Protest/Boycott, Racial tension, racial unrest, Racially motivated, Racism in America

Protest Erupt Coast to Coast….So How was Trump Elected?

gettyimages-622089650_custom-89d75c84fe4cddae76c551bc506018e8e3841701-s800-c85Thousands of protesters took the streets of twenty U.S. cities across the country to express their disdain and denouncing the win for President Elect Donald Trump.

From New York to California, Chicago to Washington, protestors took to the streets and stayed steady in New York outside of Trump Tower marching to Union station. Standing on street signs and climbing utility poles.

Authorities said at least 6,000 people were marching through the streets, setting fires and chanting “Not my president” “Fuck Trump, he’s not my president” and “We Reject the president elect”

From Boston, MA to Seattle, Washington protestors are taking their anger and frustrations of the outcome of this election to the streets.

gettyimages-622088202_custom-181e0f65c3f5e91cdaf09ff1e6118f66453ac021-s800-c85Trump hasn’t even been sworn into office yet and already thousands of non-supporters are angry and frustrated with the majority who voted Trump into office. So the question is, how was Trump elected? Did voter suppression play a role in this election?

In his post-election victory speech, Trump said that he would be the president for all Americans, and that it was “time to come together as one united people.” This will be a challenge especially since he ran his campaign on a platform of turmoil, hatred, bigotry and sexism.

41 thoughts on “Protest Erupt Coast to Coast….So How was Trump Elected?”

  1. people are pissed and everybody heard Trump’s words and knows the platform he ran under. this is just the beginning. wait until they attempt to kill his ass.


  2. Chile these people are taking this mess too serious. I wonder how many of them ended up in the hospital. I wasn’t invested in either candidate, so I don’t even get where these people are coming from….crying and carrying on and what not. You win some, you lose some. Go home!!


  3. I think ppl hve a genuine reason to be hurt or upset.. shidd I was last night but I had to gather myself & put some things into perspective. Trump created a campaign based of fear & bigotry so I do believe the response is fitting .. logical maybe not but fitting.


  4. We should all be a little scaried, when a nut like him gets the codes to bombs and nukes. Shid we better be scared. And I do believe repubs played dirty to get this white racist into office and black folk that did vote and support him have no idea the ignorance their brain washed with. smdh


  5. As the mother of a black son who can be at any moment the next hash tag, I get the fear and tears. This man will have no concern for our lives. That’s something to fear 😥


    1. Yvonne,
      I can understand your solace even feel it to a certain degree. The only thing I can is that our sons have been slaughtered for many generations, just recently they have become hashtags. We had a black Potus and it didn’t stop that. so O_o


      1. I agree.
        It didn’t start and won’t stop with trump.
        However the hate that he promotes won’t make it better


  6. I am not surprised. Did you hear Eric Garner’s daughter when she said she would not vote? She and others were failed by the system who didn’t bring criminals to justice. If Obama didn’t do anything why would they even trust Hillary?? The South is really hurt but mostly by this failed system


    1. Part of the failure is people who don’t vote, therefore they don’t get called for jury duty, which limits an accused person’s chances of getting judged by a jury of his/her peers. They wind up with people who have no empathy for their situation. I wonder if she voted before her father was killed?


  7. Black people, illegal immigrants, and the gays feel especially threatened by Trump’s election, so yeah I know if nothing else they are really taking it to the streets.


  8. we loss congress because folk thought hillary would win, so as a measure to keep her in check they voted Repub and now the protest.


  9. Black people vote with their emotions. Black people who know how to use the system vote with their minds. I wanted a Republican president and Congress set up to wipe away all the damage Obama did. No more Obamacare, Dodd-Frank, Gay marriage. A Republican on the Supreme Court. We have to clean house. Also Trump is a scary figure to the world. He will crack down on terrorism and keep us all safe.


  10. we tired of having to go through stuff.. can a nigga get a period of calm to rebuild our strength reserves. we running on fumes shit


  11. Shout out to everyone in here who chose to be igronant and not vote. From the very bottom of my heart, F yall. F yall. F yall. And don’t yall say SHIT about the government and how yall don’t like it for the next four damn years. Yall asses are a dis damn grace.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. These folks were at the top of my damn list this morning you hear me? Bc if they would have voted and the folks who wrote dumb shat on their ballot and/or voted for OTHER woulda stopped being silly as FAWK woulda got in Formation? This would be a different outcome this morning. Im still floored by the amount of folks in Florida alone who DID this dumb mess. 250k! 250 THOUSAND YO. Voted for other. Why in the WORLD would you DO that? And if it was like that in Florida…imagine how many votes coulda turned out different OVERALL? My GOD.


      1. people died for us to have the right to vote. And for us to sit home and not vote is disrespectful to that lost life. And as woke as some claim they are and then did not vote?! It’s a bunch of bull shit. Total bullshit. If these protestors or y’all didn’t do y’all part SHut the entire fluck up.


      2. Folk are mad and angry so hopefully they are because as REGISTRED VOTERS, maybe just maybe they feel their vote didn’t count.


  13. They should be angry at the Democratic Party for allowing Hillary and the DNC to hijack the nomination by not allowing a far less controversial candidate challenge Trump…

    And, maybe Tuesday would’ve been a more appealing outcome for them.


    1. Mike I agree, Hilary had a slew of baggage and legal woes before even announcing her presidential run, she was already boring to begin with then she picked a boring unknown running mate. smh.


      1. They should be angry at the Democratic Party for allowing Hillary and the DNC to hijack the nomination by not allowing a far less controversial candidate challenge Trump…
        You ain’t neva LIED!!!


      2. They should be angry at the Democratic Party for allowing Hillary and the DNC to hijack the nomination by not allowing a far less controversial candidate challenge Trump…
        True indeed, but like Dr. Shabazz indicated on COS, Hilary was tripping on her ego and made some major mistakes. she thought she look good because of Trump’s bigotry and ignorance and that shit back fired on her ass. she realized that America is more racist and more divisive than she ever imagined.


  14. These protest will probably last well into the new year. And that inaugural and swearing in will be a fuckin mess. Just wait.


  15. He lucky Trump towers is a tower because if not they’d be in his bedroom. He is now one of the most hated men (amongst civil folk) in America.


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