Racism in America

Celebrities & The Public Raise $106K for James Shaw; Call Out Trump for Ignoring His Heroism

Snoop Dogg and other celebrities are calling out President Donald Trump for ignoring Waffle House hero James Shaw, Jr. who disarmed Travis Reinking after he shot and killed 4 people and wounded 4 more with an AR-15.

Reinking, 29, who wore only a green coat during the attack on April 22, was captured alive on Monday while walking in the woods in Antioch, Tennessee.

Shaw, a 29-year-old father of one, charged Reinking and snatched away his AR-15. His actions saved others from being killed in the restaurant.

Rapper Snoop Dogg and other celebs wonder why Trump hasn’t recognized Shaw for his bravery.

“If a Muslim shot up a restaurant full of white people, the ‘president’ would be tweeting up a storm, driving his dumb racist base into a frenzy.” Snoop Dogg’ posted on Instagram.com.

Snoop added: “The NRA would use it as fodder for propaganda to scare dumb racists into buying more guns.”

GoFundMe page created by Shaw, Jr. for the shooting victims has raised over $106,000 of its stated $15,000 goal.

62 thoughts on “Celebrities & The Public Raise $106K for James Shaw; Call Out Trump for Ignoring His Heroism”

  1. I live in the United States, where an unarmed black man can disarm an active shooter and de-escalate a very hostile situation but the police can’t do the same when dealing with unarmed black men and women. Smdh

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I live in the United States, where an unarmed black man can disarm an active shooter and de-escalate a very hostile situation but the police can’t do the same when dealing with unarmed black men and women. Smdh
      🙌 PREACH!!!!!


  2. We get shot and dragged, NO ACKNOWLEDGMENT. 😡 we become heroes and NO ACKNOWLEDGEMENT… What do black people have to do to get heard by him, kill white people?


  3. Snoop made a good point. Trump quick to call us criminals and gangstas but don’t have not one nice word for someone risking their lives for others. I just donated $20 for his young man. He deserves more if you ask me. #RESIST


  4. If the Secret Service on President Obama’s watch, gave a mentaly ill person’s parents back his guns, and said person murdered 4 people, with those guns, we’d NEVER hear the end of it! Where is that talk. These Yakoo terrorist get treated with so much privilege. Reinking got bond! HOW? How you kill 4 people and get Bond??


  5. Why would they ask Satan (Trump) to give credit to the work of God’s Angel (James Shaw). Why would the devil reprimand his demons? He doesn’t that’s why ol boy got bail and taken alive.


  6. Trump is a racist but so are White Liberals! One is in your face and the other is behind your back. That’s the only difference.


  7. This man is a true hero!! However I am under the covers waiting for “them” to dig up something to make him seem less than a hero. I hope this does not happen but I am scurred!!


    1. I don’t think they have nothing. If they did it would be out by now. Idk if you remember that man that saved those white girls in Cleveland a few years back. They dug up his criminal history quick all he ended up with was free burgers for life. They didn’t even give him the reward $.


    2. They are going to try, and not for nothing if there was something it would be out.
      Still don’t change the face that he wrestled a AR-15, from a naked man, who killed 4 people and grazed him!


  8. Hats off to Mr. Shaw. We all know why
    Trump hasn’t acknowledged his act of heroism. To be honest who needs or wants to be acknowledged by Trump with an ingenious thank you. The nation has come together to acknowledge and show appreciation toward Mr. Shaw for his selfless act, because of his actions lives were saved. We salute you Mr. Shaw.


  9. I don’t need to be recognized by Trump to know I’m the shit… I wouldn’t want him near me in any capacity!
    But I do understand exactly what they mean though


  10. If it is anything positive occurring in society, and unless he can take credit for it, DT dgaf. It just speaks to the character of this demon. He is a habitual liar with delusions of grandeur yet sit’s in the highest ranking position in America.


  11. It’s true though. Always so quick to point out white “heroism” yet crickets when it’s anyone else. Fuck Trump and fuck the white people who follow him🖕🖕🖕🖕


      1. Some people are literally begging for Trump to say something. And why point out the obvious ? Lol 😆 validation from God is all that matters. Shaw is and will continue to be blessed.


  12. Again do y’all need validation from Trump or any other white man?! James Shaw doesn’t care just hand him his check and let him live his life.


  13. Dude is definitely a hero. I am glad he didn’t get hurt.

    Trump is too worried about the investigation of his bagman, excuse me, I mean lawyer. He a little preoccupied right now.


    1. Just pointing out how selective Trump is when a crime happens.

      If the gunman had been a Muslim and the victims white Trump would tweeted about it multiple times, but since the perp was white and the hero was black it didn’t grasp his attention.


  14. This is just beautiful. Folks always say that Black People don’t stick together but look at this show of love and support. The police should honor this guy for his heroism as well as the President but since it doesn’t look like it’s going to happen I am happy that he’s being honored by the people. He’s the People’s Champion!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Imagine if some white dude had done this. Trump would not only praise him for his heroism, but he’d probably invite him to the White House to have a beer.


  16. He doesn’t NEED the president’s validation but this young man and father MERITS the president’s recognition and commendation.


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