Conversations Of A Sistah, Oscars award show

Was Chris Rock a “Hit or Miss” as host of the Oscars last night?

390-kingoscars-0228I woke up this morning to conflicting reports on Chris Rock’s hosting last night of the controversial Oscars, aside from what I heard on the news this morning.

I never watched the Oscars however, most of my friends and thousands of black families across the country opted to not even do that much and boycotted the event altogether. Simply because not a single African American was nominated for one category this year.

With a voting pool that is overwhelmingly white, overwhelmingly male, and overwhelming old, 2016 turned out to be one of the whitest years in recent history for the Academy Awards.

I saw that before Chris even said a word, he walked out to Public Enemy’s song “Fight The Power” so the audience knew then he was going to tackle racism. But some people in the media and on Facebook thought Chris was a bit much on the topic stating:

“Much of what Rock said was distasteful, uncomfortable, and just plain wrong.”

But continuing down the road that the Oscars have been snubbing black folk for years, Rock said that the only reason they didn’t protest in 1962 or 1963 was because “we had real things to protest at the time.”

One writer said Chris mentioned something about “when your grandmother is hanging from a tree” and the audience laughed, when that was the deepest, darkest pain of any other group of people being used as a prime-time punch line.

All in all, my friends and most of the online critics who watched Rock’s opening monologue agreed that Rock missed the opportunity to school his white audience on the fact of the matter which is; more African Americans were killed by police in 2015 than in ANY of the previous 88 years of the Oscars. Instead of Rock downplayed the size and scope on the injustices we face today.

So again my question to you is:: Was Chris Rock a “Hit or Miss” as host of the Oscars last night? What’s your opinion? I’d like to know.

66 thoughts on “Was Chris Rock a “Hit or Miss” as host of the Oscars last night?”

  1. Chris did his thing Trace but I agree there were so many issues he could have touched on while making his point about the Oscar being all white. I wouldn’t agree that he was a HIT but he could’ve missed me on some of his bullshit.


      1. Whatz good FAM? After watching 12 years a slave on BET Saturday night that basically set the stage for my whole yr. pretty much. O_o so I was like FUCK THEE OSCARS fareal.


      2. Ion think that many people up here saw the Oscars???? Unless some of you watched for Chris Rocks’ monologue.


    1. Ion think she asked for an apology. it ain’t that serious. you didn’t watch it so fuck it. hail I didn’t watch that shit either. like every other black folk, I caught the snit bit about it on the news. Smh


  2. Tracy IMO Chris Rock killed it.
    I thought he brought humor to an already heated situation. either way he was in the hot seat.


    1. Yes but he said some really OUT THE WAY shit!!! Especially when he talked about all black people being shot inside their program packages this year. Smh that was distasteful. 😡


  3. One thing Chris said that I agree with………Had he BOYCOTTED the Oscars and NOT HOSTED. They would’ve called the token nigga Kevin Hart to take his place. Yes they would have.


  4. Chris Rock was a bit over the top. He took shots at Will and Jada too. I thought he killed it!!! Especially when he came out to “FIGHT THE POWER”


  5. I was glad when he went in on Kevin Hart’s puppet ass. Can’t stand him. Katt Williams said white society think he’s the best thing FUNNY in comedy right now. O_o


  6. Yup Tracy I watched and thought Chris Rock brought humor to an already heated situation and he did a good job doing so. I like when he kept saying “WE’RE BLACK INSTEAD OF WE’RE BACK!!!” 😛


  7. Not everyone was impressed with Chris Rock opening monologue on the Oscars last night. NY Post published pictures of him as a lawn jockey. 😆


  8. A lot of Chris Rock’s jokes made white people in that audience feel really uneasy. You could see it in their faces. Especially Sylvester Stallone, when he mentioned a black Rocky.


  9. Chris Rock did great! People pick apart every damn thing. Like he said “It’s always the broke niggas with no jobs telling you to boycott shit!!!”


  10. No Tracy I BOYCOTTED the Oscars. 🙂 But Chris Rock is being talked about on almost all the black radio stations. People really have their opinion on how he handled the issue.


  11. Well for those who didn’t watch, he brought out Stacey Dash as a Black History ambassador and that was so awkward and flat. I like Chris Rock, and wanted him to do well, but I could not support this show.


    1. I heard about him bringing her out. I didn’t watch. But the thing is, his jokes probably would have been funny/uneasy……IF everybody got the “joke”. And I think most of them didn’t get that joke.


      1. Oh they got the joke @Nicole……that was an uneasy laugh I’m sure. The one you make when you are trying to deflect the seriousness of a situation. And I think the whole situation is NO laughing matter, I don’t care which way Chris Rock tried to spin it.


  12. Chris had them cringing in their seats and I loved it. I only watched the monologue and turned back to the Martin reruns. I wonder if Nielsen ratings has a list of the number of people who only tuned into the first ten minutes….. 😆


  13. Ms. Tracy L. Bell, I only watched a little snippet on Facebook this morning.. Watching the camera pan to their faces was hilarious.. I wouldn’t say Rock is an uncle Tom, he just speaks his mind. Either way I didn’t and WASN’T gonna watch it.


      1. why you addressing Blog Queen by her full name?
        Because I like when her show comes on and she says “And I’m your host, Ms. Tracy L. Bell” that’s a stella moment for me.


  14. I personally think a lot of white ppl felt uncomfortable with Chris Rock and his jokes…..I didn’t watch it, just saw clips & I felt a little uneasy cause the crowd was so quiet & he wasn’t holding back, he was really beating the horse.


  15. He dogged black people out. I personally didn’t like Chris Rock’s monologue. He also threw Wanda Sykes under the bus.


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