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Your Soulmate IS NOT your Significant Other, Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”

SoulMates-largeI think we all have different definitions of a soul mate. We tend to believe that a soul mate is a lover, spouse or lifetime partner;  someone with whom we have or will develop a romantic relationship. This may be the case in some instances but not necessarily definitive.

A soul mate is a person with whom one has a feeling of deep or natural affinity. Affinity in terms of sociology, which refers to “kinship of spirit”, interest and other interpersonal commonalities.

In current usage, “soulmate” usually refers to a romantic partner, with the implication of an exclusive lifelong bond. This is to say, the word is used with more rarity than other terms associated with ‘romantic partner’. It is a very versatile term, being defined differently by different individuals, as it is related to the concept of love.

Soulmate commonly holds the connotation of being the strongest bond with another person that one can achieve. Soulmate is not used as often as other terms representing the same idea, and this is likely to lead to its perceived rarity in meaning. The definition ranges widely and cannot be pinpointed. It is commonly accepted that one will feel ‘complete’ once they have found their soulmate, as it is partially in the perceived definition that two souls are meant to unite.

Join me tonight at 6:30 p.m. EST on “Conversations Of A Sistah” via Blog Talk radio, as I reveal the real meaning of one’s soulmate. A bond that is NOT necessarily one tied in romance.

The “Conversation link” in this post gives access to the online show.

See you on the air!

88 thoughts on “Your Soulmate IS NOT your Significant Other, Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

  1. Most women have this theory that they wanna marry their best friend. So I know they won’t agree on this topic Trace


    1. Most women have this theory that they wanna marry their best friend
      Yes and these same women isolate their best friends and then when something goes down in their love relationships with their man they need those same GF’s ….I REFUSE to abandon my girls for some knee grow and Ion care if we are married.


      1. I REFUSE to abandon my girls for some knee grow and Ion care if we are married.
        and you shouldn’t. any dude who would want you to diss ya friends don’t mean you no good.


      2. I REFUSE to abandon my girls for some knee grow and Ion care if we are married.
        You’ll be saying something different once he lay dat pipe


  2. Ion know IMO everybody need someone to kick it with when that man or woman you involved with pisses you off. and if that person is considered a soulmate then so be it.


    1. Ion know IMO everybody need someone to kick it with when that man or woman you involved with pisses you off.
      Are u talking on a fucking level of kicking it? Just so that we’re clear on this comment right here.


  3. Can you imagine if we thought every man we ever dated it or fell in love with was a soulmate? we’d be connected to a lot of souls O_o I like this topic


  4. I’ve never connected with any1 on a Soule mate level. Maybe I’m not even understanding tonight’s topic fully. But I’m thinking for me and a man to be that close, I guess he’d hafta be my soul mate.


    1. But I’m thinking for me and a man to be that close, I guess he’d hafta be my soul mate.
      She said and I quote “The definition ranges widely and cannot be pinpointed.” so everyone has a different understanding of what a soul mate is or should be. I’m always curious thou on Tra’s perspective of a topic.


      1. well the song I’m guessing I can’t find. It’s the song Queen Latifah and Kyle sung at Sinclair and Overton’s wedding. 🙂


      2. Here is the song I thought Tracy was gonna use for tonight’s closing song.

        Love this song. Although it’s too short of a song.


  5. A soulmate is someone you could talk to for hours and not even realize the time because you never get bored. and it’s not necessarily ya man either.


  6. Most of us define a Soul Mate as a perfect romantic partner that will fulfill every aspect of our being.
    The truth is, life is not quite that simple. So I’m tuning in to hear Tracy confirm what I may already possibly know. 😛


  7. Good show topic and thanks for addressing my email. I agree with you Tracy married 26 years and my husband is NOT my soulmate. God bless your mom Tra


  8. No matter how fleeting the encounter, each soul that comes into our lives has the potential to provide a significant life transforming moment.


  9. we have the word ‘friend’, and the word ‘soul mate’ which is essentially romantic by nature. But how would you describe someone that falls in between? I wish Tra had opened up her lines…I wanted to call in. 😦


    1. Ang,
      What about someone who is more than just a ‘best friend’ but doesn’t have the romantic and sexual attraction of a ‘soul mate’?


  10. yO WHY IT SEEM LIKE tRACY loosing followers because of some of these topics. fuckem I say……Trace had me trippin last night. Her VOIce is a trip.


  11. I do believe that a soul mate can be someone that you love and your life partner. Some of us want to connect with our lovers, husbands/significant others on that level. This was a good show but some statements and comments I disagree with Tracy on. Just my .2cents


    1. Kayla every situation and relationship is different. For me my soul mate just so happens to be my BF. We women make the mistake of cutting off those important friendships when we get a man and when the man exits and leave the BF/soul mate is always left standing.


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