dark, handsome, big bulky men who are closet homosexuals and allude their truth. And while a homosexual or lesbian lifestyle might be popular and unshocking in today’s society, some chose to live quietly gay to protect their professional images and lifestyle.

This may all be fine for some but don’t claim to be straight, when you’re really GAY and living in the closet.

Side note: The picture in this post does not relate to its topic, it was chosen ramdomly to fit the subject at hand.

Down Low, Drama, Hot Mess, Lesbian, Relationships, Religion, Scandal, What she said

“Juanita Bynum Confesses to being with women”…

Is anybody even following this woman anymore? She has gone from one extreme to another concerning her personal life, which appears to be off balanced and unstable emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Bynum recently admitted on the V-103 radio station that attraction to women was among her many struggles.

“I’ve done it all. I did the drugs. I’ve been with men. I’ve been with women,” “It’s not a line. It’s my life.”

Because she’s had those experiences and made those mistakes, Juanita said “she’s better equipped to help lost souls who seek her counsel.” Is she serious? You have to be careful to whom you seek counsel from, people.

Juanita, whose marital problems were made public in 2007 when her husband physically assaulted her in public, is now divorced. She didn’t elaborate on whether her sexual relationships with women were trysts or full-fledged relationships, but she believes she was depending on physical satisfaction to fill a void in her life, and that led to more problems.

I was just having a conversation with my oldest brother, Henry, the other night and he said and I quote: “when you’re grounded in your faith, temptations should not be a struggle for you but if you yield and give into temptation, then you’re not strong and grounded in your faith”. 

Read more of Juanita Bynum’s confession right here…

Celebrity, Celebrity Mess, Down Low, Drama, Scandal, What he said

Meet John Travolta’s Accuser, John Doe #2

His name is John Truesdale, he is 40 and he works as a masseur at the upscale Mandarin Oriental spa.

The 250-pound certified black belt tells the Daily News that 58-year-old Travolta “sexually accosted him in a hotel suite on the 15th floor in January. At that time the swanky hotel was called the Mansion on Peachtree.”

In an exclusive video that was posted to YouTube by Mr. X (the video has since been made private), Truesdale’s former co-worker, explains how an anxious Truesdale came running downstairs following his 15-minute encounter with Travolta.

“I can’t do this!” he quoted a flabbergasted Truesdale as saying at the time.

Moments later, Travolta came downstairs and ordered the masseur to return to his room. But Truesdale refused, according to the former co-worker.

Truesdale, who is now represented by Gloria Allred, filed a $2 million lawsuit against Travolta on May 8.

In court documents, Truesdale describes in graphic detail how Travolta manipulated his genitals — and how the actor, who was sexually aroused, started to “hump” the massage table in his suite at the hotel.

By that time Truesdale had enough of Travolta, who he accused of “spreading his butt cheeks,” and asking the former high school football player to pay particular attention to his butt muscles during the massage.

Travolta has vigorously denied the charges from Truesdale and his first accuser who has since dropped his lawsuit in California. Travolta’s lawyer, Marty Singer, calls the lawsuits “baseless” and a bunch of lies.

But other masseurs have come out of the woodwork with their own tales of sexual misconduct involving the former ‘Grease’ star.

According to the NY Post, Vikki Lizzi, the former fiancée of late actor Jeff Conaway, who co-starred with Travolta in ‘Grease,’ has come forward to reveal a shocking detail that Conaway wrote in a suicide note he left after an unsuccessful suicide attempt in 2006.

Conaway, who died at age 60 last May 2011 of complications from pneumonia, allegedly wrote that he awoke one morning to find Travolta, who was a guest in his home, giving him unsolicited oral sex. The bizarre episode ended Conaway and Travolta’s long friendship.

Read more…

Adultery, Celebrity Mess, Celebrity news, Down Low, Homosexuality, Scandal, What he said

John Travolta Had Sex with a Ritz Carlton Masseur

Luis Gonzalez, a former massage therapist and bell captain at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Laguna Niguel, Calif., said he willingly went to bed with John Travolta, following an erotic rub down inside the actor’s suite in 1997. 

“He’s a great kisser and we wound up having sex,” Gonzalez told the National Enquirer. “We got into the bed that was right there next to the massage table and had a really good time.”


Gonzalez added, “I can still remember it like it happened yesterday.”

The 49-year-old man, who now reportedly works overseas, claims he met Travolta in 1988 and massaged him several times — with no hanky-panky, before they allegedly went all the way.

“Travolta may not identify himself as a gay man, but it doesn’t dismiss the fact that he likes sex with men .. and he’s experienced at it,” Gonzalez said.

The sexy encounter turned out to be a one-time, afternoon delight for both men.

“I was in shock for about a week afterward thinking, ‘I can’t believe it! I had sex with John Travolta!’“ Gonzalez said.

“I was hoping to see him again after that, but I never did.”

Before Gonzalez, two other unidentified massage therapists have stepped forward to say Travolta came on to them during rub downs this past January in Beverly Hills and Atlanta, respectively.

Both men have filed lawsuits against the famed actor. John Doe No. 1 has reportedly hired headline-loving lawyer Gloria Allred to take his case.

A cruise line employee said the actor offered him $12,000 to have sex during a journey in 2009. That case is expected to be settled behind closed doors.

I guess it’s safe to say John Travolta is a closeted homosexual? I hope he’s using condoms, especially since he has a wife who just had a baby a little over a year ago.

Celebrity news, Controversy, Down Low, Scandal, What he said

John Travolta is Being Sued for Sexual Misconduct

John Travolta’s reps are vehemently denying accusations that Travolta fondled the genitals of 2 male masseurs at an upscale hotel in Atlanta. But the lawyer representing the two masseurs says one of the men, identified in court papers as John Doe #2, immediately documented Travolta’s sexual misconduct in multiple e-mails following the alleged incident, but hotel management took no action, is exclusively reporting.

And now a witness have come forward with a blow-by-blow account of what happened at the luxury resort spa in Atlanta.

According to the witness, who was employed at the spa at the time of the incident, Plaintiff #2, who’s name really is “John”, went up to Travolta’s room to give him a massage. In an exclusive videotaped interview, the witness says Travolta called downstairs and “specifically requested” a male masseur.

The witness said “John” — who is married with children — came back downstairs after 15 minutes, saying: “I can’t do this!” Allegedly, Travolta, who had a full erection during the massage, fondled John’s buttocks and masturbated in front of the married masseur.

According to court documents, “Travolta went down to the spa that Plaintiff No. 2 worked at, which is part of the resort Travolta was staying at, as opposed to having Doe Plaintiff No. 2 go to his room. Travolta DEMANDED that Doe Plaintiff No. 2 come back and do it again and he refused,” the documents state.

The plaintiff’s attorney asserts: “The employee that dealt with Travolta when he came down to the spa looking for my client will also be a material witness in the case.”

Travolta is being sued by both men for $2 million in damages.