Conversations Of A Sistah, Tracy L. Bell, What she said, Women's History Month

It’s Women’s History month: What kind of Legacy are you imparting ladies? Tonight on “Conversations of A Sistah”


How are we being influenced in today’s society? Why are some women trying to live out the fantasy’s of characters such as; Olivia Pope and Mary Jane Paul? Why is it that sex sells while morality and virtue are frowned upon?

Why are young women quoting “Drunk in love” by Beyoncé instead or quoting words of empowerment by Maya Angelou? Who and what is influencing your legacy? For that which is premeditated will eventually give birth to your visions.

Join me tonight at 8:00 PM on “Conversations Of A Sistah” via “Conversations Live” as I kick off Women’s History month by discussing legacy’s that will live on and those powerful women who’ve influenced mine.

I’ll see you on the air!

103 thoughts on “It’s Women’s History month: What kind of Legacy are you imparting ladies? Tonight on “Conversations of A Sistah””

      1. Morning Daisy, Nicole, BBallen, 2Thick, Mrs. Harlem, Yvonne, Acquitta and Man! Whatz good to those i mighta missed 🙂


      2. The purse on the floor will have you broke? That shit had a nigga rollin
        @Sane…that shit was helluva larious 😆 everytime I listened to Trace’ show we find out something new 😆


  1. Why are some women trying to live out the fantasy’s of characters such as; Olivia Pope and Mary Jane Paul?

    Yeah BET even got a “Are you MaryJane contest” and women sending in their videos. PaLease! I ain’t NO damn MaryJane and ain’t tryna be either.


  2. Why is it that sex sells while morality and virtue are frowned upon?

    Hell Trace that’s that 50 million dollar question! But I’d vote for SEX erytime


  3. Unfortunately woman are being influenced but it can’t happen when you’re grounded. We despise women like Olivia Pope and MJ Paul yet some of us wanna live their fantasies. That damn sure ain’t me.


    1. Tracy you are truly an inspiration to me. Just thought I’d say that since we honoring women this month.
      You would say anyway let’s keep it honest.


  4. What were woman quoting before Beyonce made the song “druken love”? I think Beyonce was trying to reach the women who are comfortable with those type of lyrics. No one criticized “50 Shades of gray” this way!! I don’t agree with the ssh she may have dressed but then again most woman are comfortable dressing that way.


    1. What were woman quoting before Beyonce made the song “druken love”?
      It doesn’t matter cause they quotin that garbage now! I never followed, read or supported 50 shades of grey but like you say it’s for the women looking for that crap!


      1. LOL 😆 cause either way “drunk in love” is garbage and don’t make no damn sense regardless to who was quoting what before it. Just my .2


      2. What were woman quoting before Beyonce
        Ion know but I am wondering why these young girlz think she’s a role model. That’s some sad shit!


      3. What were woman quoting before Beyonce made the song “druken love”?
        Ion know but this bitch up in my office singing that shit right now and hell she sound drunk! WTF


    1. OMG tonight is the 1st time this chile got me crying 😥 -> CoSign I was shocked when she said her friends mom passed away 😥 that was sad


      1. OMG tonight is the 1st time this chile got me crying 😥
        The song made it sad…Tracy really knows how to end a show.


      2. OMG tonight is the 1st time this chile got me crying
        well I think it’s because you don’t expect Tracy to say how the woman who was cooking the food passed away almost a month ago. that’s the part that’ll have you crying. it was like the talk just got real and to her point. 😦 life is short fa real.


  5. Nice tribute to women Ms. Bell…I love me some “Conversations Of A Sistah” Oh God that was a good show!


  6. Women Rock and that includes YOU BLOG QUEEN!
    Great show! You really explained that legacy situation. Wow! awesome!


      1. “A lot of women are being led by the things of this world instead of those things that will have a affirmative impact in the long run.”


      2. “A lot of women are being led by the things of this world instead of those things that will have a affirmative impact in the long run.” T.L.B. C.O.S


  7. Great show Tracy you had me thinking about the women in my family who have left thir legacy’s for us. Thank you for that.


  8. Picture uptop is beautiful. Sistahs standing close together like they bond. The show was good tonight. It’s a lesson in every session. Tracy God has truly blessed you with wisdom girl.


  9. Tracy i think it was so sweet how you talked about your mom and how she “Give away” stuff that was soo sweet. Lawd know I’m depositing into my Legacy every day. Great show and I thank you Tracy for the fore thought. 🙂


      1. is it me or did anybody else NOT hear the introduction last night?
        Alls I know is she dropped the overlay lyrics.


      2. is it me or did anybody else NOT hear the introduction last night?
        Cyrus tryna save money


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