Murder, News

Can You believe he killed her? Man arrested For Jogger’s Murder

chanel-lewis-549x329The father of Chanel Lewis, the man suspected of raping and strangling Queens jogger Karina Vetrano, said his son is “a humble kid”.

“It’s extremely surprising… he’s not the person for that,” said Richard Lewis, 70, a retired schoolteacher.

Vetrano, 30, was savagely beaten, raped and strangled while jogging in a Queens park near her father’s home in Howard Beach, NY on Aug. 2. Phillip Vetrano found his daughter’s body among tall weeds in a Queens park later that night.

DNA recovered from Vetrano’s body and cell phone did not match anyone in the crime database.

Police released a sketch of a suspect spotted near the crime scene. But the sketch yielded no new clues and the case went cold.

Investigators focused on 20-year-old Lewis as a suspect after reviewing a 911 call from someone in the area who reported Lewis was acting suspiciously after the murder.

Police say Lewis voluntarily submitted DNA sample after they interviewed him last week. His DNA matched scrapings taken from under Vetrano’s fingernails.

Lewis was arrested around 6 p.m. Saturday outside a home on Essex Street where he lived with his mother, Veta Lewis, his two sisters and the sisters’ small children.

He will be charged with murder and sexual assault, NYPD Chief of Detectives Robert Boyce told reporters.

According to police “This defendant admitted to attacking the victim, admitted to beating her, to strangling her and dragging her body into the weeds,” Queens assistant district attorney Michael Curtis said.

However from looking at the physical makeup of Lewis and his frailness, verses Vatrano’s fit physique, it looks like she could kick this man’s ass. He doesn’t look capable of murder.

Lewis received three summonses — dating back to 2013 — for loitering in the area where Vetrano’s body was found.

Richard Lewis said his son did well academically at a high school in Far Rockaway. He said Chanel aspired to work in social services after he graduated.

I’m sorry but I believe police was so anxious to solve this case, they’re pinning this girl’s murder on Lewis.

Bill Cosby, Conversations Of A Sistah, Rape, Rape Allegations

America’s #1 Dad, Bill Cosby Charged With Sexual Assault.

November 21, 2014: Bill Cosby performs what may be his final comedy show ever at The King Center For The Performing Arts in Melbourne, Florida, as women continue to come forward with allegations of rape and sexual assault. Mandatory Credit: Ref: infusmi-11/13

The comedian was charged today for drugging and sexually assaulting a woman at his home 12 years ago — the first criminal charges brought against the comedian out of the torrent of allegations that destroyed his good-guy image as America’s #1 Dad.

This case sets the stage for perhaps the biggest Hollywood celebrity trial of this era and could send the 78-year-old “pudding pop” comedian to prison in the twilight of his life and barrier-breaking career.

Prosecutors accused him of rendering former Temple University employee Andrea Constand unable to resist, by plying her with pills and wine, then penetrating her with his fingers without her consent, when she was unconscious or unaware of what was happening.

She was “frozen, paralyzed, unable to move,” Montgomery County District Attorney-elect Kevin Steele said in announcing the charges. He said it is unclear what type of pills Constand was given, but he noted that Cosby has admitted giving Quaaludes to women he wanted to have sex with.

Cosby acknowledged under oath a decade ago that he had sexual contact with Constand but said it was consensual. Calls to his attorneys were not immediately returned.

He is to be arraigned this afternoon on a charge of aggravated indecent assault, punishable by five to 10 years behind bars and a $25,000 fine.