Business News, Business Woman, Celebration, It's Our Anniversary, ReadyWriter Production Company, Tracy L. Bell

ReadyWriter Production Company is Boss!

Today marks the 17th anniversary of my business, ReadyWriter Production Company. I’m shocked by its progress while realizing we have more milestones to go.

While my parents have been the backbone of such success, my mother saw the potential as my clientele began to grow, way before my experiences took root and launched into publishing. I’m very proud to say that today, we are a multifaceted business and our ministry exceeds our expectations.

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ReadyWriter Production Company is the home and parent company of this blog and the blog talk radio show, Conversations Of A Sistah”

As I use this month to reflect on our success, I would just like to “thank you” for your continued support throughout the years and being a part of our intricate success!!

Business News, Controversy, Donald Trump, Macy's, Petition, President Obama, Protest/Boycott

400,000 Sign Petition for Macy’s to Oust Trump

Because of his loud mouth, his public skepticism about President Obama’s birthplace and “sexist” comments, over 400,000 people have signed a petition asking Macy’s to sever its ties with business mogul Donald Trump.

“Donald Trump does not reflect the ‘magic of Macy’s and “We urge you to sever ties with him,” the petition reads on

Singer and actress Cher was among those joining the “Dump Trump” campaign, calling him a “loudmouth, racist cretin” over his criticism of Obama.

“I’ll NEVER GO TO MACY’S AGAIN! I didn’t know they sold Donald Trump’s Line!” she wrote on Twitter.

Trump’s spokesman Michael Cohen, however, expressed confidence in the strength of the real estate mogul’s relationship with Macy’s.

“Mr. Trump is important to Macy’s, both as a brand and as an endorser. His ties, shirts, cufflinks, fragrances and other merchandise are top-selling items across the country – in particular Mr. Trump’s ties are the number one selling ties at Macy’s.”

Cohen questioned whether there are, in fact, 400,000 unique signatures on the petition. “Nevertheless,” he added, “the country has been founded on the principles of freedom of speech – something Mr. Trump is entitled to as well as the creator of this petition.”

Trump had not personally addressed the petition on Twitter as of Monday afternoon, but made a point of tweeting about his new clothing line for Macy’s.

Business News, Business Woman, Entrepreneur, Just a thought

Should my CEO blog readers meet?


In having a conversation with a friend of mine, she suggested that I have a meet and greet, sell books and have a chicken and waffle treat?

This would be a ticket sale event, with a possible New York/New Jersey venue, maybe by the end of summer. This could also be a breakfast, brunch, lunch or all day event, with a poetry reading and activities for children. These are just my ideas and thoughts, for I have not discussed this with my staff as of yet.

This would give YOU (my readers and/or followers), an opportunity to meet and greet. And because you all are so important to me, 🙂 I need your feedback and opinions, so please sound off; Carolyn and I, will be reading. 🙂

Books, Business News, Competition, Entrepreneur

Have You Voted For “Just call me Sophia?”

To my loyal Ceo Blog Readers,

As you may know, my Production Company (ReadyWriter) has entered my children’s book “Just call me Sophia” into Wal-Mart’s “get on the shelf” competition.  We are one of many eager entrepreneurs in a fierce competition in having the opportunity to have our product shelved at Wal-Mart.

Therefore, in our vigorous campaign efforts, we must ask, if you’ve voted for “Just call me Sophia” yet?

The deadline for voting is April 3, 2012 at midnight. if you haven’t voted, we ask that you do so at by clicking the Wal-Mart link on our website. Your options are to vote via text, Facebook or twitter.

We’ve received a lot of email correspondence from those who do not have access to Facebook or twitter accounts, however we have no control that this is the voting format Wal-Mart has chosen. Trust me, we wish there were more options provided.

We ‘thank you’ in advance for your support; as we conclude with this endeavor.