Drama, Fraud, Hoax, Nobody Cares, Publicity Stunt, Reality Television

Evelyn & Chad more publicity for their reality…

They will do anything I guess, to promote their wacked reality show, which will premier September 3 on VH1. I don’t even believe their relationship is real. I don’t easily fall for a hype that is just that., HYPE: But Evelyn and Chad got into a fight over a condom receipt found in the couple’s sports car. Chad is now sitting in a Florida County jail while Evelyn is healing from stitches to her forehead.

From TMZ.com:

Evelyn Lozada, one of the stars of VH1′s “Basketball Wives.”

Johnson allegedly head-butted Lozada during an argument, says the South Florida Sun-Sentinel, and when cops arrived to the scene, Lozada had lacerations on her forehead.

Our sources say Lozada has been at the hospital for several house and her injury required stitches.

According to our sources, the fight started when Lozada found a receipt for condoms in the center of the couple’s Maserati and confronted Johnson about it. A verbal argument ensued.

We’re told at some point during the argument, Johnson head-butted Lozada. According to reports, Johnson told police he butted heads with Lozada by accident.

Johnson is reportedly still in custody and will have to go before a judge before he can be released.

Johnson and Lozada were married last month (July 4) in Miami after Johnson proposed in November 2010 with a massive 10-carat diamond ring.

Story developing …

107 thoughts on “Evelyn & Chad more publicity for their reality…”

  1. Sooo he would risk his career behind a reality show? because I’m hearing that he could be cut behind this. I don’t think this was a stunt…this is PURE stupidity.


  2. I thought publicity stunt too, but why? We watch every other train wreck show, tuning into theirs is mostly guaranteed. I can also see them being volatile. Ev’s not going to back down & he’s super arrogant sooo isn’t this possible when 2 narcissists mate?


  3. Why would he purposely go to jail though? Why would she get her head busted open with real life stitches? I don’t think this is fake…which is pretty sad..She shouldn’t walk away she should run….


  4. I highly doubt Pretty boy Chad wants to have “Woman Beater” on his record. Hence why I don’t think this is a publicity stunt.

    How is he gonna land another VH1 dating show?
    How is domestic violence good ratings for a show about love and marriage?
    Why embarrass his daughters and many baby mommas?

    These two are just an example of how bad things happen when two toxic people get together. They both are too high strung for each other. So I can believe this really happened.


  5. Good Sun Morning Saints and Aints

    I don’t think this is a PR stunt at all. Roger Goddell does NOT play and I do NOT see Chad risking his NFL career (esp. since he only has a few more yrs left to play) over a reality show. This incident is not going to get them anymore viewers people have already decided if they were/are watching or not. I will watch if it still airs but I was already planning on watching anyway.

    That being said I still can’t believe either of them would tell the cops the fight was over a condom receipt I think we are missing way more to this story but it all makes for great drama. I also want to know who called the cops and when will TMZ be releasing that 911 call

    Ok let me get to church


    1. @Daisy, I was just logging in to say the exact same thing- Chad is not going to mess up his paper by purposely getting arrested for domestic violence and have his picture all over the media like Chris Brown. He’s playing in his hometown, now he may be suspended. Nah, not buying publicity stunt.


  6. Well the big dummy got a bond he’ll be out by noon. i’m sure hes been kicking hisself all night for this sham of a marriage. The dolphins coach doesnt like Chad to begin with, makes for a better reason to cut Chad.

    I agree with who said, her wanna be tough behind is always running up on the bbq wives now the shoes on the other foot, it doesnt feel good to be on the opposite end.


  7. Please post a pic of his MUG SHOT #DUMMY

    and PICK OF SAID STICHES #DUMBER Who agrees to a head butt, that’s a good way to get killed, head injuries are not joke.

    Some men can’t be tamed and refuse to “settle” down and high profile men with money are notorius for cheating. I’m not trying to get all Gospel but they don’t have GOD in their lives and have morals of PIGS rolling in slop.



      don’t bother looking for any stitches on Evelyn’s face. she won’t have any.


      1. I don’t know why I was looking for some swelling on his forehead when this whole thing is so fake.


  8. i know my girl Ev went OOOFFFFFF when she found that receipt! i can hear her now & can see that vein riseing out of her head, you KNOW it got ugly inside that Maserati but seriously if im not mistaken didn’t she say he could have other women as long as he told her? i know she only consented to this because SADLY thats the only way to keep some men but still…..


  9. I was just thinking earlier how the Kardashians and the likes have sold their souls for pseudo fame. This is a stunt. They married in a foreign country. Did anyone ever see the marriage license? His mugshot looks like another walk through the hookah lounge cuz that niglet looked high as hell.

    They argued over condoms? Like really? This is the dumbest publicity stunt yet. They’re adding “what if” footage to their show, which premieres sept 3. They’re setting up the break up. “He/she wasn’t the person I didn’t marry so I had to end it.” Now the bish will be the poster princess for domestic abuse. We just can’t shake her ass. I’m getting so damn tired of folk re-setting the clock to this heffa’s 15 minutes of fame. And I’m going to bed now. God is good. Amen.


  10. This has got to be the worse stunt ever… especially since it’s clearly one-sided. He has everything to lose, she has everything to gain. Another dumb male, caught up with a pretty face. On her end only skanks would end up supporting her though cause if so she’s cheating on her brand new husband that she “loves” so much and on his end, the publicity could potentially ruin his career. I could head butt him my damn self


  11. Tracy, I see right through them. He likes men and she just want somebody to know who she is so she is happy being the beard. They both spend money like crazy so they are trying to hype up this show so it will have more seasons. And yes, he will sit in jail for publicity, wouldn’t that make you watch the show to see if they ever really argue or get in fights?


  12. Wow! Well, she wanted a husband so desperately and by any means necessary that she was willing to allow him to cheat, but now she want to get mad. It doesn’t sound like an accident, especially if she needs stitches. Whatever happened, it sure sounds like it was intentional.


    1. its all for ratings for their show, I wouldnt be surprised if the cameras we’re rolling during all this
      just like their relationship is all for a show. it ain’t real.


  13. This is a way for them both to get the wedding annulled without facing slack from the Network, etc… about the over the top fake wedding.


    1. @Mrs, I thought the same thing, this is a way for them both to get the wedding annulled without facing slack from the Network about the over the top fake wedding.


  14. I bet Jennifer is somewhere saying I tried to tell her but she wouldn’t listen to me…. Well she told him to purchase condems (if he cheats) and so he did…


    1. Kayla,
      Evelyn was just talkin shit for the cameras at the time. Aint no chick crazy enough to be down for foolishness. I said I was cool with a lot of stuff before me and my hubby got married. Sometimes, I sit back like girl you really said that foolishness until your feelings get involved


  15. All that table jumping and bottle throwing she did to the girls she thought had no backbone but will resort to calling the authorities when she gets head butted? Wasn’t it her and Tami who said “Where I’m from you get your azz beat and you call it a day, but don’t call the cops on people”? How come she ain’t pick up a bottle and throw it at Chad? So many questions…until I get my answers, I’m Sorry Ev but you need more people hun #PublicityStunt.com


  16. I don’t think this is a stunt. He’s really in jail. She really has stitches……on her face. His team has released a statement. It looks pretty real. I hope it works out for them. This is terrible.


    1. Wow. I’m shocked that you guys can’t see a publicity stunt when it’s right under your noses. This is exactly what they want.


    1. Come on, Acquitta, domestic abuse after one month of “marriage”? Give me a break. Why didn’t they do this in the last 2 years? Why NOW right before their reality show premieres?


    2. I’m hoping no one does something this stupid, for the sake of PR. This is DV/abuse.
      Remember the times were living in.. Just like a movie script.. theres a reality show script.. they get licenses and permits from the city they’re filimin in and its a go!! They assign the police officers and all to do the arrest, booking process etc.


  17. mighty funny this happens before their reality show… and I’m not buying she was upset over a receipt when the woman knows he’s gonna cheat…


  18. Why is it that the men can see right through these games that reality shows play on their viewers? Cause I see right thru this bullshit!


  19. violence is never the answer even for a slut like Evelyn. I guess we will have to wait and see but wife beater has become the new career killer for black men plus the dolphins can drop Chad’s ass so we will have to see


  20. if Chad walked away without injuries. All of America has seen Ev’s temper, table jumping, and bottle throwing. Me thinks there is more to this story….


  21. this is one hell of a publicity stunt…Evelyn could have done many other things for publicity besides get her head busted open!! LOL….


  22. I hear Chad has never been arrested prior to this. I am sorry if this is a PR stunt who wants to be labeled a woman beater and he has daughters. I bet he calling his other babymama whom couldn’t get his ass down the aisle.


  23. I don’t think this is a stunt. He’s really in jail. She really has stitches……on her face. His team has released a statement. It looks pretty real. I hope it works out for them. This is terrible.


  24. NoNe of this makes sense…Evilina said as long as he has condoms…
    So what’s the Problemo.. Right their isnt one, just like Tra said its all for ratings for their show, I wouldnt be surprised if the cameras we’re rolling during all this,furthermore how come his Mugshot still isnt on sheriff dot org Yet??


  25. If the reason behind this argument is true, it just goes to show u that these women that act like their man cheating is no big deal are frontin.


  26. I bet he thinking what the hell did I sign up for. He is sitting in jail until late Monday all for the love of money. S.M.H


  27. This is not a good publicity stunt

    On BBW Evelyn told Chad he needed to buy condoms before he cheated on her. so i guess he did.


      1. On BBW Evelyn told Chad he needed to buy condoms before he cheated on her. so i guess he did
        No self respected woman would excepted a marriage on those terms. Just plain low life (as the old folk would say). Evelyn should be glad he had the receipt for the CONDOMS!!


      2. On BBW Evelyn told Chad he needed to buy condoms before he cheated on her. so i guess he did
        No self respected woman would excepted a marriage on those terms.
        I guess you would if you non-motherfucking factor!


  28. Its his wedding day and he texting the other bitch on the phone.
    oh plz, suppose to be a day without the phone and only for the bride. Yeah I call bullshit on the marriage, the relationship and the show.


  29. Far fetched but what if the producers placed that receipt in the car just to get some action. i don’t trust them folks. i bet cameras were rolling.


  30. Johnson and Lozada were heavily featured on the season premiere of “Hard Knocks,” the HBO reality show that chronicles an NFL team through training camp. Johnson was reprimanded by coach Joe Philbin for the language he used during news conferences last week.

    As he walked out of the Dolphins’ training facility on the first episode of “Hard Knocks,” Johnson jokingly told team officials, “I’m going to get arrested this weekend.” <——– sooo this was just a coincidence?? that he said it, then Ironically he got arrested….C’mon


  31. It would be very stupid for them to do this for publicity considering the lasting effects being a woman beater have on people who are “celebrities.” didn’t Chad just sign a new contract with a new team? Why would he jeopardize his money for a PR stunt? To go all out for a reality show that hasn’t premiered yet and isn’t guaranteed to last on the air makes no sense. I think this is a case of Chad queening out on Evelyn, no stunt.


  32. I wonder how long it took the Po Po to revive him after butting heads with Tweety Bird?!!~ I know that big ass head laid him out for at least an hour, if not two…bet he won’t try that shit again!


  33. Chad Johnson has never remotely been in trouble in his life. 2 months after marrying Evelyn he’s locked up. What does that tell us?


  34. The dolphins got rid of one domestically violent kneegro, Brandon Marshall, only to have to put up with this clown and the baggage that is Evelyn. He’ll be lucky if the Dolphins don’t decide to crumple up his has-been contract and throw it at his silly ass.

    And a nigga must add that Evelyn has a forehead that was made for goin head up with mountain goats – I bet he was in more pain than her..


  35. Please, this bitch is trying to pull a Rihanna. This whole thing is probably staged, and shes gonna milk it to extend her 15 minutes of fame.


  36. These people are famous because folks want to fall for their “FAKE REALITY” Society needs to recharge their brain cells, because if shows like bbw, and l&hh is what keep us interested, we have lost something along the way. These hoes are making money of of lies and gullible women that sit and watch like it’s One Live To Live. Chad and Evelyn are full of it, but people will continue to watch the garbage. It’s kind of pathetic and sad…..


    1. Gabby,
      I don’t think he purposely expected to go to jail. It’s a reality show! What reality show cast member expects to go to jail when they fight? I think they fought in the car — Rihanna/Chris Brown style — and Evelyn was supposed to file a police report so she could file for an annulment for their FAKE marriage — and all of that would be played out on the show. They DID NOT expect her to get injured and they DID NOT expect him to get arrested.


      1. Domestic Violence would be the worst publicity stunt. Are they really that stupid and desperate? Not a good look at all.


      2. A pr stunt gone bad, like mention I do thing theses two will do anything for ratings and press but there is no upside to this route especially in Chad’s case especially since he supposedly had a prior blemish with domestic violence in college.


  37. who keeps the recipt for condoms though? That’s something you usually toss quick, sorta like a pack of gum. Like as soon as you walk out of the rite aid, it goes straight to the garbage bin No? I’ma have to retract my publicity stunt claims….there is more to the story

    I mean she did say she was fine with him cheating…so why she mad now


  38. people love sellin their souls for fame… chilll!
    and who the hell keeps a receipt for condoms…just go the hell away.


  39. Jen is laughing her assss off. Evil ‘E’ just wanted fame. Evil ‘E’ sold her soul for fame and money. Now the payment is due. Pay up Bitch.


  40. She is already saying she doesn’t know if he did it on purpose or not. Money hungry big foreheaded, low self esteem uneducated 10 years engaged bitch. They both are gonna have the worst luck.


  41. Ev Chad Ocho Cinco-Johnson-Lozada, WTF?
    Cut your losses Boo and get the fuck out. The head butt was an attempt to keep from putting his paws on her but it’s still an assualt none the less, and Chad why did you even take the receipt for the Magnums in the first place? Get rid of the damn evidence if you gon cheat or don’t get married in the 1st dayum place!


  42. “Chad ‘Ochocinco’ Johnson released from jail after allegedly head-butting wife Evelyn Lozada: report

    The NFL wide receiver, now with the Dolphins, and his wife are giving very different versions of events, though reports say it all began when Lozada found a receipt for condoms.”


  43. “Chad Johnson was tight-lipped as he stalked out of a Miami jail Sunday morning, just a few hours after being arrested for allegedly head-butting his wife late Saturday night.

    The Miami Dolphins wide receiver, 34, was released Sunday morning after posting his $2,500 bond, but refused to answer reporters’ questions about his alleged outburst the previous evening, according to TMZ.”


  44. Fyi: Miami cut Chad from the team as soon as he was released from jail. Ugly ass Evelyn staying with friends and Chad has to stay away from her.

    What a mess!!!!!


        well i read how he told her during the argument that he didn’t give a FUCK about his career, so now he don’t have too cuz he don’t have one.


      2. Yeah she ran to a neighbor’s house to get away from him. I thought the bitch was BAD what happened? how come she didn’t throw a bottle at Chad?


      3. Ugly ass Evelyn staying with friends and Chad has to stay away from her.
        I just wanna see where this is gonna go? will they annul the marriage or what? Cause I believe it ain’t real to begin with. It’s all about 2 things: ratings and the benjamins.


  45. This was a risky publicity stunt but i think somewhere down the line they realized that nobody gives a damn about them and their so-called marriage so they had to do something to get folk talkin and this is it.


    1. COSIGN @Starr~
      Just 2 weeks b4 the premier of their show and despite the mediocre marketing there is no buzz about this show. They needed something big to happen to bring attention to the show and this was it.

      The Miami Dolphins have 12 wide recievers on their roster, Ochocinco would ride the bench this season and he knew it. Why should he play for pennies when he can take the easy way out with his own reality show?


  46. This is really sad. Apparently all the money is in reality tv. and people are making a fool out of themselves for a buck. when the producers are really the ones making all the money in the 1st place.


  47. She’s a professional “Jump Off” and he’s a Jackass. So reading about their drama is no surprise to me- they both reaped what they’ve sown.
    Now on to more important things…..


    1. @Bobby,
      Of course she’s divorcing him! He has no job now but she’s a joke anyway. Damn, gold diggin’ azz hoe**! Everyone knew this wouldn’t last..


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