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“Murder, Protest, Murder, then Repeat” Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”

Before the death of George Floyd, America had perfected the art of demonizing and justifying the killing of black men. It’s the color of the skin and the place where they reserve the right to police you and your presence.

Ahmad Arbury was jogging while black when he was murdered by two self-proclaimed racist supposedly making a citizen’s arrest. They claimed he was trespassing and looked like a burglar seen in the neighborhood recently.

Black men are viewed as angry, aggressive, violent and dangerous, they are seen as a threat to society here in AmeriaKKa in more ways than one. The black man is haunted and killed with no reasonable resolve except murder.

It’s systematic racism, the stories are all the same, hyped up to demonize the black man, to justify his killing.

So just like the sixties, we now protest and March, while they murder and we repeat….As another black man, Rayshard Brooks was killed by a cop in Atlanta last weekend.

Join the conversation at 6:30 p.m. EST for this week’s topic “Murder, Protest, Murder, then Repeat” on “Conversations Of A Sistah

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