Conversations Of A Sistah, Tracy L. Bell - Blog Talk Radio, Tracy L. Bell Host Conversations Of A Sistah

White Privilege in America Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”

What is white privilege? It’s a term used for associating societal privileges that benefit white people in this country and beyond what is commonly experienced by non-white people under the same social, political, or economic circumstances. The concept is to analyze how racism and racialized societies affect the lives of white or white-skinned people verses people of color.

Whites in society enjoy advantages that non-whites do not experience, as “an invisible package of unearned assets”. White privilege denotes both obvious and less obvious passive advantages that white people may not recognize they have, which distinguishes them from overt bias or prejudice.

Join our host Ms. Tracy Bell on “Conversations Of A Sistah” via Blog Talk Radio at 6:30 p.m. EST for her commentary on “White Privilege in America“.

Follow ‘the links‘ in this post to access the show.

115 thoughts on “White Privilege in America Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

    1. What kind of privilege is white privilege?
      The fact that in Amerikka white men and boys can kill and be arrested without being murdered that’s one example for you


    2. Oh you want attention as usual.
      White privilege is when you can sit up in Starbucks all day and not order a damn thing and still not have the cops called on yo ass

      So be sure and tune in so you’ll learn something


    3. White privilege is when a killer can be taken to McDonald’s by the officers who arrested him for slaughtering 9 black people in a church. So…GTFOHWYBS!!!


    4. What kind of privilege is white privilege?
      Seriously @Angelhair, you don’t know? In 2018 you don’t know what white privilege is and it’s been shown now in this TRUMP Amerikka than ever b4. I’m a freakin white woman and i know what white privilege is


      1. Well @Angelhair, the first step would be acknowledging that it exists. who’s addressing it? TRACY IS going too… be sure and tune in. Like everyone else here we don’t know what she’s going to say ..she only gave a tidbit up top. As she does every Wednesday b4 her show.


      2. Just seems to me that Tracy is race baiting now on her subject. O_o
        Race baiting? Are you serious? what world are you living in? racism is even denying the fact that it exist. Do you not watch the news are you not in touch with reality? Are you riding the slow bus to seriously THINK this is a race baited topic? These disparities in police use of force reflect more widespread racial inequities across the entire American criminal justice system. Black people are much more likely to be arrested for drugs, even though they’re not more likely to use or sell them. And black inmates make up a disproportionate amount of the prison population. FOH!!


      3. Angelhair,
        I’m gonna need you to take a step back and think. Because of white privilege, white people in general don’t have to prepare their children for being racially attacked or being discriminated because of their skin color. White men don’t understand the fear that black men face when being pulled over by a police officer for a broken tail light then getting gunned down. Events like this shows that white privilege is real !!!

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      4. with all of these facts being shared and she says this is race baiting. I’m with Yvonne. Gurl BYE!!!


      5. @Angelhair,
        You’re an idiot!!! White privilege is not only a thing about skin color, but also about how we favor others because of who and what we see. I can bet this is the case with you. Because we see mostly white people because of history. They want to look Superior, they want us to believe everything they’ve created is the best. Wake up honey, you’ve been hoodwinked and bamboozled.


    5. I’ll say it again….Racism is not dead. Until it is there will always be obstacles for some that don’t exist for others. That is white privilege.

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    6. The definition of racism is “the belief that one race is superior to another.” Can you please explain where in this post is it arguing that?

      Since you seemed to miss the point – people of minorities are not arguing they are better than others. White privilege is the upper hand in social, political and economic institutions that white people of U.S. get merely due to their skin color. Therefore, we need to acknowledge this privilege and adjust the playing field so that all people can reach their fullest potential.


    7. You don’t have to agree but as i just stated down yonder, history tells us that white privilege exist. white people, in the past were unfair. So recognize that if you are white, you do benefit from white privilege whether you like it or not. If you don’t want it to exist just as much as me, start pulling more minorities up, help your peers prosper. That’s how it’s address and eradicated.


    8. Angelhair,
      Why don’t you check yourself at the door? Clearly you haven’t opened your eyes to the real state of the U.S. There is systematic racism and it’s in our education, housing, political and judicial system. Just because some people have been able to move up in life doesn’t mean that the whole group doesn’t suffer.


  1. Tough subject and reality and it’s TRUE. And unless your willing to understand what it’s like to be minority and denied certain privileges you’ll never understand it.


    1. Good afternoon everyone.
      I see it like this, if we are all truly a fam on this blog then you’re not offended by tonight’s topic but willing to embrace a truth and face it with an open mind to understand what people of color have been dealing with in this country since its inception.
      Now that’s #frealtalk!

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  2. White Privilege, entitlement, a general all admission ‘pass’- all the same. It is the automatic and often unconscious feeling or attitude that says,” How dare you, Do you know who I am, and all others are secondary to me!” I don’t have to acknowledge you or your presence if ever I am in your presence. I tolerate you, but at all times you must respect,adore and stay out of my way. White privilege.

    Black pride can counter all of that except A HEALTHY DOSE of earned respect.

    Liked by 8 people

  3. Ooh good one Tra. 👏👏👏👏👏
    White privilege is when you can kill a young black boy and get away with it all because you felt threatened and then stood on a law created and designed for you anyways

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  4. White privilege is when your friends of minority descent is not afforded the same opportunities are you. White privilege is never having to wonder if you’ll be pulled over and killed by police. anyone see the video that surfaced of the white woman talking to police outside of her car after being stopped? Seriously?

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  5. If anybody here or anywhere else in these United Snakes are not able to see white privilege, they aren’t trying very hard. the denial is real because the truth of it is hard to fathom when you’re in another skin.

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  6. white privilege is when employers could do a better job of interviewing people with names like Juan, Tyrone, or Rosa instead of placing their resumes in the “round file.” Yea talk about it Trace.

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  7. Tuning in because unfortunately this is one topic you can’t be taught in a college, nor is it a degree you can study and acquire. Peace & Blessings all

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      1. YES!!!!
        That video is prime example of white privilege. had she been black she would’ve be shot. Y’all remember the black women who got her ass whipped by a cop for walkin along the road/highway minding her own business?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. This is why the video is circulating through social media as well as all others, to show you just how white people are privileged here in amerikkka


  8. White privilege is ALIVE AND WELL today. The fact that 2 black men can be arrested in a Starbucks for doing the same things whites were is white privilege. The fact that a black guy got kicked out of a LA Fitness gym because he looked suspicious when he was a member is white privilege. The fact that white boys and white men can kill and be apprehended without losing their lives is white privilege. The fact that white cops can kill black men and women with no consequence is white privilege. Ooh the list can go on but I think I made my point. 😡

    Liked by 3 people

  9. The definition of racism is “the belief that one race is superior to another.” Can you please explain where in this post is it arguing that?

    Since you seemed to miss the point – people of minorities are not arguing they are better than others. White privilege is the upper hand in social, political and economic institutions that white people of U.S. get merely due to their skin color. Therefore, we need to acknowledge this privilege and adjust the playing field so that all people can reach their fullest potential.

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  10. How are we supposed to overcome our differences if we are still traumatized by them, and if we insist on blaming a whole class of people because of their skin color. That’s as racist a stance as i’m ever going to come across.


    1. I appreciate you trying to essentialize philosophical theory to social injustice, but I think the de-construction of race is a little more complex than law or philosophy. For minorities, the historical impact of white oppression, haunts us on literally every level and institution in life. Intentional or unintentional, by virtue of lineage and privilege, anybody that can or does identify as white has an inherent role in perpetuating the discrimination of minorities. Acknowledging this role and re-negotiating how to adjust and re-purpose privilege is the only way to combat this problem.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Acknowledging this role and re-negotiating how to adjust and re-purpose privilege is the only way to combat this problem.
        Truth 🤟


  11. To everyone who replied maliciously to this post or is going to:

    Yes. It is okay to be white. Love your white skin, and I do not mean this sarcastically, love it. Love yourselves and be happy with your success, be happy with your hard work, take grievances in your sorrow, have annoyances, have problems do what humans do.
    But, you cannot deny that people of color (Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous peoples, and others) are represented in history as white people, Europeans, consistently conquering, robbing, and murdering them. History has consequences. Today we live in a world where in the last 100 years, there have been laws in this country banning people based on ethnicity from immigrating here, there have been laws in place that have prevented people from voting, and from learning because of their skin color, there have been laws in place in this country that imprisoned people based on their ethnicity. This country is an incredible country where hope has never died for a better future, but we are not there yet for all of our citizens.

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    1. Yes. It is okay to be white. Love your white skin, and I do not mean this sarcastically, love it. Love yourselves and be happy with your success, be happy with your hard work, take grievances in your sorrow, have annoyances, have problems do what humans do.
      But, you cannot deny that people of color (Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous peoples, and others) are represented in history as white people, Europeans, consistently conquering, robbing, and murdering them. History has consequences.
      Preach!!!! 👏👏👏👏👏


  12. Conversation is heated I see👀 when I know it is to bring into reality a conversation that’s never been had before. And while I’ve read so many facts, I know tonight’s topic is not meant to be race baiting or malicious in any manner. As Tracy stated in last week’s conversation in order to heal from what has oppressed us we must first confront it.

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  13. This country was created by white people so it has always been good for white people. But built off the backs of slaves who were black people. That already puts whites at an advantage. And there is no debating the FACTS!!! YEA THOSE FACTS!!!

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  14. White people have this thing called privilege, that just so happens to really only apply to white people so therefore it’s called white privilege. Yea they owned this land unfairly which is why their privledged.

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  15. White privilege will be gone when there is no more educational disadvantages for people of color that originated from their erasure from history. White privilege will be gone when there is equal representation of all peoples within all government positions and corporations. White privilege will no longer exist when the damage of history no longer affects how we think and how we perceive others, for it is embedded in our TV, our magazines, our government.

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  16. History tells us that white privilege exist. white people, in the past were unfair. So recognize that if you are white, you do benefit from white privilege whether you like it or not. If you don’t want it to exist just as much as me, start pulling more minorities up, help your peers prosper. That’s how it’s address and eradicated.


  17. The whole system is built against us and if white people can realize that they have an upper hand in every aspect of life then they can help change the system so that every minority has a fair chance. We must acknowledge the unfairness and disparities in order to fix them.


  18. See I knew this topic started somewhere. she said after the Starbucks witness acknowledged that it exist. Smh. sad 😥 but good show.


  19. Tracy i can respect you being flooded with emails on this topic/subject tonight but let’s face it, everything ain’t for everybody. Besides this is a black blog.

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    1. This is NOT a black blog. Sorry and I’m learning a lot and appreciate her commentary and yes she told the truth. Lawd knows it cant be denied.


  20. Tracy was right.
    It might be a hard pill to swallow but she was on point tonight.

    The blacks always die in custody. Y’all be mad but you may as well get glad because she was right👏👏👏👏👏👏

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  21. “White privilege is being able to shop freely without being followed throughout a store!!” KA POW!!!!

    remember the young black guy who sued Barney’s in NYC? Yeah.

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  22. Good show Tracy.
    But Obama didn’t do a damn thing for black folk. he could’ve passed and changed laws but he didn’t.


    1. Barack couldn’t move mountains i mean we have to do for ourselves at some point. But I agree he could’ve passed certain laws. and he didn’t. I hate that he will go down in history as the president who did for the gays.


  23. White privilege is real and alive today because we as a people had no power over the laws that were created to work against us throughout history that are still alive and practiced today. I swear this is why cops can kill us and get away with it. It’s a new form of lynching. Smh.


  24. “They may never understand racism because they have the luxury to overlook it – they can act as if it doesn’t even exist”……..TLB “Conversations Of A Sistah” The most powerful words in her message last night.

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