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Can you recognize ‘the voice’ of the enemy? Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”

Yes that’s right the enemy has a voice.

Case in point. The serpent. Sometimes he gets a little help from his human friends. Case in point. Goliath. Sometimes he talks in the form of spirits. Case in point. Legions. Sometimes he speaks through diviners and soothsayers. Bottom line. He knows how to talk and will do so through other people.

And, as for we humans, we know how to listen. Sometimes we know the enemy is speaking and we listen anyway. But all too often, we do not even recognize his voice at all and when you don’t recognize the voice of the enemy, he will rule or ruin your life.

Can you recognize ‘the voice’ of the enemy in your life?

Tune into “Conversations Of A Sistah” “LIVE” on blog talk radio at 6:30 p.m. EST with host Tracy L. Bell for her commentary on this perplexed subject, Can you recognize ‘the voice’ of the enemy? 

We hope to meet you on the air. 

All “Conversation links” in this post make it possible to access the show.

23 thoughts on “Can you recognize ‘the voice’ of the enemy? Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

  1. Our thoughts and “that voice” reflect our attitudes about ourselves.and a lot of us believe those voices in private and when we’re alone. and without knowing better you will listen to those voices. positive or negative.


  2. The enemy spews hate and can be anybody. your coworker, a neighbor, a cop. I mean he takes on many forms. so um this topic is def spiritual.


      1. Oh NO I heard the show. I may not be crazy about her topics but I still tune in. What she said is true. we all have that negative voice that will drop in our ears, telling us to give up. Tra was encouraging. Just LUV her.


  3. who in here actually has a spirit of discernment? I mean are you able to call BS on a play? LOL 🙂 I wanna know. raise ya hand if you can feel people out?


  4. Tracy said, “prayer and a relationship with God is a personal thang” and once you have exp, God for yourself, you can’t DENY him!!! <<—– That blew my mind because sometimes I def doubt. 😥


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