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Fantasia’s baby daddy admits cheating on his wife

Fantasia Barrino’s estranged baby father, Antwaun Cook, has apparently gone back to his wife again. Gossip website reports that Cook signed an affidavit admitting he slept with the singer while he was still married to his wife.

By admitted he committed adultery, Antwaun paves the way for his wife, Paula Cook, to sue Barrino for “alienation of affection” under North Carolina law. Barrino and Cook have a toddler son together. They reportedly split up last year amidst allegations of Cook cheating, according to gossip mongers.

In August 2010, Paula Cook filed court documents claiming her husband began a “covert adulterous affair” with Fantasia in August 2009. When Cook told Fantasia he was going back to his wife, the 28-year-old ‘American Idol’ winner swallowed an overdose of Aspirin and crawled into a closet inside her North Carolina mansion.

The distraught singer was briefly hospitalized and treated for internal bleeding and depression.

In court documents, Fanstasia stated that Antwaun Cook had split from his wife by the time they started sleeping together, but new court documents obtained exclusively by prove otherwise.

From Radar Online:

Given Antwaun’s admission of adultery, if his estranged wife desired to do so she would now legally sue Fantasia for Alienation of Affection, which is a North Carolina law in which one can sue the third-party who “alienates” the affections of one spouse from the other spouse.

Just last year an unnamed jilted wife was awarded a $30 million “bench verdict” and the year before a $5.9 million case was awarded to the innocent spouse.

Fantasia has developed a reputation for being a home wrecker. The part-time actress was involved in a longterm relationship with Atlanta rapper Young Dro, who broke up with his longtime girlfriend to date Fantasia. Dro has since gone back to his girlfriend.

64 thoughts on “Fantasia’s baby daddy admits cheating on his wife”

    1. but why does the wife want him back, he cheated on and had another baby, I wouldn’t want his ass back!!, SMH!!
      cuz they set Fantasia up. With that suicide attempt I bet she sues Fantasia and then he goes after her for custody of the son. Child support and a settlement is a big step up from where he was working in the T-mobile store when he met her.


      1. Welp how you get em is how you lose em
        More importantly, YOU REAP WHAT U SOW IN LIFE.
        Damn right!!!


  1. damn after she had his baby and shacked up with him, he went back to his wife??? messed up…but he was a married man so now fanny’s gotta deal with the consequences.


  2. This was the perfect setup for old dude and his wife. he strung fanny along only to use her. wow a real gigilo. but she fell for it.

    lesson learned ladies: if you better than a t-mobile nigga leave him right where he at. esp when he somebody else’s husband.


      1. Hey Fam I hate fuckin Mondays I swear.
        God can always fix that 4U in so many ways. like not waking u up or u having no place to go or even not making money by having a job. so be grateful 4 each and every day @Lexy.


      2. did tracy say what her topic is yet? I feel like she left us hangin.
        No one knows as of yet but i’m waitin with baited breath. LOL


      3. Alls I know is Trace better chill on da radio when it comes down to tryna dog us brothas out.
        Please………… let’s not start that again.


      4. Alls I know is Trace better chill on da radio when it comes down to tryna dog us brothas out.
        KneeGrow palease! Why don’t you tell us what you are really afraid of cause whateva she talk about ain’t directed toward you or anybody else in the house.
        So get over it.


      5. Alls I know is Trace better chill on da radio when it comes down to tryna dog us brothas out.
        KneeGrow palease! Why don’t you tell us what you are really afraid of cause whateva she talk about ain’t directed toward you or anybody else in the house.
        So get over it.

        LOL 🙂 thank you Mahogany. He sounds paranoid.


  3. Fantasia made that bed now she gotta sleep in it. and that means dealing with the consequences of fuckin somebody else’s husband.


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