Hate, Hate crime, Racial tension, racial unrest, Racially motivated, Racism in America, Racist

Black Church Burned in the Name of Trump

lead_960Hopewell Baptist church in Greenville, Mississippi was set on fire on Tuesday night and spray painted with the words “Vote Trump” on the side of it. No one was in the church at the time of the fire, and no one was injured.

Mayor of Mississippi Errick Simmons, said in an interview “This fire was “a direct assault on people’s right to free worship,” he said, and later added during a press conference, “I see this as an attack on the black church and the black community.”

This is a tense time in American politics. The burning of Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church is a sign of how bad things have gotten, and what may be still to come. “What we have to do is come together,” Simmons said. “The only thing that conquers hate is love.”

Black churches have long been burned in acts of intimidation and hatred; in the Jim Crow South, members of hate groups would leave flaming crosses on churchyard lawns. The bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama, came at a time of extreme racial division in the United States; it was that crime, which killed four young black girls, that led to the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

81 thoughts on “Black Church Burned in the Name of Trump”

  1. the pastor probably set the church on fire for the insurance money. black folk won’t be intimidated and gone are the jim crow south. 😡


      1. THEY (Dump supporters) DID set it on fire!! FOH!!
        Either way it involves Trump because they threw out his name.


      2. Almost all southerners are for Trump because they know with him as President he will ERASE what lil bit of a legacy Barack Obama has left. They’re hoping Trump will restore not only a Jim Crow south but a Jim Crow North as well. 😦 either way you swing it.


      1. Trump Supporters Raise Over $150K to Repair Black Church Burned in Mississippi.
        As they should help fix what thier fellow KKK friends did.


      2. We have an African saying that goes something like :
        Killing people and then go to their funeral…


      3. Trump Supporters Raise Over $150K to Repair Black Church Burned in Mississippi.
        As they should. It was HIS thug ass, racist ass, KKK member supporters that were the cause of it. :shrug:


      4. Trump Supporters Raise Over $150K to Repair Black Church Burned in Mississippi.
        Really? How interesting O_o by doing this it makes Trump look good or sympathetic, if his supporters are truly the ones behind such a hate crime of burning a historic black church.


      5. Trump Supporters Raise Over $150K to Repair Black Church Burned in Mississippi.
        We don’t know who’s frontin the money. They want it to appear to be Trump supporters anyway


      6. This is one of most pivotal elections of our time, and people are willing to do the absolute most for their candidates. However, I don’t believe that Trump supporters actually cared about that church. Most of that money was probably raised from blacks and sympathetic whites.


      7. Classy move by Trump supporters (if they did it) even though I believe it was Democrats, who did it…No matter what he does Blacks with ignorance will find something to complain about.


      8. Henrietta,
        Thinking that Democrats did it makes about as much sense as black people burning their own churches during the Civil Rights Movement. O_o FOH!


      9. 150K….WoW!!!!! I am almost in TEARS! This church is so blessed…what the devil intend for evil God will turn it around for his good.


      10. Trump Supporters Raise Over $150K to Repair Black Church Burned in Mississippi.
        So is this suppose to make one vote for trump? I’LL PASS


      11. It was more then Donald Trump supporters… Well I donated $50 to the go fund me and I’m far from a Trump supporter!


  2. The vandals are most likely crooked Hillary Clinton supporters who hoped to rally black people to vote for Clinton.
    Clinton and President Obama are panicking since early voting stats shows very low black voter turnout on the Democratic side.


  3. The shit happening around this election is crazy. And Lord knows I’m praying for the dayz ahead. The outcome will be a MESS I don’t care which way you swing it.


  4. Why does it matter who did it? It was wrong PERIOD. If people are about that kumbaya, we shall overcome and be great again sheez then they can admit this is wrong. It doesn’t matter what candidate you support.


  5. Black churches have long been burned in acts of intimidation and hatred; in the Jim Crow South, members of hate groups would leave flaming crosses on churchyard lawns. The bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama, came at a time of extreme racial division in the United States; it was that crime, which killed four young black girls, that led to the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

    Same shit different day and year.


    1. Who here remembers the Black churches that were set on fire in St Louis last year? Anyone remember who they arrested? Umm yeah. A crazy dude that happened to be Black.

      It wasn’t Trump or Clinton supporters who did this. It was a crazy idiot who wants to see everyone accuse each other. Let’s use some common sense people. We all know Hillary would NEVER set a church on fire
      ..unless Trump was in it!!!


  6. They don’t understand the law of nature. Trump has shown time after time a twinkle of his truth. He is a Narcissist….watch Trump..and when he has no facts he belittles and the “Worlds Against him mentality” Now the question you might want to ask is If he think that “We” are after him..exactly what do you think a man like that will do when he becomes president? O_o


  7. http://www.washingtonpost.com/
    So…racist arse white folks who are normally Republicans, down in Missip… havent been burning churches since God knows when? Before Civil Rights movement, during, and POST. There have been church burnings since the movement ended. So this is so far fetched that it just could not happen?
    “Three decades ago, the Night Riders, who blazed a trail of fear and destruction across the South by firebombing churches and homes, generally were members of highly organized, very public efforts to intimidate blacks, led by the Ku Klux Klan and with a single political purpose: enforcing segregation.
    Not atypical of the cases was that of three white Mississippi teenagers, two just 17, who drove away from the flaming Rocky Point Missionary Baptist Church in Pike County, Miss., early on the morning of April 5, 1993, screaming, “Burn, niggxx, burn.” Among the three, two never finished high school and two came from indigent circumstances and could not afford defense attorneys. All three are now in federal prisons for the burning.”
    In my Dap voice from the movie School Daze…WAKE UPPPPPPPPPPPP


  8. Yeah, some close to me investigates these things.
    It’s a damn shame….but here’s a list from the 70’s to present.
    White Cowards, destroy anything blacks try and have.
    1972 (exact
    date unknown) Cartersville Baptist Church, in Reston, Virginia, was burned,
    causing the main church to fall into the basement.
    1974 June
    30 At Ebenezer Baptist Church in
    Atlanta, Georgia, Alberta Williams King, mother of Martin Luther King, Jr., and Edward Boykin
    were killed by a man who had determined that “black ministers were a
    menace to black people.” A third churchgoer was wounded.
    December 16 Second Wilson Church of Chester, South Carolina, a meeting place
    for civil rights activists, was gutted by fire


  9. 1993 April
    5 Rocky Point Missionary
    Baptist Church in Pike County, Mississippi, was set on fire by three teenagers
    who served time.]
    January 13 Johnson Grove
    Baptist Church in Bells, Tennessee, was burned.
    January 13 Macedonia
    Baptist Church in Denmark, Tennessee, wass burned.
    January 31 Mount Calvary
    Baptist Church in Hardeman County, Tennessee, wass burned.
    1995 June
    21 Outside of Manning,
    South Carolina, four men affiliated with the Ku Klux Klan worked together to
    burn down Macedonia Baptist Church and Mt. Zion African Methodist Episcopal Church of
    Greeleyville, both majority black churches. Arrests were made. In 1998, Grand
    Dragon Horace King and four other Ku Klux Klansmen were forced to pay $37.8
    million for their roles in a conspiracy to burn Macedonia Baptist Church.
    1995 August
    15 St. John Baptist
    Church in Lexington County, South Carolina, wass burned and an arrest was made.
    October 31 Mount Pisgah
    Baptist Church of Raeford, North Carolina, was burned.
    December 22 Mount Zion
    Baptist Church of Boligee, Alabama, was burned.
    1995 December
    30 Salem Baptist Church
    in Gibson County, Tennessee, was burned.
    January 6 Ohovah African
    Methodist Episcopal Church os Orrum, North Carolina, wass burned and an arrest
    was made.
    January 8 Inner City
    Church of Knoxville, Tennessee, was burned.
    January 11 Little Zion
    Baptist Church and Mount Zoar Baptist Church of Green County, Alabama, were
    both burned on the same day.
    February 1 Cypress Grove
    Baptist Church, St. Paul’s Free Baptist Church, and Thomas Chapel Benevolent


  10. I call it bull shit either way as usual. My vote is for Hilary. I will never vote for anyone who has the KKK backing them!!!!


  11. Black people, please V O T E!
    I don’t want to hear about how you think neither candidate is the best for the job. That’s apparent. There are other names on the ballot.
    Just like you waltz your arse into your favorite restaurant to eat or your favorite store to shop, you can waltz right on up to a voting booth.
    Not only did black men, women, and children die for your right to vote, they also died for your right to eat and shop among the pinks. So why choose one right over the other? Please don’t allow the brave souls that fought and died for our freedom die in vain.
    TIS ALL!


  12. I’m not voting for neither candidate. I don’t care who gets elected. How could the conditions get any worse for Africans in this country? I will not be scared into voting. No matter the outcome we as a collective are still treated inhumane and as second class citizens.


  13. This is a hoax.
    The ‘vote Trump’ made it obvious.
    BTW why no post on the white cop killer in Iowa?
    Fox News is strangely silent on this one–I guess because they can’t tie it to Black Lives Matter.


  14. I’m NO Trump supporter but I’m tired of the BS and the hatred from this election. Bad enough it’s coming from the candidates.


  15. We Black people will be complaining about the same things four years from now and then 4 years from there. I know you get your free stuff so that is all that matters. When Black women do not have husbands they want the govt to fill that roll. I am sure If Donald Trump offered every hood whore a free weave they would vote for him.


    1. You sound like a damn fool and I’m sitting at my desk in a corporate office while I type this. Your ignorance is astounding. What sane melanated person is going to vote for someone the KKK is backing. That alone should make you run from Trump but you must be one of those enslaved in the mind black people and I call you black which you are not but whatever the Europeans call you that’s what you answer to FOH.


  16. We already know Donald Trump followers are not educated people and they are poor. They are losing their grip on their white supremacy and they are scared.


  17. Hillary is a typical politician. They all bend the truth, wheel and deal behind closed doors and never let the public know exactly what they are up to. Hillary does it. All politicians do it. Donald Trump will be the same way if he gets elected — except that he’s such a braggart he’ll probably blab the nation’s most confidential information at the first opportunity.


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