
“Black Woman Arrested For Throwing Bleach On Her Baby Daddy’s Girlfriend In Walmart”

According to the NY Daily News, Theresa Monique Jefferson, 33, was arrested for pouring bleach and Pine Sol on another woman at a Baltimore Wal-Mart on Saturday.

Jefferson turned herself into authorities after the incident and is being held at the Baltimore County Detention Center on $350,000 bail.

Cops told the Baltimore Sun that Jefferson and the unidentified victim had been feuding long before the incident. According to police, Jefferson has a child with the victim’s boyfriend.

In addition to injuring the unidentified woman, 19 other people were sent to area hospitals for treatment of respiratory problems caused by toxic fumes from the mixture of household cleaning products.

This is obviously not the type of behavior that we would expect from people at our stores,” Wal-Mart spokeswoman Dianna Gee told the Sun. “And we want to apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused other customers.”

The store was closed for two hours for cleaning.

103 thoughts on ““Black Woman Arrested For Throwing Bleach On Her Baby Daddy’s Girlfriend In Walmart””

    1. a sunday afternoon post whoahooooo!!!!

      yes so we must THANK Ms. Bell for the treat 🙂


      1. LOL 🙂 what a got damn disgrace for grown ass women to be “throwing down” over a man!

        is the dick that good?

        Hey ya’ll


      2. is the dick that good?

        like Tra once said: “unless it can dance, sing and spit quarters it ain’t never worth it” 🙂


    1. Well from the looks of that mugshot with those missing tracks it looks like someone got they azz beat also.
      —————————:rofl: ————
      and 19 people sent to the hospital for inhaling fumes (blank stare) … from the looks of hair plugs, she didn’t have time to open but one bottle of bleach….LOL!


    1. Sooo from the *looks of the pic* she lost?

      🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂



  1. I know Wal Mart was mad they had to close for 2hrs. I went to wal mart at 1am empty and quiet just like I like it 🙂


      1. @ Tra did they actually fight?

        Ms. Felicia,
        Don’t you see her hair was pulled out on the sides?


  2. I knew this story would show up here.
    @Tracy I started to send it to you but somehow i figured you already knew about it.


    1. “Just sad …I would NEVER fight over a trifling man, or any man at that!”
      It’d be one thing if they were fighting over Bill Gates or somebody lol which I still wouldn’t condone but could slightly understand. But fighting over a baby daddy (man who has illegitimate children), probably doesn’t have a job, and is unfaithful. I just don’t get it for the life of me.

      SMH very very sad.


      1. how yall gonna blame the man for his baby momma assualting his current girlfriend. you can’t assume he still sexing the baby moms like some dudes continue to do even tho they in relationships.


      2. “how yall gonna blame the man for his baby momma assualting his current girlfriend. you can’t assume he still sexing the baby moms like some dudes continue to do even tho they in relationships.”
        Not blaming him for the fight just pointing out what a low life he is. Fighting over a low life. That’s on these two foolish women. SMH very sad.


  3. well daaaaamn, 🙂 how much bleach and pinesol is needed to shut Walmart down? they don’t even close for hurricanes!


  4. “This is obviously not the type of behavior that we would expect from people at our stores,” Walmart spokeswoman Dianna Gee told the Sun.”

    Dianna Gee has never been to the Wal-Marts here then. nor has she ever seen Ppl of Walmart Dot Com.


  5. 😦 Unless she got some bleach/pine sol in the other chicks eyes or mouth, we can cleary see by the pics who got the best of that fight. Ol girl in this pic looking like a plucked chicken. She got snatched up for real! :thinks: Did she not have time to at least try and gel that left side down or something?


  6. 350k Bond? Baltimore County ain’t playing with her behind. It also looks as if a sew in was snatched out of her head so clearly the “victim” wasn’t playing with her ass either…this is a hot mess.


  7. Aw hell naw Tra!
    You wrong as hell for posting that picture of that girl with half her hair gone. That other girl must have tore it all off in that azz whoopin for that much to be missing.


  8. fighting ain’t no excuse for a hairdo like that. That girl head is toe up. I can’t do this today. I’m sitting here crying just waiting to read what everyone else is going to say when they see this Monday!


  9. I’m saying she couldn’t tighten that shit up before she turned herself in

    I don’t fight
    I don’t argue
    I just bust that bitch with a bottle


  10. That heifer in that picture looks like a plucked chicken, girl must’ve been in distress to pull out some bleach and pine sol as a weapon.

    Poor Chile!


  11. I just noticed her hair was ripped out. I guess when you pouring bleach on someone that’s the least damage you gone get. Now you gone lose your child, your state benefits, and most importantly your freedom over a sorry, trifling excuse for man who probably isn’t taking care of the child in the first place .


  12. 🙂 lol CUZ SHE GONE NEED <—a 27 piece for when she goes to court becauz the judge aint gone take her serrus with them 2.5 tracks she got left in that pic 🙂


  13. In addition to injuring the unidentified woman, 19 other people were sent to area hospitals for treatment of respiratory problems caused by toxic fumes from the mixture of household cleaning products.

    I gaurentee ya’ll them 19 people gone SUE WalMart watch! Behind these two ignant bitches.


    1. The only person that should be taken to the hospital was the woman she assaulted. The rest are liars and want a lawsuit with Walmart anyway!!


      1. I gaurentee ya’ll them 19 people gone SUE WalMart watch! Behind these two ignant bitches.
        19 people?? I don’t believe it. I bet these people thought they would get a payday if they went to the hospital.


      2. I gaurentee ya’ll them 19 people gone SUE WalMart watch! Behind these two ignant bitches.
        19 people?? I don’t believe it. I bet these people thought they would get a payday if they went to the hospital.

        That’s the plan times are tight too.


  14. Now she’s sitting up in jail, the other baby mama in the hospital and the man is probably in bed with another woman watching this whole mess on the news…Ridiculous…


    1. The only thing I can say is our people, our people!!!!!!
      I don’t know but these are not my people. I don’t claim these crazy bitches regardless of color. so our people my ass


      1. Weaves are taking over. Does any woman have natural hair anymore?

        STHU! Weaves and pieces are convenient besides we sistahs are inovative that’s why you have white woman tryna follow us and do the same thing. Trust all women wear waves not just black women.


  15. This is the most ghetto, hood rat, chicken head thing I think I’ve ever heard. This chick is 33 with a kid, and still acting this foolish? This chick need to have her son/daughter removed from her custody. She is truly unfit.


  16. So stupid..there is more peter in the sea… i mean was he really worth going to jail for…people act so dumb when it comes down to a man.. never throw ya selves on a man.. play hard to get and he just might give in. never fight ya best friend over a man. keep ya girl and let the man go.. its not worth losing a friendship ..


  17. She’s fighting in a public place with the baby mama of her boyfriend….not her husband but boyfriend, lands in jail under a six figure bond which no one will pay to get her out and I bet the boyfriend don’t care about either one of them that much and is probably with another woman by now. LOL.


  18. Theresa Monique Jefferson should be so embarrassed for fighting over a man who obviously doesn’t want her. I hope her victims recover and that this assault stays with her regarding future employment for the rest of her life. –


      1. Ladies if the relationship don’t work, pleaaaaaaaaaaase let it gooooooooo

        i can cosign that!


      1. Now ya’ll know we all shop at walmart

        and your point is???

        No point it’s just that these women make it look like walmart shoppers are ghetto.


      2. No point it’s just that these women make it look like walmart shoppers are ghetto

        ghetto hoodrats are erwhere no exceptions!!!!!!!!!!!!


      1. she look like she had been cryin too.

        IDC dumb HO sittin in jail now behind a chemical fight over a man. she coulda killed somebody.


  19. When a girl gets that angry, it’s becuz dude is still having relations with her or she still has feelings for him or she cant get over the loss of the peen #Fail


      1. Yeah “she should have done something decent to her head before going to the police station like that; She should’ve shaved it like GI Jane or Sinead O’connor at least.”

        She could’ve pulled a Cassie off


      2. Yikes! Her head HAD to be throbbing. I can just hear the tracks getting ripped out and she probably lost many follicles over this foolishness.

        LOL @ “She should have done something decent to her head before going to the police station like that; Should’ve shaved it like GI Jane or Sinead O’connor at least.”


  20. Wait A Minute…

    Grown-AZZ Females in their 30s are fighting in Public in a Walmart Store over Some Dude WHY do OUR People continue to put their LIVES in danger over Such Trivial Things


  21. She’s not a bad looking chic. Too bad she got her hair ripped out and now she’s in jail. I’m thinking that there was another cleaning agent involved. Either way, no man is worth me going to jail, or getting my hair ripped out.

    Morning people.


  22. 33 years old and acting a damn fool! Now lets see who will come up with bail money.. When will women learn there worth.. Oh wait maybe she was fighting for her man…. never fighting ova any man… boys are Just like buses miss one next 15 min one coming…..


  23. Hey Fam Fam

    Right now, ‘ol girl looks as if she needs those stimulation treatments w/that electric wand they do @ the beauty shop to open up the pores in order to get them follicles to growing! Poor example for the chilren as I said in the previous post with the cousin killer.




    1. Aint no nigga peen that good that I’m going to catch a case over! Hell NO!

      That’s what I’m sayin…women can be so stoopid.


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