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George Zimmerman Will be Charged For Killing Trayvon Martin

At 6 p.m. today, a prosecutor will announce official charges against George Zimmerman for the February 26 killing of Trayvon Martin. Authorities also supposedly know where George Zimmerman is.

Well I say: It’s about damn time!!!! Especially since the evidence was pretty much cut and dry from the onset of this terrible tragedy, while giving Zimmerman plenty enough time to flee the country.

Zimmerman has asserted since this case has sparked protest and outrage; that he shot 17-year-old Trayvon martin, in self-defense after the two fought. However., a 911 call (made public) clearly indicated Zimmerman had targeted the teen and pursued him all along.

The self-proclaimed neighborhood watchman used his racial hatred to hide behind Florida’s so-called stand your ground law, which gives people wide latitude to claim self-defense in a killing and other altercations.

Let’s tune in at 6:00 p.m. to see what the charges will be. I’ll be watching from PoliticsNation, because I know Al Sharpton will have the coverage LIVE.

73 thoughts on “George Zimmerman Will be Charged For Killing Trayvon Martin”

  1. I’m sure “the prosecutor” is going to announce some charges becuz of the heat and the pressure they may be dealing with from protestors that zimmerman may get away. I’ll be listening at 6:00 to see what’s up.


  2. Yeah they charging him now bcuz of pressure from the people and the fact that he could GET away for good and people know that’s foul. the state of florida already made a lot of mistakes in this case and can’t afford to make anymore.


  3. Let’s tune in at 6:00 p.m. to see what the charges will be. I’ll be watching from PoliticsNation, because I know Al Sharpton will have the coverage LIVE.

    Yeah Sharpton’s been covering this case hard! and since he now has a national audience he’s off the hook!


  4. Well I say: It’s about damn time!!!!

    yeah but they have to go thru ‘due process’ it just seem like they were behind the 8 ball tho. and i’m sure that’s bcuz the FPD fucked up this case so bad. just by the fact that they did a drug test on trayvon and not zimmerman. so many mistakes were made and i’m sure some heads gon roll in the end.


    1. we’ll see if they know where he is. they should of arrested him long time ago. investigation my ass.

      Because Florida has the “stand your ground law” they had to investigate it. Esp. after the FPD had let him go based upon his word alone w/o evidence. this is why former president clinton said: the law needs to be re-evaluated.


  5. Zimmerman is ass out either way this goes.
    1. he won’t get a fair trial anywhere because this case is big w/national attention on it.
    2. if he goes free somebody gon kill his ass.

    so imo he’s fucked!!!


  6. I think the SFPD are all idiots. Zimmerman should have been arrested the nite he shot an unarmed Trayvon Martin. The head in charge that nite knew it was racially motivated., that’s what he told a woman who came forward on behalf of her tramatized son.


  7. i’ll reserve my real comments until after i hear what the charges are. because if the charges are anything like their law, there will still be no justice for trayvon.


    1. we’ll see. black folk still might have to loot and burn sanford down!
      if there is looting it will not only be blacks but those who feel the charges are unfair or unjust. i’ll say it again this is not a black or white issue, it’s about RIGHT AND WRONG


  8. Angela Corey, the special prosecutor investigating the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, is scheduled to hold a 6 p.m. EDT press conference in Jacksonville, Fla., on Wednesday, where she is expected to charge George Zimmerman in the 17-year-old’s killing.


  9. what’s sad and crazy is on other sites talkin bout this topic, they still calling trayvon a thug cause of his hoodie and twitter account. i say that’s still not a reason to kill an unarmed teen. smh


  10. I want him in prison. I want him to spend the rest of his pathetic life in prison. Prison food is the worst. I want him to wake up ever night in a cold sweat clinching his butt cheeks. I want him to see Trayvon’s face ever time he closes his eyes.


  11. bout time. his lawyers dumped him that was a sign of arrest right there. and how the fuck do you represent somebody you never spoke too?


    1. How can you drop a client that was never a client…Zimmerman’s so called attorney just wanted some media shine…if Zimmerman was truly a client the attorney would have to file a motion with the court and get it approved by a judge in order to withdraw as counsel….GTFOH


    2. How can you drop a client that was never a client…Zimmerman’s so called attorney just wanted some media shine…if Zimmerman was truly a client the attorney would have to file a motion with the court and get it approved by a judge in order to withdraw as counsel….GTFOH
      they were just “advisors”, not retained. what they did seemed kinda ginnywomanish. getting on tv and telling all the man’s business. i think they’re pissed because it seems like he may not want them to handle the REAL case when he’s charged. this will be on the same level w/OJ and they want that shine.


  12. I can’t stand Zimmerman’s grey haired ass…..His little out of pocket comments on Nancy Grace had me about to smash my flat screen,


  13. Angela Corey know her shit!!!!! I’m impressed with the way she’s handling the media with their questions. She’s going strictly by the books…..Zimmermann is in custody but they won’t say where.


  14. sounds like she knows her stuff! she also sounds fair. but i like because she said: they opned their meeting with Trayvon’s parents in prayer! Go Angela!!!


  15. Oh shit!!!!! They got em! Now he gotta prove that ‘stand your ground’ shit in court. now they gon prove that he killed trayvon in cold blood.


  16. We have to not only hope and pray he gets charged with SERIOUS charges, but we also need to hope and pray that azz is found guilty as well. We’ll have a long way to go with this case.


  17. The Justice Department has been working behind the scences on this for weeks. They can’t be giving the public line by line of what they are doing. Punk Boy lawyers…You saw how they did there fake exit!


  18. Honestly I’m so glad they arrested him… send him to the chair and put this behind us! Dragging this shit on is going to hurt more folks!


  19. Florida Gov. Rick Scott has released a statement ahead of the special prosecutor’s news conference:

    “We are fortunate in our state that most Floridians and local civic leaders are law-abiding, responsible citizens who all want justice to prevail. No matter what State Attorney (Angela) Corey determines following her investigation of the Trayvon Martin tragedy, I trust in the goodness of all Florida citizens to allow our justice system to reach an appropriate conclusion in this case.”


  20. The battle had just begun. Stay strong and remember united we stand but divided we fall.

    “Injustuce anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” -MLK Jr.


  21. Yes! But like everyone said… this is only the beginning. The riots in the Rodney King case didn’t happen until AFTER the offenders were charged and THEN aquitted! This case is literally international, so it won’t just go away.


  22. I don’t know what will happen from here, but I am so glad this man will no longer get a pat on the back for killing a young black kid. Even if he is not convicted, this man will never breath a steady breath nor will he ever walk the streets and profile another black man again. He will always watch his back for the rest of his life.


    1. but what does 2nd degree mean?

      an intent to kill but that charge can change to manslaughter of a lesser charge., depending on the judge and its lawyers.


    2. @Acquitta,
      No, they thought he would be charged with manslaughter. This proves the prosecutor believes she has enough evidence.


  23. Oh and trust me, Angela Corey was pressured to charge zimmerman trust. there was too many people involved. the protest, the marches, the fl. gov., the mayor, the doj…hell yeah pressure was applied and it did have an effect.




  25. You are not supposed to be acting in the capacity of a police officer as a neighborhood watch person. He was told not to pursue Trayvon and did so on his own accord. If he would have done what he was instructed to do Zimmerman wouldnt be in his current situation.


  26. I’ll be happy when he is delivered his sentencing.. Please remember his father, a jew, has alot of connections in Fl..


  27. 2nd degree murder is the lowest you can get right? Idk im just happy they finally locked his azz up, but its not over yet people.


  28. ITS about DAMN TIME!!!
    I’m glad but no matter what ..this man’s LIFE IS OVA!!!! Him being behind bars (in isolation) is the safest place for him. cause his ass is as good as dead on the streets.


  29. Technically he’s better off behind bars..cause people ain’t playin about this Trayvon Martin case. Gettin ready to watch the arraignment wanna see what the judge gonna do. if he’s going to grant this fool bail.


  30. did anybody in here sign Trayvon Martin’s petition? They had over 2 million signatures from people demanding Zimmerman’s arrest. what’s fucked up is, the sfpd told the parents there would be no arrest. your son is dead, you can go home now. GTFOHWTBS!!! Not in the US of america.


    1. Q, did you hear Zimmerman’s dumb ass brother on the Piers Morgan’s show last night talkin bout how George was inches away from loosing his life and they showed the video from the night Zimmermann walked into the police dept. untouched. That fool look stoopid as hell tryna defend his killer brother when we all can see with our eyes that their all lies…just lies!!!!


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