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Bobby Brown heads back to rehab…

Bobby Brown is seeking treatment for his own addictions. The former New Edition singer, who was arrested in March on a DUI, is currently in a rehab center, his new wife confirms: “He’s doing great,” Alicia Etheredge tells RadarOnline. Although a source tells the site that Brown, 43, is getting help for an alcohol addiction, his wife of just two months wouldn’t confirm those details.

In May, the “My Prerogative” singer admitted he still drank in a “Today show” interview with Matt Lauer. “I’m not allowed to drink for the next 30 days [per judge’s orders],” he said at the time. “I do have a cocktail occasionally, you know. I will again, I know that. But I’m seven years clean from narcotics. You know, I’m living — I’m living the life that I want to live.” In the same interview, Brown also admitted that he “would always be worried” that his 19-year-old daughter with Houston, Bobbi Kristina, would fall into the same addictions as her mother and father. With two parents addicted, Bobbi Kristina has double the curse to fight against that happening.

67 thoughts on “Bobby Brown heads back to rehab…”

      1. dat nigga look drunk right now.
        Yet his new wife confirms. “He’s doing great,” LOL Yea, he looks great.


  1. what a tradegy it would be if this girl lost both her parents due to drugs and alchol. SMH.
    Damn!!! if for nothing else Bobby get right for ya kids.


  2. Atlease he’s going to rehab but he needs to get clean and stay that way. People will say anything in order to deflect. He’s got more than just a drinking problem going on, but I hope he pulls himself together. If not for his own sake, but for the sake of his children.


  3. we need to pray for him because any addiction is a bitch to overcome. be it food, drugs or alchol…It’s a lifelong habit, that takes consistency to change, everyday for the rest of your life. Be strong, hold on, and surround yourself with people who really have your best interest at heart, Bobby. Pray for the courage to change, one day at a time.


  4. Whitney’s passing should have been his wake-up call. He to surrender to win, if just to let BK know how much he love her in order to gain her respect

    he need to love himself enough to be free of his past. There are people who know what you are going through Bobby, and wish you much success.


  5. Oh I’m so sick of him already!!!!
    His issues are a never ending mess. He’ll always be a drunk / addict.
    His new wife: need to get out NOW! His last one died. May she rest in Peace.


    1. Oh I’m so sick of him already!!!!
      His issues are a never ending mess. He’ll always be a drunk / addict.
      Oh and you’re such a bitch!~


      1. we have to respect each other’s opinion but…she never has anything good to say and she always goes against the grain. if we comment LEFT you can bets believe she going RIGHT.


  6. Sorry to say it but Yes their daughter (Whitney and Bobby’s) that girl is cursed. Both her parents used drugs and alchol and unless that cursed is reversed in her she will unfortunately follow suit. Curses can kill a whole generation and that Bobbi Kristina already look like she’s using. so let’s pray Bobbi get right in order to get his daughter RIGHT!!!!


    1. I wonder if that nigga is saying he hurtin and drinkin because of Whitney
      Well if he loved her so much, why did he divorce her and marry someone else?


      1. I wonder if that nigga is saying he hurtin and drinkin because of Whitney
        Well if he loved her so much, why did he divorce her and marry someone else?
        Bobby didn’t divorce Whitney, Whitney divorced Bobby…she told Oprah she slowly moved herself out furniture and all. I believe what killed their relationship was when Bobby’s sister sold that picture to the enquirer of Whitney’s drug den in her bathroom.


      2. Bobby didn’t divorce Whitney, Whitney divorced Bobby
        and i think she only did it because she wanted the public to believe that he was a bad influence on her when they were really TOXIC for each other. they both ruined their lives and their careers.


      3. Bobby didn’t divorce Whitney, Whitney divorced Bobby
        I remember seeing the final episode of their reality show “being bobby brown” it was Christmas at their house and they invited HIS whole family. I noticed in that episode how Whitney kept her distance from them. i knew then their marriage was over. she seemed distant and hurt. that reality show was a wake-up call for her too which is why she would not sign off for it to be released on DVD. she thought, ain’t no way in hell people gon watch our train wreck over and over again, then press rewind…oh hail naw!!!


      4. I remember seeing the final episode of their reality show “being bobby brown” it was Christmas at their house and they invited HIS whole family. I noticed in that episode how Whitney kept her distance from them. i knew then their marriage was over. she seemed distant and hurt. that reality show was a wake-up call for her too which is why she would not sign off for it to be released on DVD. she thought, ain’t no way in hell people gon watch our train wreck over and over again, then press rewind…oh hail naw!!!
        Cosign!!!! Whitney was embarassed that that reality show had her bittness out there on “front street” for all the world to see them drinkin and druggin. she confessed that much on Oprah.


      5. Bobby didn’t divorce Whitney, Whitney divorced Bobby
        I think she regreted it too. they still loved each other and IMO they should have sought help together.


  7. Why go in and out of rehab if you gon keep doing the same thing. he needs to rehab and stay rehabed once and for all and in order to do that you can’t even drink liquoir or be around those who do. so ‘good luck’ bobby with that one.


  8. How Tra gon write a post about this nigga going to rehab then post a pic of him lookin RIPPED and toe down up top. was he on his way then? WTF??? LMAO!!!!


  9. I think drinkin is his way of life. when you wake up lookin swole that’s a sure sign of a pure alcholic. what’s really tragic is, he and whitney’s daughter have an alcholic for a father and a drug addicted mother. what pisses me off is, they brought her into the world only to inherited them as parents.

    his oldest daughter la’princia that’s a smart, pretty, intelligient girl, you can tell that she has a strong mother who has kept that girl grounded and away from influences. and no matter what! she will not bad mouth her father. for me that says alot. bobbi k. knew/know too much about her father which is why she don’t respect him. when your kids have issues with a parent trust me they grow up to be bitter children.


  10. Maybe he was alcoholic before Nippy, but her death situation didnt help and then with the Houstons pitting him against his daughter. Of Course he drinking heavy again. Deny it if you will, but Whitney loved Bobby and Bobby Brown loved Whitney….and her death is, pushing him over the edge. It takes a fool not to see that.


  11. Alcoholism is a tough disease, at least he went to rehab instead of someone finding him in a ditch somewhere. Some people check into rehab to prevent from falling off the wagon, if their “urges” become too strong.
    He’s been dealing with a lot with Bobbi Kris and Whitney’s death even getting married (that’s a stressor too). Bobby knowing good damn well he shouldn’t have married that girl.


      He got like what 4/5 kids by 4/5 different women? yet he goes and have one with his current wife. i can’t understand that to save my life. and have you seen that lil boy? he look like he was born drunk.


      1. and have you seen that lil boy? he look like he was born drunk.
        LMMFAO!!! You wrong for that!


  12. He keep going to rehab so apparently he’s going to the WRONG rehab. he needs to get clean and stay clean by living a sober free lifestyle. Good luck Bobby.


  13. his new wife confirms: “He’s doing great,”

    Oh palease she look like she uses. she should have never married BB she’s living with a ghost of whitney’s feelings. I hate dumb broads.


  14. Years and years in a 12 step programs and this is where he still is. Maybe he’ll try a different approach this time. I certainly hope so.


  15. He looks old and ‘used up’…..thanks to years of addiction. HIs new wifey said he’s doing great…..boy, she has great insight! At least he has some insight when he voiced concern of his daughter’s potential for addiction.


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