Civil Rights, Martin Luther King

March For Humanity To Commemorate MLK’s Funeral Procession, 50 Years Ago Today.

More than 2,000 strong march to commemorate the funeral procession of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 50 years ago to the day — the march started down Auburn Avenue toward downtown Atlanta at 12:55 p.m. Singing “I Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me ‘Round” and “This Little Light of Mine,” the marchers were led by King’s granddaughter, Yolanda Renee King; his son, Martin III; his daughter, Bernice King; Robert Kennedy’s daughter, Kerry Kennedy; March for Our Lives organizer Jaclyn Corin; and King family members  Isaac Farris, Alveda King Beal and Naomi King, widow of King’s brother, A.D. Also in the front ranks: the Rev. Al Sharpton and rapper T.I.

The 1.3-mile March for Humanity commemorated a portion of the original funeral procession from Ebenezer to Morehouse College. The 1968 procession was 4.3 miles. Today’s march ended at the state Capitol with a ceremony at Liberty Plaza.

7 thoughts on “March For Humanity To Commemorate MLK’s Funeral Procession, 50 Years Ago Today.”

  1. It’s 2018 and these fools are still marching. They talk about marching for humanity,Whose humanity?
    These negroes need to first march against Black On Black Crime and deal with our own humanity or lack there of.
    Later for the dumb political agendas.


  2. And am I the only one who gets annoyed when black people are being interviewed by news stations saying “we’ve come a long way but have a lot of work to do?” The sh*t still looks the same to me if not worse!


  3. Thank you Reverend. I’ve always been in awe of your bravery. I would have cowered. You, Rosa, and countless others. I can’t even imagine but thank you all.


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