"The Forbidden Secrets Of The Goody Box"., Author, Blog talk radio, Conversations Of A Sistah, Tracy L. Bell - Blog Talk Radio, Valerie J. Lewis Coleman, Women's History Month

How Women shape history… in Love & Relationships, Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”



As we continue to commemorate and honor women during this month long celebration, we take a look at every aspect of a women’s contribution to history. For women contribute much in their professions and expertise even if they are experts in love and relationships.

This month alone, we’ve honored chefs, authors, tour guides and a jazz singer and this week we will conversate with a relationship expert and best selling author of “The Forbidden Secrets Of The Goody Box“.

Author Valerie J. Lewis Coleman (pictured above), knows the difference of how men and women communicate, their war on words and the games they play which can expand into a great divide.

Valerie gives awesome and proven advice on the following:

  1. Three things that lead women to make terrible relationship decisions.
  2. Every man’s private marriage checklist
  3. A simple “2” letter word that makes him want to pop the question
  4. Why he just won’t propose
  5. Little signs that tell her he’s the one
  6. How to become a man “whisperer” with advice from men that women would be crazy to ignore

Valerie has assisted others with building strong relationships and has overcome her own personal struggles, so tune in tonight at 6:30 p.m. EST on “Conversations Of A Sistah” via blogtalkradio.com as I speak with this best selling author on her relationship advice and the twenty years of experience she has with family and relationships.

All “Conversation links” this email make it possible to access tonight’s show.

In the meantime sound off here and we’ll meet you on the air!!!

82 thoughts on “How Women shape history… in Love & Relationships, Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

  1. Good morning.
    Can’t wait to hear her proven advice on the following:

    1.Three things that lead women to make terrible relationship decisions.
    2.Every man’s private marriage checklist
    3.A simple “2” letter word that makes him want to pop the question
    4.Why he just won’t propose
    5.Little signs that tell her he’s the one
    6.How to become a man “whisperer” with advice from men that women would be crazy to ignore

    i mean what is she gonna tell us we don’t already know???? #Justcurious


      1. We all have a relationship theory., guess we’ll just have to hear hers…Ms. Valerie J. Lewis Coleman 🙂 Long name. Whoo!


      2. Hey people. Happy “Conversations Of A Sistah” Wednesday!
        Yup because this is the only day we get a post.


      3. Hey y’all so we gon hear about the forbidden secrets of the goody box? Ok well, I already know what that is LOL.


      4. “The Forbidden Secrets Of The Goody Box“.
        Ain’t the secret is to get that ring 1st. 😆


      5. Hey y’all
        I know I’m NOT the only one who wants to hear what she is gonna say.
        That’s ok.


      6. Oh @Tamala,
        I’m tuning in for sure 😆 I cant wait. I don’t think she will be spilling much tho. We grown n sexy and nothing surprises most of us anymore.


      7. Hey Family
        We canNOt let Trump become President…Not to change the subject but he has launched an exploratory committee.


      8. We canNOt let Trump become President
        NEVER gonna happen.
        Alot of them YTs don’t do him either


      9. We canNOt let Trump become President
        Ionna, we canNOt let Hillary become President. Please do not vote for Hillary Clinton.


      10. We canNOt let Trump become President

        We canNOt let Hillary become President. Please do not vote for Hillary Clinton.
        Ion know why da hell NOT? She’d be better than a REPUB anyday.


      11. we canNOt let Hillary become President. Please do not vote for Hillary Clinton.
        If Hillary is the best candidate for the job and the majority of the country then Hillary gets my vote. Period. I vote based on my concerns and the best interests of the majority rather than along any party line. Donald Trump would never be the best person to run this country IMO O_o


      12. We canNOt let Hillary become President. Please do not vote for Hillary Clinton.
        Sorry, but if its between her and Trump :bye:


    1. And how Tracy go from 323 likes on FB now to 316. Where did 7 people go? WTF?
      I didn’t even notice…..Thanks Yvonne for pointing out the obvious.


      1. And how Tracy go from 323 likes on FB now to 316. Where did 7 people go? WTF?
        It will always be about the faithful few.


  2. WooHoo finally a conversation about RELATIONSHIPS!!!!!!
    And ya tying it in with women n history!!!! Go Tra.
    But these once a week posts ain’t the business.


  3. “Three things that lead women to make terrible relationship decisions.”
    Now this I would LUV to hear because we’ve all made bad choices in relationships at some point.


  4. Although I’m married (20+ years now) I’m still looking forward to this conversation 🙂 and hearing this guest share some of her expert advice.


  5. If what you’re doing works in a relationship then expert advice is not needed but when something is not working then that’s when you seek advice from the experts. It will be interesting to hear her steps in relationships that Tra listed above.


  6. “The Forbidden Secrets Of The Goody Box“. —–> Well ain’t the secret is to KEEP that shit to ya self? Not every Sistah giving up the “Goodies”


  7. I for the life of me don’t get this era of over sharing, you couldn’t pry my business out of me with the jaws of life… O_o


  8. Three things that lead women to make terrible relationship decisions.
    Ok I wanna the break down of this here list 🙂
    1. Three things that lead women to make terrible relationship decisions.
    2.Every man’s private marriage checklist
    3.A simple “2” letter word that makes him want to pop the question
    4.Why he just won’t propose
    5.Little signs that tell her he’s the one
    6.How to become a man “whisperer” with advice from men that women would be crazy to ignore


  9. Great chat. Glad you listened to the show. To win a complimentary copy of The Forbidden Secrets of the Goody Box, be one of the first three people to send me a message through the contact page at http://www.TheGoodyBoxBook.com. While you’re there, download Every Man’s Private Marriage Checklist. It’s free! Tracy, thanks for an amazing interview.


      1. The show was interesting Ms. Coleman, I just disagree with my daddy being the one to have that SEX conversation. I’m just not down with that one but your conversation was so encouraging. Thank you. 🙂


      2. Hello Sista Val, glad you covered the fact that NOT all brothaz want the goodies. There are still some of us GOOD ONEZ out here.


      3. download Every Man’s Private Marriage Checklist
        Not really surprised that every man has a marriage checklist. Us sistah’s do too. 😛


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