Down Low, Drama, Hot Mess, Lesbian, Relationships, Religion, Scandal, What she said

“Juanita Bynum Confesses to being with women”…

Is anybody even following this woman anymore? She has gone from one extreme to another concerning her personal life, which appears to be off balanced and unstable emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Bynum recently admitted on the V-103 radio station that attraction to women was among her many struggles.

“I’ve done it all. I did the drugs. I’ve been with men. I’ve been with women,” “It’s not a line. It’s my life.”

Because she’s had those experiences and made those mistakes, Juanita said “she’s better equipped to help lost souls who seek her counsel.” Is she serious? You have to be careful to whom you seek counsel from, people.

Juanita, whose marital problems were made public in 2007 when her husband physically assaulted her in public, is now divorced. She didn’t elaborate on whether her sexual relationships with women were trysts or full-fledged relationships, but she believes she was depending on physical satisfaction to fill a void in her life, and that led to more problems.

I was just having a conversation with my oldest brother, Henry, the other night and he said and I quote: “when you’re grounded in your faith, temptations should not be a struggle for you but if you yield and give into temptation, then you’re not strong and grounded in your faith”. 

Read more of Juanita Bynum’s confession right here…

49 thoughts on ““Juanita Bynum Confesses to being with women”…”

  1. ain’t nothing wrong with hearing testimony from someone who has been delivered from such issues? but has she been delivered? sounds like she turned to women after bishop weeks beat her ass, dumped her and moved on. SMH..


  2. I am cool with the personal accountability message but come on with the revealing of past sex partners. I feel that is wrong even in the personal accountability context. She’s looking for ratings/attention. Sad


  3. I hope all these revelations don’t come back and bite her in the azz. Everything is simply not for public consumption. I mean really.


  4. she either promoting something or selling something and what better way to get folk talkin than fessin up to some bullshit like “i been with women” GTFOH Juanita.

    Go get delivered fa real yo.


  5. Let me tell y’all something….had this plastic biatch been with a woman, that person would have surfaced for their 15 minutes of fame long time ago.

    Juanita is nothing more than a fake, phony and a fraud…which is why God exposed her ass for the liar and thief she really is long time ago.


    1. Juanita is nothing more than a fake, phony and a fraud…which is why God exposed her ass for the liar and thief she really is long time ago.



    2. Juanita is nothing more than a fake, phony and a fraud…which is why God exposed her ass for the liar and thief she really is long time ago.
      whoop there it is!!!!!!!!


  6. Give it up Juanita ain’t nobody following her or taking whatever she has to say seriously, you might need a check up from the neck up if you do.


  7. Sad the lengths these greedy ass so-called religious folk will go thru just to make money, sell a product of bring attention to oneself. sad. Just sad


  8. Me think she’s full of shit!!! How come her affairs with women wasn’t mentioned in her book “no more sheets”..she tryna PIMP herself people.


    1. Okay, how does one become a prophet / prophetess? Do you have to go to college for that?

      It’s called the Universal Life Church, you can call yourself anything you like (including God).


  9. I don’t admire her at all. She shouldn’t be ministering to anyone. She needs to take care of herself. She has been a show off for many years and whose prophet is she anyway? How does one substantiate those credentials. She has been making up fly by night theology for years. I have watched her many times and she is using the church world to validate her ego.


    1. I have watched her many times and she is using the church world to validate her ego

      YES and she does have an ego…I heard her say on TBN that her (then husband-Bishop Weeks) asked her to make him a tuna fish sandmich and she told him “I ain’t got no time to make no sandwiches I’m too busy traveling the world, healing, preaching and saving folks I ain’t got time to be making you no tuna fish sandmiches” so IMO she didn’t want a husband…Her ego told her different


  10. The more she speaks, the more obvious it is that prayers on her behalf should be steadfast and continual. This woman is def. crazy!


  11. When she shared with the public why she thought it was a good idea to wear her wedding dress on her anniversary following a divorce with a man with whom she says abused her mentally and physically, I knew then that she was struggling with some serious mental health issues. SMH!!


  12. preachers/pastors have the best gig in town. They are able to fool people better than anyone else and still get paid.


  13. In my view, Bynum is the worst sort of self-serving Prosperity Gospel snakes ever. The sooner we’re RID of all the Bynums, Creflo Dollars, Eddie Longs, etc., the better off we’ll be.


  14. Juanita Bynum was primarily referring to her use of drugs and her “attracting” bad relationships. This includes two abusive marriages. She need to sit her azz down somewhere and just STFU becuz the more she talks the more she diggs a whole for her and her so called religion.


  15. poor thang…she’s nasty and confused..tryna figure out how to make her next buck. all the gospel shows done dropped her confused ass. She use to be a regular on TBN as soon as her drama broke out they dropped her. She make sincere church leaders look bad.


  16. almost erboby in the church is an ex something. either an x-drug dealer, ex-pimp, ex-hoe, ex-drug addict, ex-sex addict. the most common lookin niggroe sittin next 2you in your houses of worship is/or was fucked up in one way or another.


    1. almost erboby in the church is an ex something. either an x-drug dealer, ex-pimp, ex-hoe, ex-drug addict, ex-sex addict. the most common lookin niggroe sittin next 2you in your houses of worship is/or was fucked up in one way or another.

      That’s what I’m sayin.


  17. bottom line is: this so called religious trick is a freak and now she gone make money talkin about it. she’s a church hustler.


    1. bottom line is: this so called religious trick is a freak and now she gone make money talkin about it. she’s a church hustler.

      yeah pretty much.


  18. 1st she made millions with “no more sheets” now i guess she gon come out with a new book “no more titts” GTFOH Juanita!!!


  19. We oftentimes think there is “big sin and little sin!” Every person falls and who are any of us to judge another? The same God that can and will deliver one of us, has the power to deliver us all. Be careful of what you speak about others.


    1. We oftentimes think there is “big sin and little sin!” ->no such thing we ain’t stoopid we know sin is sin period!!!.

      Every person falls and who are any of us to judge another? ->Bible states to try (JUDGE) the spirit to know whether it IS of God and she is not!!!!

      The same God that can and will deliver one of us, has the power to deliver us all. –>Chile BYE!!!! that’s just it she ain’t been “delivered” she playin and making money off of gullible people like you!

      Be careful of what you speak about others.—>This is a blog we SPEAK and share opinions and we are careful with how we express ourselves here.


    2. Be careful of what you speak about others

      Like Bishop Long, Dolla (make U wanna holla), Paula White, Hin and the rest of these money hungry god playas….. leaders are held and accountable to a higher standard. and if we don’t JUDGE advantage will be takin by all.


    3. We oftentimes think there is “big sin and little sin!” –>Oh Palease who don’t know that sin is sin? No lesson from your comment on that point


  20. Ugh! Not checkin for Juanita…so she can get her freak on with men, women hell IDC that’s between her and God. SMH


  21. Hey… give her a break she’s just a human being after all she has done”not GOD WHOSE PERFECT”people before you pass judgements start by self introspection”JESUS TOLD PEOPLE THAT IF THEIRS NO ONE AMOST YOU WHO HAVE NO SIN CAN THROW THE ROCK UNTO THIS WOMAN JUANITA”i say eat what is inside the container,if what she precheses gives hope,live and strengthens your faith then eat dont look how bad is the container.dont judge the book by its cover…


  22. Leave Juanita Bynum alone we all have stuggles, that doesn’t make her not a woman of God that makes her a realist that can help hurting men and women who struggle with a area that Jesus delivered her from. The last time i read the word of God it said we all, all all all are filthy rags save by GRACE.
    This message is with love.
    He with out sin cast the first stone.


    1. Leave Juanita Bynum alone–> Aw what are u a fan?

      we all have stuggles, that doesn’t make her not a woman of God that makes her a realist –>Really? was she a realist when she asked another women’s husband to marry her in order to milk people from her man made relationship with bishop weeks?

      Juanita can help hurting men and women who struggle with a area that Jesus delivered her from. –>How? when she’s not delievered herself! Can u not discern a false/fake prophet when you hear/see one?

      He with out sin cast the first stone. –> Chile Boo bye!!!! and I say that with love


    1. I have one question to those that have a negative mind set [What is in your closet that only you and God know about?
      whatever those closets are we are not MILKY money from FOLK WHO DON’T NO ANY BETTER to benefit from it just because we have a platform to do so.


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