Conversations Of A Sistah, Tracy L. Bell, Tracy L. Bell - Blog Talk Radio, What she said

“Life and Death” is in the Power Of The Tongue on “Conversations Of A Sistah”

The-Power-of-The-Tongue-Raising-Sticky-Hands-To-HeavenHey “Conversations Of A Sistah” Family!!!

You do know, you are what you speak!!!

Your words are the outcome of your thoughts and if your thoughts are negative your words and beliefs will follow. Why? Because “Life and Death” is in the Power Of The Tongue!! If you speak death, you will kill your dreams and remain stagnant in every aspect of life.

The Proverb states: “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he,” which speaks and holds the key to every condition, good or bad, that enters into your life, and that, by working patiently and intelligently upon your thoughts, you may remake your life, and transform your circumstances. Any circumstance can be transformed with the knowledge and power of the right thoughts.

You do not attract what you want, you attract what you are! A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts, if he is negative he will think negative and herald negative results and outcomes. You can’t be anxious to improve your circumstances, but unwilling to improve yourself, by therefore remaining bound.

Join me “LIVE” on the air tonight at 6:30 p.m. EST on “Conversations Of A Sistah” via Blog Talk Radio, as I expound on the topic:: “Life and Death” is in the POWER OF THE Tongue!!!

All “Conversation links” in this post make it possible to access the show!

102 thoughts on ““Life and Death” is in the Power Of The Tongue on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

      1. Ion give a shit where she’s been I’m just glad her ass is back. I’m tuning in to hear her voice damn this topic LOL


      2. Ion give a shit where she’s been I’m just glad her ass is back. I’m tuning in to hear her voice damn this topic LOL
        OK 😛


      3. Zenna she’s going away again in September
        her birthday in September., y’all know that right.


      4. her birthday in September., y’all know that right.
        I knew…Her birthday is around labor day I believe. between 9/1 – 9/4


      1. Who heard the show? Trace admitted she has a lethal tongue. I bet she sound sexy as hail cussing some niggaz out.


      2. Heard the rewind good show…did y’all get the sense she was talking to somebody she knows?? O_o


      1. It’s hard to be positive when our men and women being haunted like dawgs and killed in these skreets.
        True but shouldn’t we still speak to a better day/way??


      2. It’s hard to be positive when our men and women being haunted like dawgs and killed in these skreets.
        Ooh O_o true


    1. Yes for real……Our words have enormous power for good or evil; yes, our tongues can even kill or save lives. For example, a false witness can cause the death of an innocent man


      1. Our words have enormous power for good or evil; yes, our tongues can even kill or save lives. For example, a false witness can cause the death of an innocent man


  1. If you love life don’t speak words that’ll kill ya spirit….point.blank.period!!! and tuning in.

    Missed me some Conversations.


  2. “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.

    What does this verse mean?”

    It means words have consequences


    1. so you’re saying that we don’t have the authority to speak what we wish good or bad? really? are u sure? are u certain about that?


  3. You will reap what you sow, if you sow blessings kind words, encouragement you shall reap, but if you sow gossip, slander , you will reap watch your words speak them carefully… You will eat the fruit thereof.. blessings or cursing..the choice is yours..


  4. We have the Power to change our life, but its according to what flows out of our mouth. Choose to speak Life . Tuning in of course


  5. Mm. Trace is a trip. I missed her and the show. I’ll be tuned in., it’s raining so it’ll be like listening to the quite storm.


  6. “Life and death” is in the power of tongue”

    Uma need to know what that means? without trusting some of the comments here.


  7. aside from the scripture references. talking negative will keep you ass backwards. #realtalk. she laid it out too.


  8. Lawd this chile told the truth..broke down the tongue being life and death emotionally, spiritual and physically. the tongue can either hurt or heal.


  9. Powerful info and gave much thought to what Trace was saying: Ya words do carry power so we need to be mindful of what we speak. especially in our relationships.


  10. Words should produce action if not, you full of shit. 😛 all talk and no action. Thank you Blog Queen. great show and analogy.


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