Conversations Of A Sistah, Tracy L. Bell - Blog Talk Radio, Tracy L. Bell Host Conversations Of A Sistah

Pedophilia? The R. Kelly DocuSeries… Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”

The Conversations are back!!!

And with so much happening in the news today, we didn’t know where to begin. Therefore we decided to talk about the topic on everybody’s minds throughout social media and in the news and that’s the R. Kelly docuseries “Surviving R. Kelly” which aired as a six hour series on lifetime television at the start of the New Year.

The six-part docuseries focused on the testimonies of multiple women who claim the R&B singer/songwriter molested and abused them over the years. Since then R. Kelly has faced more accusations — including allegations that he kept a harem of young women hostage in 2 mansions in the suburban Atlanta area. But no charges were filed against him.

Since the docuseries aired, Kelly has faced major backlash with his label, Sony Records who has reportedly parted ways with the 52 year old “bump and grind” R & B crooner in the aftermath of a sex scandal involving adult women who claim the singer abused them and held them hostage in his Atlanta area home and a Chicago recording studio.

The six-hour series which aired over three nights featured multiple women sharing their experiences with Kelly. The women – who are above the age of consent – allege that Kelly lured them into his sex cult, allegedly holding them captive at his home in Georgia and at his recording studio near his native Chicago, Illinois. The series touched on the fact that, the singer would have men in his entourage search out young groupies before and during the singers concerts.

Join our Host, Ms. Tracy L. Bell at 6:30 p.m. EST on “Conversations Of A Sistah” as she sits down in our studios with Sex Therapist Dr. Tamara Rose, (pictured left) to discuss “Pedophilia – The R Kelly DocuSeries” as it relates to sexuality. Dr. Rose has more than 20 years experience teaching human sexuality and travels the country speaking, consulting and providing extensive training to individuals, colleges, universities, and faith-based organizations.

We hope to meet you on the air!!!

All “conversation links” will access the show!!

100 thoughts on “Pedophilia? The R. Kelly DocuSeries… Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

  1. Tra he’s supposedly coming out with his side of the truth “Surviving Lies” his side of the story. I think it’s going to be a Facebook series.


  2. That’s the thing…I don’t think these women were underage at the time. I think they were all over 18….hell, some were even in their 20’s at the time…so Kellz may have a case here. He may have a problem but I don’t think any of these women were underage.


    1. these women was chasing greed, fame, and notoriety. he gravitated to women with self esteem issues. he was really big pimpin


      1. I hope Tracy swoop both sides
        ???????? what does that mean? Flip both sides to this story? only one side was told in that docuseries. what side would you like her to flip?


    1. Good afternoon one and all.
      Happy “Conversations Of A Sistah” Wednesday.
      Guess Dr. Tamara gone break down the low down skinny on pedophilia


    1. I saw the docuseries and that was not a grown women who ran to her parents screaming. that was a young gurl. so i beg to differ.


  3. I’m trying to understand WHY am I such a sympathizer for R? I wonder if something is wrong with me? I wish this would all go away. People make sooo many good points about this on both sides. It’s just too much. I fear he will kill himself and then we have to deal with that….I’m exhausted.


  4. I don’t listen to his music dropped him a long time ago. I won’t be a hypocrite if that was one of my female relatives me and the boys would have handled him proper.


    FOR STARTERS. Others will be exposed and handled I’m sure but this one here needs to step on up for his lack of accountability. The parents and anyone else will have their sins to answer for but AT LEAST FINALLY let this over middle aged man who preys on immature, easily manipulated, naively ambitious, codependents, and em-paths located near his grip can have one more opportunity to not be victimized and most importantly educate themselves on inner protection. Spending time deflecting leaves this demon time to find another body to inhabit/host.


      1. I didn’t mention color. Not anything about America. Feel free to start your own comment with that. This is about making a difference finally. Whatever we can obtain. You don’t need to attach that to mine as nothing I said implied that and I didn’t go there. No need to ignite smaller fires. For the record Harvey W. is not black. They started there first. Spacey Asia and woody. Again… can’t nab all the drug dealers at one time. It’s about results and not blowing the case as done most of the time.


      2. NewsGurl…Really?
        I see a black man Bill Cosby in jail and now the target is R. Kelly. The white’s get payouts and move on free to live their lives. Once again…nab the black man. You’re too blind to see what’s happening.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. The black man can’t do and get away with what a white man can. the rules are different ESPECIALLY within the justice system. and we’ve all seen that. this is why OJ Simpson was so hated. white folk felt like he got away with murder. this is why they set his ass up. so when it comes to law and order and justice. the rules are different for the black man. remember that.


  6. Him being a pedophile does not change the quality of his music. It still sounds good so I’m going to enjoy it as much as I have over the past 25 years.


    1. i still listen to his music O_o hail. why would I stop. his personal life as a freak has nothing to do with the beats he drop. it’s just talent with a sick twist that’s all.


  7. This entire situation is starting to drag now. Everyday its something or someone new talking about R. Kelly. With so many different people talking and coming from out of nowhere , it is hard to determine what is the truth and whats not the truth now. The people who really know the truth aint said a word.


    1. He’ll be signed…know that. He can also tour domestically and internationally and make a killing. He has major hits and that Trapped in the Closet saga was great. People will pay to see him.


    2. “the MASTER recordings”…are typically OWNED by the record label. Labels pay artists up front to record songs…these original recordings are called MASTERS. A record label can fire an artist YET still OWN their MASTERS.


    3. RCA was not involved with The R.’s recent releases “Born to My Music” or the 19-minute song “I Admit”. But word has it multiple record labels are “very interested” in working with The R.


    4. So let me get this straight, they signed him 16 years after he married the girl, and after this was public knowledge and 8 years after the sex tape surfaced? They were cool with all of that and the only thing they are not cool with is the heat…all of that was ok until today. Makes no sense to me at all and as usual this will blow over. There are so many black teens having sex and babies with grown ass men over 20 and no one seems to be saying shit about it. Why is this NOW a problem?


      1. his own fault he forgot he is black. look at bill cosby. he got all successful and rich and forgot he STILL cant do what white folks do. the system is set against us. no, you cant do what you see white folks do and you cannot get away with what you see white folks getting away with. it is what it is.


  8. I don’t know anything about R. Kelly except the music he makes and writes. I don’t know about his love life and what he did or didn’t do. But the Women’s Sex harassment movement has gone toooo far. Now they are destroying men’s livelihoods. If R. Kelly is a pimp, sobeit. Those women can go to the police and complain. They can produce proof (vido/audio). None of the women he’s with now say he’s done them badly. The women in the past….I don’t know….are you so weak and gullible you believe what the man says and takes Shy*t he does? I feel sorry for these brothers, because some of it is 50/50. Women running after men like puppy dogs; many of them gold diggers. his reputation has been rampant, so why would these women continue to be with him?


    1. hese little hot azz 13 year olds act just like their mothers who had them when they were teens. I’ve heard them say…”She can’t say anything. She had me when she was 15.” It’s a generational tragedy. These girls ran after R. Kelly. And he wasn’t their first. They gave it up to JJ, Big Lou, Tiny, and Pappy down the street and around the corner. They weren’t innocent or they wouldn’t have taken their clothes off when he told them to. They would have said hell no and left. Instead they were laid up beds in the studios doing threesomes and getting paid. All you have to do is give these black teens some weed, Hennessey, and nail money.


      1. Those are beautiful young women who were failed by the people that were supposed to protect them. Robert doesn’t like the fast as ghetto ran through type. He likes them virganal and innocent. So the type of girl your explaining does not even apply here. He literally likes young girls, not to do right by them but only to be the first to sexually manipulate and violate them before they even get to the fast as phase.


    2. That 14 year old in the tape…seemed experienced and accepted money. The virginal type knows not to go to a man’s hotel room unless they want to be turned out. These girls were into the freakiness and went back for more. Like the song say, Age ain’t nothing but a number. These young girls are freakier and more sexually experienced than the average female.They were open to Kelly’s fetishes and stayed for years.


      1. Lol…😂 you ain’t lying….Preach sister , I agree with you . Those whores knew what they were doing, they wanted him.


  9. Tracy I’m tuning because all those young gurls were freaks involved in S&M. Asking for food. Stomping on floors for hours. They were submissive and so was his ex-wife. They all knew what he liked. He controlled them with food deprivation and locking them in their room…and they liked it.


    1. And you know what Cam….that chick is a minority. I wonder what would’ve happened had she been a white chick?
      Sad 😥 to say—but IMO–society views children of color–as being expendable. Or you know, not as virginal or virtuous as little white children.


  10. I am not excusing R Kelly at ALL. Not one iota. (I saw the ORIGINAL tape of him peeing on that minor.) So yeah, fuck him.

    What I AM saying is—-why aren’t people boycotting the works of other documented or famous pedos, like..umm..i dunno Woody Allen, to name a few:


    1. You only named 1
      Let me help you out:
      Elvis Presley (Priscilla was 15 and Elvis was 25)
      Jerry Seinfeld (His g/f was 17 and Jerry was 39)
      Kobe Bryant (Vanessa was 17 when they started “dating”)
      Tyga (She was 16, HE was 24)
      Doug Hutchison (played the guard in the movie Green Mile. He was 51, his g/f was 16)

      IJS, call em ALL out…

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Exactly!!!
        Notice they are ONLY holding black men accountable. R Kelly is wrong but so is Harvey Weinstein yet Weinstein’s charges keep getting dropped. Smh 😡


    2. R. Kelly did have a HAREM of tweens living with them nor did they hold anyone Against their will and they were allowed to see their parents! BIG DIFFERENCES


      1. @Ashanti…
        Ohhh, okay.
        So, it’s okay for full grown adults to molest children under the age of 18, as long as there’s not a harem or illegal confinement involved?
        I wasn’t aware of that statute.
        Thanks for enlightening me.


  11. I saw the docuseries and was still left wondering????
    What is he doing to these girls. I understand the first time but why stay? Why was the older lady so afraid to go into her bedroom? I think more details need to be released. Other than that, it seems like they were all into hardcore sex and bondage.


  12. They are only saving face. If they lift the veil and all of their demons were front and center the whole industry would be a bust. But they use Bill and Kells to set an example and idolize Hugh Hefner. Kendra was 17 when she met Hugh and 18 when she moved in but he is white so it’s a wash…. a white wash. All the white perverts get immunity. They should all burn in hell black white and yellow.


    1. True.
      But his money flow’s going to start drying up more and more. Less record sales, less concerts & smaller venues, less airplay on the radio and streaming (thus less money from his music catalog)… etc etc. R Kelly’s going to have to learn to start living small. and living small is not having a small harem of women in da crib and at the studio.


    1. I think she tried to steer the conversation more toward sexuality. and heed the conversation more toward healing. but yea I picked up booshie from her too. 😆 LOL she also seemed a bit bitter. wasn’t her last name Griffin when she was on the show last time?


    2. she seemed booshie.
      YES!!!!!!!!!!! why agree to be on the show then say what you will not say about R. Kelly? Then why come on the show. she was disappointing with her sexual ideology. I was annoyed with her.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. she seemed booshie.
        🤷‍♀️ yes that’s it. She was mum on the subject. I was like🙄why are you even a guest if you cant stick to the forum


      2. why are you even a guest if you cant stick to the forum
        Yes why? because I’m sure she was well aware of the subject prior to being on the show *rolls eyes*


    3. why agree to be on the show then say what you will not say about R. Kelly? Then why come on the show.


      1. why agree to be on the show then say what you will not say about R. Kelly? Then why come on the show.
        she didnt wnt to evoke her professional opinion one wy or another. I thought the show was good pedo info wise but it lacked the R. Kelly convo in general.


  13. Good show Tracy but next time please get a guest who can roll with the full pedophile theme of the conversation. she was O_o a little annoying. don’t get me wrong I understand her caution but damn throw a sister a bone. sheesh


    1. Good show Tracy but next time please get a guest who can roll with the full pedophile theme of the conversation
      EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!! I just emailed Tracy


      1. Good show Tracy but next time please get a guest who can roll with the full pedophile theme of the conversation
        she acted like she was gonna fifty lashes for just mentioning his name. I was like. Seriously?


      2. Good show Tracy but next time please get a guest who can roll with the full pedophile theme of the conversation
        Yes she sucked! Dr. my ass. sometimes we have to climb off the pedastool people put us on and come the hell down to earth!!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. his record label dropped him and he’s been hit with multiple fines for having women living in his studio. they hittin him in the pocket.


  14. Tracy I believe this is the beginning of his fall from fame. Once your own city say they don’ want you, then it’s a wrap.


  15. Nope didn’t like Dr. Tamara she acted like her shit don’t stink. Not because she refused to acknowledge Kelly as a pedophile but because of the way she spoke and kept referring to the “DM” WTF was that a medical manual? she annoyed thee hell out of me. Nope Tracy don’t ever have that bitch back EVER!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think when Dr. Rose didn’t want to address certain questions based on her so called “professional expertise” Tracy was forced to divert the conversation in another direction. I mean you got them heifers on “the View” and every other talk show platform mentioning R. Kelly I don’t see why she felt her position was any different.


  16. Yo!!!
    I’m re-listening to the show and this chick sound like she was annoyed that Trace was well versed in her questions but didn’t want to expound on the subject of pedophilia. at the same time Tracy was trying to protect the listener/reader who obviously at some point was raped by a family member. and Yes Tamara silence breeds consent. I disagree with her on that one!!


    1. silence breeds consent.
      Exactly and if you rape my child and we ARE RELATED NO I’M NOT STAYING SILENT!!! LAYERS MY ASS. WE WILL DEAL WITH IT.


    2. silence does breed consent. there is no way i can sit across from a family member knowing they raped me. oh hell to the naw. a mother is supposed notice that childs body language right away. and if it ain’t right somethings wrong.


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