Conversations Of A Sistah, Tracy L. Bell, Tracy L. Bell - Blog Talk Radio, What she said

“NOW Faith is”!!!!!…..Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”

kevin-williams-step-out-on-faith-loveFaith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things NOT SEEN. Meaning just because YOU DON’T SEE IT doesn’t mean it isn’t so. And so many people struggle with the realization of this fact, which is why they can’t fathom it as a reality. When “FAITH IS” the complete trust and/or confidence in something or someone. It is the unquestioning belief that does not require proof or evidence.

Life is not void of challenging one’s faith. As sure as you live each day your faith will be tested. So the question is, what does faith mean to you?

Join me tonight at 6:30 p.m. EST on “Conversations Of A Sistah” via Blog Talk Radio as I challenge our thoughts on FAITH!

All Conversation links” in this email make it possible to access the show.

See you on the air!!

60 thoughts on ““NOW Faith is”!!!!!…..Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

    1. Hello Gia, I was on the air.
      That dude was serious about his question to Tra. But I don’t think she answered his question.


  1. Let me see…………………
    Faith is walking through a dark tunnel with the hope of finding a LIGHT at the end.


    1. Now Faith is?
      Complete the question! Now Faith is “IN ACTION”
      Now Faith is “HIS promise”
      Whateva faith is to you, speak it, live it be it in the name of Jesus. Can you dig it? 😛


    2. You have faith in:
      The sun rising
      Your hosue still standing
      The car starting
      THe shower working. Ok then. there’s yo damn answer.


  2. Faith is unique., as it is similar to love. It can be given in the same way love is given, unconditionally. It is maintained similarly as love, through the experiences of life.


  3. The faith one is able to give another (or God) is subject to the limitations of the individual. That’s why you can’t have faith in man.


  4. Yes Tracy, when life roughs you up, and your faith is shaken, and after its all over, the experience can open amazing doors for you that you never thought was possible. Mm good topic.


  5. Faith is a choice. It is a willingness to believe that something might be true, and then acting on that belief. Mm hm


  6. Faith is not thinking that what you believe is a fact, quite the opposite. Faith is a choice to believe in something with no concern for proof. When that faith is applied to a belief in God, believers will often experience events and emotions that reinforce that belief.


  7. For myself I understand the difference between my faith and my knowledge, and I often find it amazing that so many people are either unwilling, or perhaps unable to make the distinction. It seems to frustrate them in the extreme that I’m fully aware that there is no proof of God, and choose to remain faithful none the less. 🙂


    1. I’m fully aware that there is no proof of God
      You don’t believe in God? well dayum I ain’t goin that far. oh hail no! Ion want God coming for me.


  8. that caller made a good point where was God when planes be going down. he was coming for trace on that. good show!


  9. That caller was basically saying “Tracy made a good point at stating how people pair faith with logic” and it’s true. folk bitter and mad and have had too many bad experiences. so much so they don’t believe God is real. we’ve all been there. It was still a good thought provoking show and conversation.


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