Blog talk radio, Conversations Of A Sistah, Letting go of the past, Relationships

How to ‘LET GO’ of a past relationship…Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”

Letting go

The year will come to a close in less than 19 days and it may’ve been a trying year of heartbreak, disappointments, lost jobs or failed relationships. You’ve nursed it, rehearsed it and now it’s time to REVERSE IT!

When we dwell on the past it enables us to move forward into a great future. Feelings about a past relationship will hold you back and if you’ve been holding onto an old relationship, now is the perfect time to LET IT GO.

Join me tonight at 8:00 PM on “Conversations Of A Sistah” via “Conversations Live” as I tell you how you can start moving ON from your past and letting go completely.

You can access tonight’s show here or at any of the “Conversations links” in this post!

See you on the air!!

133 thoughts on “How to ‘LET GO’ of a past relationship…Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

  1. MY GF was dating this guy who lived in the past. I told her that’s a BIG NONO!!! she wouldn’t dump him so he wound up dumping her. he was still hooked on an ex.

    Morning Fam


      1. he was still hooked on an ex.
        We can never know what another person is thinking or harboring. a lot of people front with their feelings till they can’t stomach the front no more. then they hurt the other person all because they can’t let go f their past.

        so yeah good morning Zenna, Adriane, bobby and ebony


      2. Wasup.
        Where y’all going with this conversation?
        Zenna, ya friend being dumped, what that got to do with letting go of the past? WTF?


      3. Zenna, ya friend being dumped, what that got to do with letting go of the past?
        She’s having a hard time LETTING THAT GO! is my point.


      4. Leaving all niggraz who did me wrong in the this year 😆 not carrying that negative luggage in the New Year! Follow my lead peoples.
        Good morning!


        But……………………….Is somebody holding onto you though? 😆

        Morning all :waves:


      6. are any of us RESPONSIBLE for not allowing the other person to let go and move on???
        Good question Nicole because some people just need the other to give them closure. and many don’t get that.


      7. are any of us RESPONSIBLE for not allowing the other person to let go and move on???
        Good question Nicole because some people just need the other to give them closure. and many don’t get that.
        Jesus HAVE MERCY. you have to get closure for yourself regardless of whether the other person gets involved or not. you get that closure for yourself. even if you gotta burn all dat kneegrows gifts you do it!!!


  2. some people never get out of the past. they go in circles living the same vicious cycle getting nowhere with the same knee-grows for years. 😡 and they wonder why he don’t change. he won’t change cause you won’t.


  3. Yes the year is gone and it is time to drop that extra luggage for those carrying it.
    I like this topic Tracy. Can’t wait.


  4. “When we dwell on the past it enables us to move forward into a great future.”

    Very true! But bitterness is what people hold onto. when you dwell on the past it’s because you are NOT happy in your current situation. Looking forward to this topic.


  5. we woman are good for holding grudges, hatin and holding onto the past. so I’m sure we can all take a lesson from tonight’s show.


  6. Chile ……….living and holding on to a PAST is like carrying around Gucci luggage. 😦 Nah get rid of those weights!
    Tuning in…… usual 😆


    1. My ex-husband is living in the past because he thinks we will eventually reunite when that’s clearly NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!!
      Why??? Just curious?


      1. My ex-husband is living in the past because he thinks we will eventually reunite when that’s clearly NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!!
        Why??? Just curious?
        Only crabs walk backwards not people that’s why!


  7. a lot of y’all talkinbout you know sistas living in the past my question is, are you the ones keeping them there? Kneegrows kill me tryna skate the topic but not taking responsibility for their part in it.


  8. Dayum this topic is for me. I can’t get over this girl that I did wrong a couple of years ago. I’m still holding it and she happy today and ain’t thinking bout my ass and it hurts.. I hope Trace go easy with this topic


      1. we pretty much know the routine @al,
        why talk early when we can just talk after the show? hell Tracy won’t post nothing new till after her show anyway so what’s the difference?


      2. Hey People
        I can only speak for me….I was off and on with someone for 5 years I broke it off but whenever he says JUMP it’s like my flesh says HOW HIGH!!! 😆 #dontjudgeme


      3. Yeah I’m in this forum and would never let a niggra have me on a short leash. Fuck that!
        Ain’t that much CAN’T LET GO OF THE PAST IN THE WORLD!!!


      4. I was off and on with someone for 5 years I broke it off but whenever he says JUMP it’s like my flesh says HOW HIGH!!! 😆 #dontjudgeme
        Oh wow. No judgments here but have ya computer speakers on blast to hear what Tra gonna say to release that stronghold girl. if there is one only guessing


      5. tonight’s topic ain’t just about 1 person. get over yaselves.
        I agree.. Jut like I believe more people LURK instead of commenting. More people listen but just don’t comment after the show. It’s not just about this lil crowd here I agree


      6. Yes where is Nicole…..cause that song was beautiful!!!
        LeAnn Womack “I hope you dance”

        I hope you dance
        I hope you dance

        I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance
        Never settle for the path of least resistance
        Livin’ might mean takin’ chances, but they’re worth takin’
        Lovin’ might be a mistake, but it’s worth makin’
        Don’t let some Hellbent heart leave you bitter
        When you come close to sellin’ out, reconsider
        Give the heavens above more than just a passing glance
        And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance

        I hope you dance
        I hope you dance
        (Time is a wheel in constant motion always rolling us along)
        I hope you dance
        I hope you dance
        (Tell me who wants to look back on their years and wonder, where those years have gone?)

        I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean
        Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens
        Promise me that you’ll give faith a fighting chance
        And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance

        (Time is a wheel in constant motion always rolling us along)
        I hope you dance
        I hope you dance
        (Tell me who wants to look back on their years and wonder, where those years have gone?)


      7. Tracy had me crying after last nights show.
        I had to hear that show again! That was a good show! Then that song “I hope you dance”


  9. There are many things I need to ‘let go of’ but I’ll keep that to myself…all that I haven’t shared with Tra (giggling) 😆


  10. letting go of anything is a process but a step in the right direction!
    I’m tuning into the show just to make sure I’m aligned to whatever it is blog queen will add to this convo


      1. Trace told da truth!!! Some of that shit she said had me hollering!!! Let it go!! Let it go!! Let it go!!! 😆


      2. She said BURN IT!!!
        men and women see things and mementos from the relationship differently. we go on emotion but men they see it differently, they’ll keep their stuff.


      3. She said BURN IT!!!
        Yes I cosign the “BURN THAT SHIT” it ain’t good to keep old gifts from a past relationships!


      4. She said BURN IT!!!
        Yes this is correct. but I realize we are not all on Tracy’s level, so some of us may not understand now but maybe someday when we look back we will


      5. She said BURN IT!!!
        Yea pretty much. but when I think about my ex maybe burning some of the shit I gave her it fucks with my ego. Trace can really stab us brothaz in the heart.


      6. She said BURN IT!!!
        Sometimes its necessary. bottom line is you do what you have to do to GET RID OF IT!! especially if it’s a reminder of past baggage you need to let go! Tracy Bell is one wise ass sista 😆 we may not always agree w/her but lawd knows she tell the truth!!!


  11. Tracy your show tonight had me extremely emotional. 😥 I had a very bad break-up a couple of years ago with a man that I truly loved but after hearing your show tonight it gave me hope and made me realize that I gotta STOP saying “he was the best thing that ever happened to me” because I’m limiting myself from what God can STILL do in my life. Thank you so much! I love Conversations Of A Sistah!!!


  12. Loved the show.
    get rid of any reminders that remind you of the person. get rid of it…let it go!
    awesome!!! awesome advice!!!


  13. Sorry Ladies and Gents but she spoke the truth yet again! And if you mad you can’t handle what she said…..if you wanna ‘let go of the past’ BURN the path that’s behind you! blow the bridge you cross up so you don’t walk back over that bitch!!! 😆 Conversations Of A Sistah was OFF THE HOOK tonight! Yeah!!!!!!!!


  14. Trying to avoid reading the comments till after I hear the show. I missed it so I’m going to listen to the rewind before I add my .2 cents. I’ll be back 🙂


    1. “creating a separation that this person never existed is one of my greatest strengths” —-> Tracy L. Bell, host of Conversations Of A Sistah.


      1. Both statement truer than true!
        That ‘degree of SEPERATION’ is so true. Let that person remember your back when you walked away or let them go! Those were some powerful thoughts to consider.


      2. “I’ll cut you off in a minute and can act like you never existed when it’s time to grow and move on!” <<<—-I hollered 😆 when she said that.


      3. “I’ll cut you off in a minute and can act like you never existed when it’s time to grow and move on!”
        Yeah but what’s really scary is, she said “this is one of her greatest strengths!” when she said that I was like….. WTF 😆 it sounds like if you hurt Trace youz a dead motherfucker in her mind 😆 Dayum!!!


      4. it sounds like if you hurt Trace youz a dead motherfucker in her mind
        Niggaz gotta walk a chalk line wit her


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