Being Single, Conversations Of A Sistah, Host Conversations Of A Sistah, Relationships

“Why are Single Women Pursuing Men?” Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”

What is up with single women pursuing men? Even magazine ads are starting to suggest or even encourage women that this is the way to go. Are women that hard up? My God I hope not!!

If you have to pursue a man chances are, he’s not interested and is just along for the ride.

Women who chase men believe therein lies their happiness. And the man they’re chasing can provide that happiness but believing such bullshit is not only shallow but an empty assessment of ones selfworth.

Join me live at 6:30 p.m. on “Conversations Of A Sistah” via blog talk radio for tonights commentary, “Why are single women chasing men?” It’s the man’s responsibility to pursue you and I’ll tell you why? So tune in.

All “conversation links” in this post will give you access to the online show.

Hope to meet you on the air.

Being Mary Jane, Being Single, BET Network, Season premiere, Television Sitcoms

Being Mary Jane…I like the show but it promotes premarital sex!

Being Mary Jane

In case you missed it, BET’s original scripted series, Being Mary Jane starring Gabrielle Union aired last night after much fanfare.

Many are wondering if the show is “life imitating art” as Union’s character is in love with and can’t let go of a married man. The show addresses infidelity, adultery and premarital sex as the norm for a successful black woman. This depiction is both disturbing and somewhat unrealistic.

Union’s character secretly yearns for a man and family of her own but sees this goal as unattainable due to the perplexed marriage to her career.

Last night’s show was the first of eight series, my question is…will you continue to watch?

Being Single, CEO's Blog, Conversations Of A Sistah, What she said

“Single…Sexy…and Solo”, Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”


Why is having a man so important for some women? And why is having a woman so important for some men? How is it that, some individuals allow society to dictate their status to equaling one’s importance to another half? When people are made whole? God did not make men and women half beings to complete another half. However, some people find that being single is the biggest curse since the creation of a girdle.

Having a mate is wonderful and love created divine so awesome but there are some steps that we as individuals should take in order to grow into being with another person. The biggest step being, getting to know and love thyself first!

In order to be comfortable in your “SINGLE” status you must first have the confidence and security within yourself that no other man and/or woman can taint.

Some men and women hate being solo and I find this to be a sad state of competition.

Join me tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah” via “Conversations Live” at 8:00 PM as I discuss the joys of being Single, Sexy and Solo.

In the meantime, sound off on this topic and access the show here!