Conversations Of A Sistah, Tracy L. Bell - Blog Talk Radio, Tracy L. Bell Host Conversations Of A Sistah

Pedophilia? The R. Kelly DocuSeries… Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”

The Conversations are back!!!

And with so much happening in the news today, we didn’t know where to begin. Therefore we decided to talk about the topic on everybody’s minds throughout social media and in the news and that’s the R. Kelly docuseries “Surviving R. Kelly” which aired as a six hour series on lifetime television at the start of the New Year.

The six-part docuseries focused on the testimonies of multiple women who claim the R&B singer/songwriter molested and abused them over the years. Since then R. Kelly has faced more accusations — including allegations that he kept a harem of young women hostage in 2 mansions in the suburban Atlanta area. But no charges were filed against him.

Since the docuseries aired, Kelly has faced major backlash with his label, Sony Records who has reportedly parted ways with the 52 year old “bump and grind” R & B crooner in the aftermath of a sex scandal involving adult women who claim the singer abused them and held them hostage in his Atlanta area home and a Chicago recording studio.

The six-hour series which aired over three nights featured multiple women sharing their experiences with Kelly. The women – who are above the age of consent – allege that Kelly lured them into his sex cult, allegedly holding them captive at his home in Georgia and at his recording studio near his native Chicago, Illinois. The series touched on the fact that, the singer would have men in his entourage search out young groupies before and during the singers concerts.

Join our Host, Ms. Tracy L. Bell at 6:30 p.m. EST on “Conversations Of A Sistah” as she sits down in our studios with Sex Therapist Dr. Tamara Rose, (pictured left) to discuss “Pedophilia – The R Kelly DocuSeries” as it relates to sexuality. Dr. Rose has more than 20 years experience teaching human sexuality and travels the country speaking, consulting and providing extensive training to individuals, colleges, universities, and faith-based organizations.

We hope to meet you on the air!!!

All “conversation links” will access the show!!