Controversy, Prejudice, Racial Slurs, Racist, What he said, What she said

Black So-called Celebrities Come Out in Support of Paula Deen

Paula Deen Signs Copies Of "Paula's Southern Cooking Bible"

Actress Stacey Dash, NFL player Kris Jenkins and civil rights activist Rev. Al Sharpton are among the black notables who have come forward in support of embattled tv chef Paula Deen.

Deen, 66, was dropped by the Food Network on Friday after Deen readily admitted she used racial slurs and cracked racist jokes about black people in a videotaped deposition.

Two other Deen sponsors, QVC and Smithfield Foods, are quietly shelving the celebrity chef while they await the outcome of a million-dollar sexual harassment lawsuit filed against Deen’s brother, Bubba Hiers, by a former employee.

“A lot of us have in the past said things we have regretted saying years ago,” Sharpton told gossip website TMZ. “You cannot deal with what is fair or not fair until we see an outcome of the present circumstances she is accused of, not something that happened 20 years ago.”

In a tweet sent out from her Twitter account on Monday, Stacey Dash wrote: “God does everything for a reason. “@Paula_Deen Only God can judge your heart BTW my daughter loves your show (only way she can get me to cook)”

And Kris Jenkins, former all-pro defensive tackle for the New York Jets and Carolina Panthers, also spoke out in support of Deen.

“The lady was a sweetheart to me; [her] making a mistake I’m not going to be the one to make a big deal of it,” said Jenkins in an interview with Metro New York.

Jenkins continued: “I got to see her heart and for me, I don’t look at the ‘N word’ as a bad word like that in this year—in 2013. The reason is because I think the ‘N word’ is more a test of my inner strength as to how strong am I to even be bothered by the word or not.”

43 thoughts on “Black So-called Celebrities Come Out in Support of Paula Deen”

  1. I was feeling sorry for her until Wendy ran tape from a recent appearance of Paula when she tries to prove she has black friends. There is a black backdrop and Paula says he is nearly as black as that and says you can’t see him because he’s standing next to the black wall. After that I really had no use for her azz.


  2. STUPID MOTHEREFFING COONS! Why don’t yall just go and paint yall faces black and tap dance for her then at the slave-esq wedding then?!



  3. The ole wrinkled heffa said she wanted a Plantation style wedding where the negroes would be more or less their “SLAVES”. She had her negro workers in her restaurant have separate restrooms and entrances than their white counterparts and I AM SURE she paid them different too (if they go thatf far)
    So they gonna defend that shyt too?!
    Man I wish brother Malcolm was still alive to roast this chick. BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.


  4. Yeah Uma need Rev. Al to be more clear on his statement about good ole Paula. He seem to be contradicting himself esp. on his show just now. Smh. Make up ya mind Al.


  5. And let me not forget to mention that Stacy Dash is a documented lunatic who jumps on whatever bandwagon will get her some publicity. Too bad she can’t work due to her mental illness.


  6. Stacey is a just a bitter bitch…I have no words for that whore. All three of her Sprite men have left her so she’s damaged goods


  7. Stacey Dash just looking to be relevant again. I mean the girl ain’t had a steady gig since Clueless. No comment on Rev Al. He only show up when it’s big stuff.


  8. And I ain’t take Al’s ass serious when he started frolickin with that Jezebel in White, Lisa Raye.

    They should’ve left his fat ass to starve in Puerto Rico when he went on that hunger strike


  9. “A lot of us have in the past said things we have regretted saying years ago,” Sharpton told gossip website TMZ. “You cannot deal with what is fair or not fair until we see an outcome of the present circumstances she is accused of, not something that happened 20 years ago.”
    Ok what about her current use and plantation themed wedding, let me guess she was paying homage GTFOH


  10. Kris Jenkins: um sir what was she supposed to do? Spit in your face? Call you the n word on camera? The most dangerous racist are the ones that hide it. KluxKlan Klan members wear hoods for a reason son


  11. Paula Deen is from the deep south; from an era where that was totally acceptable. An old zebra can’t be expected to change its stripes.


    1. I saw that segment. But you have to remember, Paula Deen is from the deep south; from an era where that was totally acceptable. An old zebra can’t be expected to change its stripes.
      as well AS.. on the TODAY show she said she IS NOT\WILL not change!!


  12. Al and Stacy both need to have several seats. There is no defense regarding her remarks and attitude towards African Americans.


  13. Yesterday morning on the today show when she said ” idk Matt. Do u know how many times I’ve heard that word used in my kitchen by the guys that work there. In order for change to occur it must start with the youth not using that word” ….. wayment bish… I agree the youth shouldn’t use the word but u 60 something years old. You don’t know what to and what not to say out your mouth #byepaula


    1. That’s right Piglet Paula start a MANUFACTURED CRISIS blame society, the youth and essentially the very race you are offending to divert attention from YOUR offensive actions I wish I could say it won’t work but it will. Some people will agree that if Black Tony off MLK says it then so can Piglet. Ok cool. But Black Tony isn’t making millions off the people he is calling that. Boycott his fries he salts at Mickey Das but don’t give her a pass


  14. Why do I have the feeling in all of this Martha Stewart is somewhere sitting next to snoop dogg smoking her weed and laughing her azz off


    1. Why do I have the feeling in all of this Martha Stewart is somewhere sitting next to snoop dogg smoking her weed and laughing her azz off
      And Martha aint never tried to get us to fry no butter either!


  15. Breaking::: Paula Deen has been dropped by Target and Novo Nordisk following her admission that she uttered racial slurs in the past.

    Ah Ha Paula!!


    1. Hey Henrietta, last i heard they were clowning the witness who was on the phone w/Trayvon the night he was killed. They were saying It’s Madea on trail. Damn shame. SMH. I refuse to watch it cause i don’t wanna get mad.


  16. The Rev tryna change what he said about Deen talking bout “friend or Foe, I wanna know” yeah ok…he should of called her out on the “N” word period.


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