Crime, Dearly Departed, Law and order, News, What she said

“I Am Trayvon Martin” Outrage or Craze??

In support of Trayvon Martin, the 17 year old who was gunned down on February 26, 2012 in the gated community where his father’s lived, the internet is all a craze with people wearing hoodies in light of the details made known by his killers pursuit.

LeBron James and the Miami Heat team showed their full support for Trayvon Martin by wearing grey hoodies in a group photo LeBron uploaded to yesterday with the hashtags: “#WeAreTrayvonMartin #Hoodies #Stereotyped #WeWantJustice”.

Meanwhile, Fox News host Geraldo Rivera fanned the flames of controversy when he advised black and Hispanic parents not to let their sons leave home wearing hoodies.

Rivera denied that he was “blaming the victim” and called it “common sense” for minorities to avoid wearing hoodies. He said that he was “reminding minority parents of the risk that comes with being a kid of color in America,” according to the Huffington Post.

Trayvon was unarmed and carrying a bag of Skittles and a can of ice tea when he was ambushed and gunned down by a racist neighborhood watch captain as he walked home from a corner store. Because Trayvon was black and wearing a hoodie, the neighborhood watch captain thought he was a suspicious criminal, “up to no good”.

But… one of my loyal readers think it’s a craze, and when the flames are fanned, the outrage will subside. Why? Because we don’t stay informed, check out what she said:

Ok let me try and be tactful here. This horrible act occured on 2/26/12. In 7 day’s it will be a month that this baby’s life was taken AWAY  and people are JUST NOW up in arms. Why? Because Facebook made you aware of this heanous act. (long sigh). The last time people were moved like this was the Troy Davis situaton every one was posting  I AM TROY DAVIS. Month’s later I SEE NOTHING   (another lo…ng sigh). PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOR THE LAST TIME PLEASE (IM BEGGING (SOMETHING I HARDLY EVER DO)  STOP LETTING THE MEDIA MAKE YOU AWARE OF WHATS GOING ON IN OUR COMMUNITIES AROUND THE WORLD. IM FED UP ALREADY WITH THIS MEDEOCRICY  SERIOUSLY. GET INVOLVED IN YOUR COMMUNITIES. FIND OUT WHO YOUR  SENATE LEADERS ARE  , SIGN UP FOR INFORMATIVE NEWSLETTERS NOT JUST MEDIATAKEOUT (OH YES I DID). YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY THERE IS NO CHANGE? BECAUSE THEIR IS NO CONSISTENCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND BECAUSE AFTER THE MEDIA STOPS REPORTING, AND PEOPLE STOP POSTING EVERYONE FORGETS!!!!!!! STAY INFORMED, BUT BETTER THAN JUST POSTING ON FACEBOOK CALL YOUR  SENATE LEADERS, I PUT MY HARRASING PHONE CALL’S THROUGH A WEEK AND AHALF AGO DID YOU?

Will you stay informed or make a difference? And how can tragic situations like this never happen again?

136 thoughts on ““I Am Trayvon Martin” Outrage or Craze??”

  1. I got up and had to log in to comment on this fuckery… so minorities shouldn’t wear hoodies?? Heaven forbid it’s cold outside or RAINING.. we should just say fuck it and NOT cover our heads, for fear of being GUNNED DOWN by a maniac!!!!?? I canNOT with that reasoning… wow


    1. BlogQueen, who’s the people in the top photo??
      I was wondering the same thing. Esp. the pregnant chick wearin the hoodie with her belly showing.


    2. BlogQueen, who’s the people in the top photo??
      They look like ordainary people. I like it.


    3. BlogQueen, who’s the people in the top photo??
      They look like ordainary people. I like it.

      And check it out, she put the ordinary people b4 the Miami Heat players. I like the photo tho


  2. “Rivera argued that avoiding certain types of attire was a necessary deterrent against racial profiling.”

    So its ok that I think he may be a rapist or serial killer because of that fuckin mustache!!


    1. So its ok that I think he may be a rapist or serial killer because of that fuckin mustache!!

      cracking up 🙂 Exactly!


  3. *Clapps @the heat hopefully all the teams follow this TREND

    And geraldo punk ass wonder why chairs are always flying his way fuckin his shit up


  4. He’s stupid…enough on Geraldo, he’s getting all kinds of publicity for making idiotic statements.

    Zimmerman is still a free man…


    1. Zimmerman is still a free man
      A free man?? Really? He might be “A FREE MAN” technically but not theoretically because he’s HIDING out!!!! He’s afraid to show his face in public and has hired a lawyer. And even he (his lawyer) look scared. You can argue that dangerous Florida law all up and down the coast, nothing justify’s this killer’s actions. And when Zimmerman is alone at night, it’s only him with his thoughts and he has to relive that night over and over in his mind to try and justify taking this young boys life. So ya see, I don’t see that as being FREE….yeah he’s not locked up yet but he’s far from free.


    2. Zimmerman is still a free man
      A free man?? Really? He might be “A FREE MAN” technically but not theoretically because he’s HIDING out!!!!
      He’s afraid to show his face in public and has hired a lawyer. And even he (his lawyer) look scared. You can argue that dangerous Florida law all up and down the coast, nothing justify’s this killer’s actions. And when Zimmerman is alone at night, it’s only him with his thoughts and he has to relive that night over and over in his mind to try and justify taking this young boys life. So ya see, I don’t see that as being FREE….yeah he’s not locked up yet but he’s far from free.



    3. A free man?? Really? He might be “A FREE MAN” technically but not theoretically because he’s HIDING out!!!!
      COSIGN!!!! Well said.


    4. Zimmerman is still a free man
      A free man?? Really? He might be “A FREE MAN” technically but not theoretically because he’s HIDING out!!!! He’s afraid to show his face in public and has hired a lawyer. And even he (his lawyer) look scared. You can argue that dangerous Florida law all up and down the coast, nothing justify’s this killer’s actions. And when Zimmerman is alone at night, it’s only him with his thoughts and he has to relive that night over and over in his mind to try and justify taking this young boys life. So ya see, I don’t see that as being FREE….yeah he’s not locked up yet but he’s far from free.

      @Zion, I totally agree!


    5. <Zimmerman is still a free man
      A free man?? Really? He might be “A FREE MAN” technically but not theoretically because he’s HIDING out!!!! He’s afraid to show his face in public and has hired a lawyer. And even he (his lawyer) look scared. You can argue that dangerous Florida law all up and down the coast, nothing justify’s this killer’s actions. And when Zimmerman is alone at night, it’s only him with his thoughts and he has to relive that night over and over in his mind to try and justify taking this young boys life. So ya see, I don’t see that as being FREE….yeah he’s not locked up yet but he’s far from free.
      Great point @Zion, I never looked at it like that


    6. Has anybody offered up a “Where’s Zimmerman Reward?” or something
      Danny, I got $50 towards that pot…


    7. You can argue that dangerous Florida law all up and down the coast, nothing justify’s this killer’s actions.
      Zion, the stand Your Ground law sounds kinda dumb to me.. Seems the threat would have tobe real or at least reasonable for this to apply.

      And self defense should only be valid if he’d tried to remove himself from the situation and his back was against the wall. To me, once the dispatcher told him to back off and he didn’t, he was stalking (or at the least lurking with intent) and that would negate both his arguments for justification…


    8. Nicole:

      All of the men that signed that bill have stated that their law did not apply to zimmerman. Well almost all of them, with the exception of Jeb bush, unless he’s spoken on it today. But as of yesterday, he’s said Nothing, only that he supports mitt romney.

      They have the photo of when he signed the Stand Your Ground law into effect and right next to him is an NRA lady grinning ear-to-ear.


    9. The stand ur ground law is good if someone breaks in2 ur house, u can lay them down no questions asked. THIS was not a stand ur ground situation. Zim Bono went after poor Trayvon. hunted him down like a damn dog AFTER POLICE told him to SET HIS ASS DOWN!


    10. The stand ur ground law is good if someone breaks in2 ur house, u can lay them down no questions asked. THIS was not a stand ur ground situation. Zim Bono went after poor Trayvon. hunted him down like a damn dog AFTER POLICE told him to SET HIS ASS DOWN!
      Yes ma’am lets not skirt the issues with the what to wear confusion. The issue is this man decided to be judge jury and executioner.


    11. All I wanna know is, how many more “Witnesses” is the defense going to purchase before Zimmerman is arrested and charged with murder?


    12. All I wanna know is, how many more “Witnesses” is the defense going to purchase before Zimmerman is arrested and charged with murder?
      The black panthers want Zimmerman DEAD or ALIVE!


    13. All I wanna know is, how many more “Witnesses” is the defense going to purchase before Zimmerman is arrested and charged with murder?
      The black panthers want Zimmerman DEAD or ALIVE!
      Ok, as much as I want this azzhole Zimmerman to face justice,.. you cannot meet ignorance with ignorance. It can not and will not solve anything. The fact that the “new black panther party” has a bounty on Zimmerman, is freaking insane. By killing him or beating him up you are just as bad as he is. If anyone kills him, I hope they are arrested as well. As much as I hate to say this, give the justice system a chance to work. I would rather see him spend the rest of his pathetic life in prison, then dead.
      /end rant


    14. The black panthers want Zimmerman DEAD or ALIVE!

      As reported in the Daily News:

      “Zimmerman – who is in hiding out after the New Black Panthers put a $10,000 bounty on his head”


    15. $10,000 bounty on his head??
      Hell I should go to Florida and start looking for his ass for $10,000 times is tight too.


  5. I like what the heat did…but Id much rather would have like them to say something about the BS going on in the state they play in. … BUT Small Victories I guess.


  6. I just can’t with Geraldo….a child should be able to wear fucking sweats and a hoodie if he wants to! GTFOOH!


  7. Oh my gosh I love it. I also like the rap song that is out called *Trayvon* Michael Baisden played it yesterday.. it was deep.


  8. They should have asked old funky moustache (it looks like it reeks of pussy and cigar smoke) GerNoNo if he ever found that vault of Al Capone’s treasures


  9. I love the Miami Heat. I’m even more in love now.

    On the other hand, last I checked we were still in America and you should be able to wear whatever you want to wear without the fear of being shot.
    Sterotypes come from a place of ignorance.

    I’m rocking my hoodie now, please don’t shoot.



    1. Keisha,
      My 1 year son has on a hoodie today because it’s raining so I should just let him go outside, get wet, and then get sick.



  10. “one of my loyal readers think it’s a craze, and when the flames are fanned, the outrage will subside. Why? Because we don’t stay informed, check out what she said:”

    I agree with the loyal reader

    Represent!!! Bottom line.. Represent!!!

    Its time people start changing there perception. Too me, anybody is capable of commiting a crime. I am cautious of all people not just the people with hoodies on.

    Unless it was 80 degrees or above and somebody rocking one then I will offer them some iron pills because they might be anemic like me!!!


  11. Soooo Gerald Just gonna Ignore the Fact that it was RAINING And thats why he was wearing a Hoodie!

    So If im black and its raining i must get wet because i don’t want my hoodie to get me killed

    Besides isnt this the same dude who convinced everyone there was money and shit in Capone Vault and its was EMPTY! Sit down sir


    1. SOOOO Geraldz lil son Cruz is going to grow up confused AND SCARED huh? So tragic….
      it’s already tragic Gerald is his daddy.


  12. Good for the Miami Heat!!!

    Geraldo needs to STFU, before somebody breaks his fuckin nose, again.


    I pray that justice is served, but at the rate this shit is going, I’ll take street justice. Racist azz fucka


  13. I wonder if Geraldo’s attention whorish azz would say the same shit if it was his son that was hunted and gunned down, and his killer walked free.


    1. I wonder if Geraldo’s attention whorish azz would say the same shit if it was his son that was hunted and gunned down, and his killer walked free.

      That weirdo probably would cuz he is not in touch with reality as I see it!
      I actually think he would turn that into more fame for him!


  14. The HEAT they look like a force to be reckoned with and won’t tolerate injustice more teams should do this – It sends a profound message

    Geraldo isn’t it time for your to retire?


    1. Nice photos – nice statement

      But….Hoodies don’t have anything to do with this murder!

      REAL TALK….



  15. I definately get where he is coming from. It is a shame that black and latino children can’t wear what the hell they want. Whether or not they should pattern their style after criminals is another topic altogether. I think his point is Trayvon should have been allowed to wear a hoodie if he damn well pleased. The problem is there is a chance that you are going to have to pay for the choice with your life. Zimmerman is the devil walking on earth, but he’s here. Trayvon is dead.


  16. Charlamagne tweeted, “Does the stand your ground law apply if someone sees George Zimmerman, feels threatened because he’s a murderer, and kills him?”


  17. What kills me is that Christine Romans on CNN this morning was shocked and astonished that black families have to have a separate “talk” with their children than white families about possible racial profiling….she was acting all surprised and undone by the idea…like do white people honestly not understand that we still have to raise our youth to be aware of these things??? It really kills me…

    I’m off folks!

    Thanks for the Saturday post Tra 🙂

    Have a great weekend all!


  18. Zimmerman is a coward! The devil is more into taking souls as opposed to sending one home to the LORD!
    DEMONS are our enemies – The Devil tempts you but you as a human have the free will to make the wrong or right choice!


  19. I’m Hispanic and this guy made us look bad. It was raining, thus he was wearing a hoodie. Not to meniton, he wasn’t armed and the dispatch informed him not to pursue. This poor kid didn’t need to die!


  20. The only racists are people who think wearing a hooded sweatshirt makes you look threatening. No, let me correct that. They aren’t racist, they are just chicken sh– who watch too many movies.


  21. This is why we aren’t growing as a people. Grassroots spread the information. Is everyone valid in their pursuit of it? Probably not but the bigger issue is that as each person reposted articles or put on a hoody in support it brings attention to the issue that racism and profiling is still alive.

    It starts conversations with parents and their children. The halo affect is so much bigger than dismissing how and when people got involved. Everyone wasn’t at the forefront of civil rights movement either.

    Think of the bigger picture


  22. Someone should find “The Racist FUCK” while on the phone with police, pursue him against their advice, then shoot him in his chest and say they are protected by Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law because they felt threatened and I guarantee you this person wouldn’t be walking free, especially if they’re a black man. I wanna find him and string his ass up.


  23. Can somebody please just off this fat fuck so we can move forward with life? Then follow suit with the racist police chief and his racist underlings? We wouldn’t have to swap stories about what happened then, cause it’d be no reason to.

    This shit here and the fact that this fool ain’t been arrested yet makes me want to riot…in THEIR neighborhood.


  24. According to a Fox News affiliate, the Sanford police department has a “secret witness” statement in the Trayvon Martin case that corroborates George Zimmerman’s claim of self defense.


    1. thank you @Browngirl,
      I was about to say the same thing. This man was greater in size than Trayvon and he had a gun, I call BULLSHIT on the police department’s so called witness.


    2. According to a Fox News affiliate, the Sanford police department has a “secret witness” statement in the Trayvon Martin case that corroborates George Zimmerman’s claim of self defense.
      Uh huh… Riiiight.


    3. Nonsense!! I don’t even know why they are still trying to cover up this mess. It’s a secret witness because that person is a liar and will recieve death threats like everyone else in Zimmerman’s corner.


    4. According to a Fox News affiliate, the Sanford police department has a “secret witness” statement in the Trayvon Martin case that corroborates George Zimmerman’s claim of self defense.
      I call bullshit o’ la on that theory..



    5. Are they SERIOUS!!!!!

      First of all if this “witness” didn’t see everything from the beginning they need to STFU.

      It has already been established who was pursuing who. IF and that’s a big “IF” Treyvon WAS attacking Zimmerman maybe he was trying to defend himself. Is it against the law to defend yourself. Isn’t that the same plea that allowed Zimmerman to walk away in the first place.

      If George had minded his got damn business and left that boy alone none of this would have happened. That boy would have went where he belonged and they wouldn’t have to use made up eyewitness accounts to try and save face. He’s the one who made that boy act on fear not the other way around.


    6. Unless I misheard a news report a woman said she saw Zimmerman on top of Trayvon beating him up…and another woman said she kept asking Zimmerman what was going on 3x before he finally said calmly “just call the police”. Funny how this John Doe guy was the only person to see Trayvon attack this grown overweight gun toting neighborhood watchman.

      And why would the screaming stop right after the shots were fired if it was Zimmerman who was screaming? If it was self defense why not continue screaming for someone to call 911? This stand your ground law will not hold here, as this child was not on zimmermans property.


    7. Oh ok! So the 911 tapes were fabricated and you, secret witness, have the real answers. Yeah. GTFOHWTBS! People are really something else.


    8. Oh pul-leeze! There’s no secret eye-witness. If so, he would’ve said something a long time ago when it happened.


    9. BullShit, they are digging into their playbook.

      Like someone else said, I’ve never heard of anyone with a gun screaming for help. I wrote on facebook, that he could of used that gun to scare the kid, especially since all the kid had was a pack of skittles.

      As for this witness, too many people I have heard from, have contradicted this. These motherfuckers will stop at nothing. This shit hit a little too close to home for me, this child’s family deserves justice.


    10. This was premeditated. He was going to shoot trayvon before he called the police, he was setting up his alibi. Zimmermans father is a police officer or judge so he knows what he is doing.


    11. I worked in law enforcement for about 8 years (prior to going corporate last year) and this is NOT okay! These folks are so full of it! What police department doesn’t take photos of a death scene?! Even natural deaths are photographed so what would make these incompetent clowns overlook the required photos?

      I believe that the department is involved in a cover up but not so much to protect Zimmerman but to hide their incompetence and potential racially-based lack of concern. Not only should the chief be forced out, the officers that were on the scene should be terminated as well! I have worked with great cops of all races so all police agencies aren’t like this but I call it like I see it and they are not right.


    12. I call bullshit on this!!
      I really hope they don’t try & let this guy get away with murder!
      Justice needs to be served and swiftly!!!


    13. That’s funny. You can’t defend yourself against a kid with your bare hands? Why didn’t he say he was being attacked to the dispatcher? Didn’t he just say the kid was coming towards him, but gave the impression the kid was just walking in his direction vs charging at him? Why hasn’t any of the other witnesses come fwd to say they saw the kid attacking him, which resulted in the grown man pulling a gun to defend himself?

      And finally, y. r. u. on the run if you innocent?


    14. According to a Fox News affiliate, the Sanford police department has a “secret witness” statement in the Trayvon Martin case that corroborates George Zimmerman’s claim of self defense.
      Yeah Right…The Sanford Police have a secret witness!…Are these the SAME Sanford Police that were trying to CONVINCE witness that the cries for help were ZIMMERMAN’S and NOT TRAYVON MARTIN’S?? Now they’re beginning to insult folks intelligence….Tell Barney Fife to sit down and stop leaking stupid crap to the press!


    15. A secret wittness?
      And so the slander begins…I won’t bother to read this. If there’s a secret witness where is his or her 9-1-1 tape? Or does the article mention that? You saw your neighborhood d*ck tickler or watchtower or whatever he was being attacked…You called the cops and reported it right? I hate to admit this out loud,,,But I’m starting to feel a certain way about…Other folks…Havent felt like this in awhile,,,But it happens,,,Folks talk about the angry Black man syndrome,,,But they don’t note the people and situations that brings it out of us…


    16. What was the point of Zimmerman being a neighborhood watchman if it was that easy for him to get beat up by a 17 year old? A Gun, outweighed Martin, on the phone with 911. But in the end he’s screaming for help, no wonder he wasn’t a real policeman. This mess is ridiculous, anyone with two brain cells can see that Martin was not the type of kid they are trying to paint him to be.


    17. @YES: I dont believe nothing the media says, Chile bye!!!!
      a witness now??? these hypocrites will stops at nothing,


  25. Geraldo Rivera make me want to choke the shit out of him when he said minorities shouldn’t wear hoodies. The racist are coming out to play and i’m ready for em.


    1. @ Marky:

      I agree with you. Although I see Geraldo’s point… I believe it’s pure ignorance. That’s like telling black people that we should Give ourselves a curfew and put ourselves on house arrest after a certain time. Prolly only drink from certain water fountains like back in the day… Why should we segregate ourselves because of the ignorance of others? Why do we have to cower and change to make the insecure feel a power of authority/security? People are missing the point. No matter how much people don’t like the baggy/saggin’ jeans and hoodie ensemble and what it represents… Not all people who dress like that are thuggin’. Most aren’t. I see just as many whites who dress like that where I grew up in the suburbs and now that I’m in NYC… I still see it. But their ok. If its cold. I should be able to wear a hoodie. If I stop wearing hoodies… Then I’ll wear a hat. That won’t work either because when I last checked some people look at fitteds and some wool caps as thug wear too. It’s all a progression to take away rights and it sucks. I don’t think Geraldo fully thought out his statement. I know he was trying to provide a solution because even his son is a dark Latino… But his solution sucked! He should do better especially being the world renown journalist he is…. Just my opinion. …I said all that to say that I agree with you…


  26. This is just too much. Zimmerman is not a cop and he shouldn’t of been following and confronting in the first place. He started the whole chain of events by not minding his own and stalking a child!

    This blaming the victim shit needs to stop!


  27. Wow, they are really going with the self defense angle by any means huh….sighs…this is an open and shut case “tptb” needs to stop dragging their foot


  28. An eye for an eye in my book. He does not deserve jail time at all. Fuck him suffering! He needs to be 6 feet under already.These YT folks already mad about Obama and letting everyone know.

    Trayvon is not the beginning and won’t be the end. When will we stand up for our rights.

    Open your eyes please, and see what these people are trying to do.


    1. @Xmen,

      That is the easy way out for him to be dead. I would rather him spend every waking moment taping him butt cheeks together so he won’t be violated. Prison is the worst thing that could happen to him…..


  29. Here these yt folk goin to the “playbook.”
    Make the black man seem violent and everything is fine. We all know killing a “violent” black man is perfectly fine.


  30. The whole thing could have been avoided if that white racist hadn’t followed the child as he was instructed by the 911 operator. Trayvon was followed because he was black. He was racially profiled because he was black. He was shot and killed because he was black. The white racist has a price to pay for what he did. This could have been anyone’s child. My heart goes out to his parents.


  31. This whole incident has been disturbing, disheartning, and disgusting. The 3D’s if u will. And what’s even more troubeling is zimcoward is still a free man. Now everyone knows if he was black, mexican or any other race besides white, he would not be so lucky. What gives a white person the right to say they are better then the next person because of their color? They, shyt out the same azz hole as every other human.IT HAS GOT TO STOP. I just watched a show where this nasty azz white woman was addicted to drinking her own pee. Oh but that’s “Pee therapy”… um no, that’s sick and mental. God is a just God and racist people will reap what they sow. That’s all.


  32. I saw a photo going around on Twitter with Trayvon wearing a wife beater and having “gold teeth” in his mouth…so now they’re they’re trying to paint him as a thug now…


  33. Much of this outcry could be avoided if the city of Sanford did two things…
    1. Put out a daily update of the facts known.
    2. And arrest Zimmerman or explain why he’s not been arrested.


  34. OOOOOH POTUS just addressed the Trayvon Martin case. President Obama’s words “If I had a son he would look like Trayvon” I love you Mr. President……


  35. I would say let the courts decide this one, but we all saw what happened in the Casey Anthony trial. And this guy is going to get everything he has coming to him. I don’t know all the facts, but I did hear the police call where they specifically told him not to pursue the individual.


    1. this case should not be just about black or white.this should be about right and wrong….period
      Unfortuantely, people bring race into everything. Sorry for Trayvon and sorry for the white student gunned down today at MSU by black suspects.Does not matter which race we are,what is so sad is both were young and innocent and could have gone on to achieve great things in life.People who kill others deserve no mercy no matter what race they are.


    2. this case should not be just about black or white
      Unfortuantely, people bring race into everything




  36. heyyy errybody!!

    I know its wrong, but I would pay somebody, or somebodies…to beat the living doo doo out of Zimmerman. Not to kill him..that would be too kind…just permanently disfigure him. Makes me sooooo mad.

    Secret witness my ASS. LIARS!~~~


    1. Did yall hear about the Iraqi woman that was beat to death with a tire iron because of her race???? This racist chit is sickening. She was a mother of 5. SMH

      Fell better Tracy


  37. We live in a racist evil America ya’ll Just thought I would put that out there by the way where is Auntie with the newpost


  38. We need to be marching on the Sanford Police Department and any/all departments with cases similar to Trayvon.

    We can’t change individual minds but maybe we can change the system, the biggest villain in this whole thing.


    1. We have a big moment here, and we need to use it! If dude gets off or serves time, we still need to change that laws…


  39. Morning fam, so they dug up some dirt on Trayvon Martin. It’s not enuff that this racist fucked shot him in cold blood now he lying about the events that took place the night he comforted and killed him. it’s really pissing me off because this won’t be good.


    1. Exactly! when i don’t see how Trayvon being suspended for having marijuana is even relevant to the FACTS in this case. I’m calling BULLSHIT on all of it anyways.


    2. Yeah it’s beyond FOUL on how they liein on this dead boy. Zimmerman is turning it around that he was attacked by Trayvon. Thta’s because half of america is calling for that azz!


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