Murder, News

Can You believe he killed her? Man arrested For Jogger’s Murder

chanel-lewis-549x329The father of Chanel Lewis, the man suspected of raping and strangling Queens jogger Karina Vetrano, said his son is “a humble kid”.

“It’s extremely surprising… he’s not the person for that,” said Richard Lewis, 70, a retired schoolteacher.

Vetrano, 30, was savagely beaten, raped and strangled while jogging in a Queens park near her father’s home in Howard Beach, NY on Aug. 2. Phillip Vetrano found his daughter’s body among tall weeds in a Queens park later that night.

DNA recovered from Vetrano’s body and cell phone did not match anyone in the crime database.

Police released a sketch of a suspect spotted near the crime scene. But the sketch yielded no new clues and the case went cold.

Investigators focused on 20-year-old Lewis as a suspect after reviewing a 911 call from someone in the area who reported Lewis was acting suspiciously after the murder.

Police say Lewis voluntarily submitted DNA sample after they interviewed him last week. His DNA matched scrapings taken from under Vetrano’s fingernails.

Lewis was arrested around 6 p.m. Saturday outside a home on Essex Street where he lived with his mother, Veta Lewis, his two sisters and the sisters’ small children.

He will be charged with murder and sexual assault, NYPD Chief of Detectives Robert Boyce told reporters.

According to police “This defendant admitted to attacking the victim, admitted to beating her, to strangling her and dragging her body into the weeds,” Queens assistant district attorney Michael Curtis said.

However from looking at the physical makeup of Lewis and his frailness, verses Vatrano’s fit physique, it looks like she could kick this man’s ass. He doesn’t look capable of murder.

Lewis received three summonses — dating back to 2013 — for loitering in the area where Vetrano’s body was found.

Richard Lewis said his son did well academically at a high school in Far Rockaway. He said Chanel aspired to work in social services after he graduated.

I’m sorry but I believe police was so anxious to solve this case, they’re pinning this girl’s murder on Lewis.

98 thoughts on “Can You believe he killed her? Man arrested For Jogger’s Murder”

  1. His DNA was found under her fingernails and on her phone.
    He had several past citations for loitering in that woodsy area where he dragged her off the jogger path and took her life.

    Yes Trace, black men are wrongly convicted in America.


  2. Scientific evidence linked this man. He is evil and evil doesn’t discriminate. A petite pretty black girl jogging on that path would have met the same tragic fate at the hands of this predator.


  3. Here’s the gag:
    His DNA could’ve been procured while he was in holding. I’m quite literate, so I read the part re: his DNA.. We’re going to act like investigators don’t offer people beverages or cigarettes while they’re being interrogated. That’s the quickest way to get someone’s DNA without their consent.


  4. These people have more tips and tricks than the law should allow because they are part of the system. Loitering in a park/woodsy area doesn’t make someone a murderer 😡


    1. Her parents are in pain and I’m sure his parents are in pain. They didn’t raise their son to be a murderer or even be in a position where he stands accused of murder. He is still an ‘accused killer,’ just as Dylann Roof is, despite him admitting guilt and premeditating the murder of 9 innocent church members who were at Bible study.
      The hypocrisy is real, even amongst our own.


  5. Her father used his connections to badger the police station and they went above and beyond to find her killer even if that meant pinning her murder on someone else.
    God bless her she didn’t listen to her dad. He told her not to run on the off trails and she did.


    1. Her father used his connections to badger the police station and they went above and beyond to find her killer even if that meant pinning her murder on someone else.


      1. Her father used his connections to badger the police station and they went above and beyond to find her killer even if that meant pinning her murder on someone else.


      2. Her father used his connections to badger the police station and they went above and beyond to find her killer even if that meant pinning her murder on someone else.
        Aman and Aman again but the desperation of the cops had them pin anyone like this young man. Wow O_o just crazy.


      3. Her father used his connections to badger the police station and they went above and beyond to find her killer even if that meant pinning her murder on someone else.
        Exactly they were hard up to solve this case.


  6. Yes I saw the boy on the news & he looks like he is mentally retarded. I hope they aren’t pinning it on him but it seems that way.


    1. They can and they will because… he’s Black. That’s all it takes. He could have a 75 I.Q. and they’ll nail him to the cross and swear he was cognizant of everything he was doing, even if he was nowhere near that woman. 😡


  7. This isn’t the same guy I saw on the wanted posters in East NY. They had a sketch of a completely different man with her picture.


      1. Sup Fam,
        Terrible loss for the Falcons. I guess this is like the sports version of Trump vs Clinton all over again.


      2. Morning Fam.
        Someone is seeing the bigger picture. More than someONE.
        The media knows sheep. They take a violent crime and use emotions to evoke the sympathies of the public.


  8. I was raised to never use the word hate. And I rarely use the word hate.
    I hate Chanel Lewis.
    What he did to to this innocent young woman was the personification of evil. He robbed her of life and her family of their soul. May he rot in prison for life.
    This should not be racialized because this evil POS predator would have harmed a vulnerable woman of any color. Evil doesn’t discriminate.


  9. This must have been a horrible way to die and I wish peace upon her family.
    To the young man suspected, he will have his day in Court and will be judged among 12 people, so I won’t say they got the wrong or right guy. I would like to think about the victim and the person she was and could have been. As a woman this is my worst nightmare. I have daughters…I can’t bare the thought.


  10. Well I’m glad they caught the killer… after all the thousands of hours of detective work, overtime, etc and all the money spent to find the killer of this pretty white woman.
    However, it’s a shame they don’t go to such great lengths when a black or brown woman gets killed in NYC.


  11. WoW!!!!
    People have been convicted of rape and the DNA matched because they folks working there have such a back log they just sign it off cause the cops tell them to do it


  12. There are a lot of people in prison wrongly convicted of things. This story just doesn’t sit well with me. And NY cops are notoriously dirty. If Lewis is innocent I hope his father fight the system for his exoneration.


  13. Acting suspiciously how? 6 months later in relation to the crime? Why does the front page of the DN says it was a part of “stop and frisk”? Was he acting “suspiciously” on the street and then he was interviewed? Too many questions left out of their story. Sounds suspect to me.


  14. Honestly what if it really wasn’t him? Police have been known to pin things on the innocent. Just to close a case. I agree with Tra, this man looks slow and weak and fragile, that woman was in shape, she could’ve kicked his azz. I read that she fought back. Come on think about it..


    1. I agree with Tra, this man looks slow and weak and fragile, that woman was in shape, she could’ve kicked his azz.


  15. Her mother said ‘The Demon Must Get Justice’ she never said “Oh I 4give him” only black folks do that dumb shit. Believing a white Jesus gon redeem their souls or something. Vetrano’s momma kept it real ad said what was in her heart. And I’ve seen clips of her coming out of her catholic church in Howard Beach. But still she knows a demon when she sees one. why? because he allegedly killed her daughter. while in the meantime 9 black folks down in SC 4gave the demon who killed their loved ones in a church. see the irony here people?


    1. You’re right 2thick,
      White, Christians aren’t down for forgiveness when their own are murdered. Why are black people so quick to forgive their family’s murderers?


    2. Christians pray for and help other people – period. They pray for other people – period.
      What should be brought to light is how this 20 yo young man, who has never so much as been in a fight, is being arrested for a murder. Unless my eyes deceive me, he doesn’t look anything like the composite photo.


      1. What should be brought to light is how this 20 yo young man, who has never so much as been in a fight, is being arrested for a murder.
        Exactly. The cops were dying for a conviction in this case. 😡


    3. Oh well I’m praying. I’m praying for this young man, that if he is being falsely accused, may he not be falsely convicted, as so many innocent Black men have been. I pray that this woman’s family learns to have a spirit of forgiveness for whomever is responsible for her death. I pray her soul is at peace as well.


  16. It’s sick and sad that people are so busy wanting a conviction in this case that they won’t dare question if the right person was even apprehended.


  17. I’m sorry but i dont believe it. I feel they are just using this guy..:this story just never added up to me…just my opinion..


  18. Something about this doesnt feel right. You dont go your entire life without violence and suddenly commit a crime like this. It is obvious the kid is mentally challenged and they took advantage of him. Why would he submit dna voluntarily knowing he’s guilty. I don’t buy it.


      1. And watch they find him “competent” to stand trial. But are doing EVERYTHING in their power to make dylan roof incompetent when he stated that he was “just fine” and knew what he was doing. See how white folks will try and play us.


  19. That sketch looks NOTHING like the guy. Law enforcement has history on pinning crimes like this with no leads on a random persons. SMH




  21. Do that young man look competent or capable of killing anyone? Really y’all? He couldn’t even walk str8 when they were walking him out the precinct O_o like his sister said on the news, her brother is NOT physically strong to have killed that jogger. whoever killed Karina Vetrano was strong and beat her like it was personal. Because her teeth was knocked out. They will convict this boy while her real killer remain free. Sad 😦


  22. I’m giving this story the side eye…this man has special needs. Him “confessing” and “volunteering” DNA samples seems fishy.


    1. I agree. This is so sad. I can just see the police badgering him into a confession just to have a scapegoat to present to the public. This boy looks meek and innocent. I believe his parents are right that he’s being framed.


  23. I think he’s a scapegoat. I just pray he gets good representation. I pray if he’s innocent they don’t hurt him unnecessarily. I really feel they have the wrong person. I can’t get this out of my head. 😥


  24. The juror is out on this one. Six months later and they find a 6ft skinny Black kid who barely knows that he is alive in the world with a lower IQ and…that’s who did this!??! Not sure about this one. It is possible, but for some reason I highly doubt it.

    Profiling and coercion for a statement is real as well as staging evidence to close a case or incarcerate, especially if a mentally challenged person does not know his/hers right and do not have a voice.

    Not sure if this is the case. It is a good thing that his family can raise the funds for a decent lawyer to take a look at how the evidence really went down.


    1. I agree…this was in broad daylight that he allegedly managed to do this..knocking her teeth out…if they saw him suspicious in this area after it happened why not question him then? & who gave that sketch of him? What witness saw what the murderer looked like??


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