Angelo Ellerbee, Celebrity news, Conversations Of A Sistah, New Book Release, Tracy L. Bell, Tracy L. Bell - Blog Talk Radio

Double XXposure CEO, Angelo Ellerbee on “Conversations Of A Sistah”

9af2625e-3733-4ea6-a780-4c3bf7cc649dAngelo Ellerbee, Public Relations Guru, CEO and Founder of Double XXposure Media Group, has written an important story, not just about the entertainment industry then and now but about the socio-cultural backdrop of significant music eras. This book is a glimpses of him as a black, gay artist/activist in the turbulent 60’s & 70’s, as well as him earning the moniker “The Henry Higgins of Hip Hop” while navigating the tough rap genre throughout the 80’s-90’s and beyond. All while learning his craft and meeting the industry’s who’s who from the inside out.

Ellerbee has styled diva’s from Roberta Flack to Nina Simone, and his work has been displayed in publications such as Vogue Magazine, Essence Magazine, Women’s Wear Daily and Ebony Man.

Tune in tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah” via blog talk radio, as I sit down with this PR genius to talk about his new radio show and his new memoir “Ask Angelo“. As Mr. Ellerbee explains everything from his tenets of artist development; to why having a seasoned ‘OG’ who has been around the block on your team is a wiser choice.

All “Conversation links” in this post make it possible to access the show.

In the meantime, SOUND off here and meet me on the air!

100 thoughts on “Double XXposure CEO, Angelo Ellerbee on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

      1. I hope he show up Blog Queen because last time he didn’t.
        Really? I don’t remember that????? O_o ………….Morning Fam. Happy “hump” Day!


      2. Good morning.
        This is NOT a hot topic. Too much happening in our culture for these soft over shows Trace. O_o
        And almost every other knee-grow out here done wrote a book. so why is his story so different?


      3. Sup y’all…..tonight’s convo should be about “birth of a nation” esp. since race issues are at the forefront in America right now.


      4. Morning. I just got into work an logged on to see the show’s topic for 2night and I see the convo downstairs is birth of a nation. O_o amazing……why? because that’s NOT Tra’s topic for 2night’s show. WoW!


      1. Civil, we are constantly looking for validation from the box office , our stories will continue to tap dance around the issue of race if we keep leaning on box office numbers. STOP BELIEVING THE HYPE. because the media is trying to say it flopped, when it didn’t.


      2. Dang, if it wasn’t for the bad weather and Hurricane Matthew, I would have gone to see this movie, not bcuz of Nate parker , the message that this film is about is bigger then Nate and Nate’s past and bcuz this movie was based off of our history, I’m going to see it bcuz I like to see films about my people 😛


      3. I’m going to see it so $7,000,025….It may have had a low turn out because of the weather, so let’s keep the numbers rolling people. 🙂


      4. Lexy,
        it’s an amazing film with superb acting. See it and judge for yourself. It’s a shame that the film is surrounded with his personal scandal.


      5. The man’s past wasn’t a secret but that’s what they wanted…they wanted the scandal to overshadow the REAL MESSAGE of the movie!!! Which is why I’m wasn’t falling for the hype.


      6. go see it for Nate….I know he messed up, but let’s go see it just because they don’t want us too. 🙂


      7. 1st of all, there is NOT one visual rape scene in the film. and while watching it rape was the last thing on my mind.


      8. Saw the film, it was good.
        But why when black men marry their Becky’s they look for us (the black community) to spend money and support their films, when they are putting their BLACK dollars back into the white community instead. WTF


      9. we will never unify as a people. unless a white person tell us to do so
        😥 sad but true.


      10. Irrespective to Parker’s past or his personal preferences in women, I saw “Birth Of A Nation” and thought it was pretty good. I agree with whoever said the movie might’ve ranked low due to the weather., that’s very possible.


      11. The film is not going to teach unity amongst blacks, especially when the male is portraying that type of character but is married to a white woman…FOH


      12. Nate like white women, so why should black women support this film again?
        So we should only stick 2gether because it benefits 1? I’m not feeling the bullshit. I mean really!!


      13. Nate like white women, so why should black women support this film again?
        You make a good point but who he chooses to love is his business. And aside from that we either see the movie because we want too or hold it against him because we feel he can’t tell a story while sleeping with the enemy. It’s that simple.


      14. You CANNOT be conscious of YOUR people laying next to a BECKY. Marrying white is hatred of ones BLACK self…….Brothaz who marry outside their race can’t possibly love themselves.


      15. You CANNOT be conscious of YOUR people laying next to a BECKY. Marrying white is hatred of ones BLACK self…….Brothaz who marry outside their race can’t possibly love themselves.
        AGREED. How can you love ya momma., the woman who gave birth to you when you’re lying next to someone who looks NOTHING like her.!!! SMMFH


      16. Oh so y’all talking bout “BIRTH OF A NATION” Roland Martin was talking about it on his show. How we need to support the movie simply because Hollywood want the picture to fail….Hollywood make it hard for black directors to succeed in film… all actuality that’s the politics behind it all. We need to learn to play the game and take the emotions out of it.


      17. Haven’t seen Birth Of A Nation yet….I’m on da fence about it. And some of yawls comments really got me thinking.


      1. Tracy keep her finger on the pulse of the people but she can’t turn her back on or have a deaf ear for those guest needing to reach a masses through her platform. Smh


  1. This should be a good show regardless of the subject. Tra brings every subject to LIFE. My GURL!!!
    Congratulations to Mr. Ellerbee can’t wait to HEAR his story.


      1. Trace says almost every week that she sees the questions and comments on this blog and in her email. every week she announce that. plus she encourages us to —–> SOUND off here and meet me on the air!


      2. we’ll know she sees them all when she mentions them
        well she mention every single one of our questions.


  2. Ok y’all…….. well he got us str8 it’s not a book about GOSSIP. he has class. Trace you were on point with that intro. his book is a “how too’ guide. he is WISE a very wise man and that’s fa sure.


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