Black History, Blog talk radio, Books, CEO's Blog, Conversations Of A Sistah, New Book Release

“Brown Little Me” Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”


In today’s society the idea of what is deemed beauty or beautiful is distorted, leaving many young African American women still struggling with the challenge of their looks. Yes the light skin vs. dark skin colorism is still an issue and conversation which is uncomfortable for some and a curse in thought by many.

In many parts of the world, people are judged not just by their skin color but also by their skin tone. The devaluing of dark-skinned women is still an issue not just in the black community alone but the issue is extremely pervasive in mainstream America as well.

Join me tonight at 8:00 P.M. on “Conversations Of A Sistah” in our continued celebration of Black History month on “Conversations Live” as I welcome Karen Tucker (pictured below), author of the children’s book “Brown Little Me“, a love letter to the little girl inside of her; who struggled with the many issues of identity, fitting-in and self-acceptance.


As an African American woman, Tucker has always had a lifelong battle with understanding, that while having brown skin has so many benefits; there also seems to be resentment for it on so many levels. Ranging from racism to the destructiveness of self hate and complexion complexes, from these struggles “Brown Little Me” came to be.

So tune in tonight and add your two cents to the conversation by calling into the show at 1-347-426-3645. press ‘1’ to speak with the host and access the show at any of the Conversations links in this post.

Please keep all questions and comments topic related.

Meet you on the air!

82 thoughts on ““Brown Little Me” Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

  1. Nothing like some more books to add to my grandchildren’s library. I,also, am taken in by the illustrations. I have three little granddaughters and it has been my mission to break the curse!


      1. I like Tra’s warning “keep all questions and comments topic related.” meaning don’t start NO sh** when you call in 😆


      2. Little Brown Me is a bit pricey. $18.99


        At least Tracy’s children’s book “Just call me Sophia” is $10.00 😡 O_O


  2. Tra I love your BHM honorees and how you celebrate our people. I sent you an email but tuning in tonight of course but I wanna hear a show about some black pioneers. I can list many 🙂


  3. a black author female like our girl Tra! 🙂 good to see a Sistah a real Sistah promoting and lifting up another one. that’s rare but then again Tra is a rare chick 😆 looking 4ward to the show!


    1. a black author female like our girl Tra! 🙂 good to see a Sistah a real Sistah promoting and lifting up another one. that’s rare but then again Tra is a rare chick 😆 looking 4ward to the show!
      Why not?


      1. a black author female like our girl Tra! 🙂 good to see a Sistah a real Sistah promoting and lifting up another one. that’s rare but then again Tra is a rare chick 😆 looking 4ward to the show!
        Tracy is real NOT a hater can’t y’all tell? why not support her?


      1. self-pride, self acceptance Karen tucker preached tonight!!!!!
        yes she did bring her point home. it’s important that little black girls know their importance.


      2. yes she did bring her point home. it’s important that little black girls know their importance.
        children of all colors. you heard her say her book is changing the minds of little white kids. so I mean really.


  4. “say it loud, I’m black and I’m proud!” I love how Tracy referenced that James Brown song to this girl’s book. Great comparison. Karen had me crying there for a minute though 😦 she was good! I thought ole girl was gonna preach!


  5. I enjoyed the show but most importantly I like the book’s message. her illustrations are breathe taking and her book looks so colorful …she was interesting.


  6. Tucker was a bit over the damn top imo. hell she sounded like she was high on that gin and juice. shit she was so wired I had to turn the damn show down cause at 1 point I thought she was gonna come through the phone. shit!


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