Controversy, Discrimination, Drama, Education/Schools, Election 2012, Politics, Prejudice, President Obama, Protest/Boycott, Racist

Mississippi Still Racist in 2012!

About 600 ‘Ole Miss’ students gathered Wednesday for the “We Are One Mississippi” counter-protest. Racial slurs were used when about 400 students gathered to protest President Obama’s re-election Tuesday night. The Tuesday night protest grew to about 400 students after Obama was re-elected.

Some shouted, “The South will rise again” during the protest, eyewitnesses and university police officials told The Clarion-Ledger. Others used racial slurs. An Obama campaign sign was also burned.

University of Mississippi students held a candlelight march to protest a spontaneous anti-Obama demonstration on Election Night that turned ugly when some students shouted racial slurs.

Ole Miss is still grappling with its legacy as the setting of racial riots in 1962 after James H. Meredith was enrolled as the school’s first black student. Two people were killed in the violent protests, which forced President John F. Kennedy to send in federal troops.

“It just makes me angry that we’re celebrating 50 years of integration yet people decided to be stupid last night and throw a fit over the election,” student Jordan Price told WREG.

“There’s no place for something like this in our school,” student Mackenzie Widder said.

School and police officials told The Clarion-Ledger that some reports, including those describing the demonstration as a “riot,” were exaggerated.

Dean of Students Sparky Reardon said: “There were tens of thousands of other Ole Miss students who were studying or working for campus media or attending election watch parties. They were busy doing what Ole Miss does best”

 The school is working on an appropriate response to the incident.

All of this took place because President Barack Obama was re-elected for a second term? What did they do four years ago when he was elected?

101 thoughts on “Mississippi Still Racist in 2012!”

      1. @Adam, you got to “MANUP” BRO.
        If you dish shit you got to take it. if you were gonna take that political rhetoric here to heart you shoulda just not involved yourself in the conversations. Esp. when you know this is mostly Obama bloggers. Keep ya comments nuetral but you said shit and put ya self out there. But it’s all good in this hood.


  1. I did not vote for President Barack Obama however he is our president and we have to move on and give him the respect for the office. Cyrus just said last night “It’s time to move forward”


    1. Coco,
      Racism is a learned behavior– period. I am not a racist because I was not raised to be one. I never heard any racist utterances in my household and I did not dare repeat any negative epithets I may have heard from the outside because my parents woulda whooped my ass.


      1. Racism is a learned behavior
        COSIGN!!!!! Parents teach their children that sickness.


  2. When you teach your child to be a racist, that’s what he will become. So do not act surprised when we shit like like this happens and do not be embarrassed when they reveals what they are taught…This is the prime example of racist children.


  3. morning people.

    annybody else think those comments regarding that cyrus webb interview was shut down waaay too quick? Wassup wit that?


    1. Morning Lexy.

      Cyrus couldn’t take being bombarded. When I emailed Tracy her adm said comments are automaticaly SHUT down after 5 days. 🙂


      1. Morning Keisha, Lexy and Adriane.

        Lexy, Coco made a comment that “Tracy should F*CK Cyrus until he screams Obama” 🙂 LOL shit went downhill after that!


      2. corp, that cyrus webb interview was hot last week
        Dude told Tracy “he loved her” on the air. I mean c’mon. he wanted it to be hot

        morning people


      3. hey yall couldn’t find yall for a minute. there’s 2 sets of good mornings and wassups going on in here, b4 i realized the closer one is from friday.


      4. Hello everyone 🙂

        @Al, didn’t know how to take that love expression from cyrus to Tracy either.
        @Lexy, when Trace update the past shows page you can add your commnet there.


      5. @Al and Felicia, Cyrus’ love for blog queen leaves much to the imagination
        STOP FISHING PEOPLE!!!! The guy Cyrus didn’t mean romantically I’m sure.


      6. Lexy,
        Danny Ah hell to many of y’all to call by name. Wassup everybody 🙂


      7. @Lexy, when Trace update the past shows page you can add your commnet there.
        Thanks @Felicia.

        Lexy, Coco made a comment that “Tracy should F*CK Cyrus until he screams Obama”

        LOL Wow!!!!


      8. hello everyone…

        smh at that “Tracy should F*CK Cyrus until he screams Obama” comment that was really bold to say.


  4. Riots, folk goin crazy, people being fired, people hoping obama die. shit is crazy. all because he was re elected.

    May God bless and keep that man (our Prez) and “the people” in the midst of this madness.


  5. These racist ass students need to focus on their education and get over the fact that the man will be their president for 4 MORE YEARS!!!


  6. I just shared with family members before the election that racism was underlying many of the lies circulated about Obama, but they wouldn’t hear it. This is the third article in two days I’ve read about white’s using the “n” word to condemn Obama. shameful.


    1. You are RIGHT @Ionna,
      a woman in California was fired for tweeting racial hate-speech and threats; a group of high school students; and now Old Miss.This man back is under arrest for repeatedly threatening Obama’s life. FYI, he happens to be black. We gotta pray for this country fa real.


  7. Ignorant and uneducated people like these students at Ole Miss should not be allowed to breed..they will only breed another generation of hatred and the country needs to stop this madness by any means necessary


  8. Maybe they were celebrating the fact that the state with one of the lowest number of educated individuals, poorest schools, and most WHITE welfare recipients were not in danger of losing their hypocritical way of life………dripping in sarcasm. Just another example of the stupid being convinced to vote against their own best interests.


  9. Is this an institute of higher learning or what…stupidity and ignorance is alive in Ole’s a shame to waste money on an education and this is the result…they should all get a refund.


  10. *** It’s so embarrassing to see such disrespect for a sitting President no matter who would have won….9 of the poorest states were Romney supporters…Most southern states…..What’s up with that ??…Did they really think they were NOT above the 47 percent Romney was talking bout???…Dumb asses!!!


  11. If Romney would have won and black students would of rioted they’d be in jail by now. They need to sit their dumb asses down cause obama if anything will make education affordable for they asses. big dummies.


  12. No real social progress in the deep south. Still the same shit like the 60s. Racist breeded a whole new generation of racist. SMH


  13. I voted for President Obama for the content of his character, not the color of his skin.
    Ignorance and hate are something altogether different.
    Ignorance begets ignorance. Hate begets hate.


  14. People, just look at a map breaking down slavery laws in 1850, where it was legal, neutral or not, and then look at an electoral college map. Same thing, basically. Only old habits die hard.


  15. Yes Mississippi is still racist and Barack Obama is still black and President of these United States all day every day for the next 4 years!!!!! Now what?


  16. sad that these young people are 2nd and 3rd generation racist raised bigots. but unfortuantely them rioting doesn’t change history. a black man is their president and if they don’t like it they should leave the country now.


  17. Now this is truly sad. Hope cooler heads have prevailed. because here we are almost a week later and guess what? Obama is still president and still sitting his fyne azz in the white house.


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