The EGO, Tracy L. Bell - Blog Talk Radio, Tracy L. Bell Host Conversations Of A Sistah

“When your EGO Surpasses Logic” Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”

Do you know someone with a HUGE EGO? So huge that they’re willing to scarafice everything for it and throw caution to demise all for the sake of protecting their EGO. And Logic is a servant, not a master therefore, it’s important to distinguish between ego-driven feelings of envy, fear, greed, and the powerful positive urges of the heart, and those of love and compassion. Because Love has its own logic. Ego is considered a big impediment not only for a seeker desirous of God-realisation but it also dampens one’s life. One’s entire life!!

If our ego is high then we are unable to identify with the God Principle within us. In lay terms EGO leads to Pride, superiority, conceit and ‘I’ ness. Additionally, a person with a HIGH EGO is more susceptible to attacks by negative energies. To reduce EGO we have to listen within and what is happening all around us. When we make efforts to reduce EGO as per the directives of a spiritual authority then our spiritual progress happens rapidly.

Tune in tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah” at 6:30 p.m. EST with Host Tracy L. Bell as she addresses ‘When your EGO Surpasses Logic’.

See you on the air but sound OFF here!

All highlighted links make it possible to access the show.

107 thoughts on ““When your EGO Surpasses Logic” Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

    1. Did you read the ENTIRE show post? It clearly states: If our ego is high then we are unable to identify with the God Principle within us. In lay terms EGO leads to Pride, superiority, conceit and ‘I’ ness” meaning when you think it’s all about you and you have NO regard for the people you dal with be it in all of your relationships; emotionally, personally and professionally. Tune in I’m sure Tracy is going to break this down for you/us. 😛


      1. when your ego surpasses logic means nothing matters but your ego. You can hurt people and bridges can fall down in all of your dealings but nothing matters except your ego. Y’all know anybody like that?


    1. It is a man thing. what man doesn’t have an ego especially when he’s competitive and may find himself on a losing end. But when all is failing and falling down on you concerning ya life, that’s when it’s time to check that ego.


      1. But Ego issues are not just a ‘man thing’ per’se. women have egos too and let their ego’s get the best of them even kill relationships. especially when they think their too big to acknowledge when they’re wrong. It’s sad but true.


      1. Good Wednesday evening.
        Yes we were tuned in Yvonne. They talking about tonight’s show downstairs.


      2. Good night Fam.
        God show, hot topic and these comments are “FIRE” on that note I’m out.


  1. Tonight’s topic says a lot because EGO = pride and arrogance. The worst 2 things people struggle with. and yes us brothaz especially but I will admit when I’m wrong and I’ll never let my pride burn bridges.


      1. show was GOOD. she is an awesome speaker and she was ON POINT with all topic points. I tell my husband all the time to check his EGO. Now I’m going to play the rewind just so he can hear it.


      2. Tra WAS GOOD!!!!
        And because she kept saying “you need to” made me think it was personal.
        But she was PASSIONATE about this topic.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I think she was talking to somebody but WHO? 😛 makes ya wonder right?
        Either way was a good show and she rocked her topic. I’m listening to the rewind again.


      4. No doubt somebody she knows or dealt with have a EGO problem. I love how she would say your E….G….O…I was in here 😆 I was like thus Diva is a mess!!!!


      5. Tracy told somebody da fuck off. and she did it real slick. I would be scared to piss her off cause I wouldn’t want her coming for my ass. fa real.


      6. I enjoyed the show.
        But in reality I think she’s had some experience with an EGOISTIC individual. and had to deal with it. I sure hope they tuned in hail I did and she ripped it. Made me check my damn self.


      7. Hey everybody,
        I didn’t get the impression it was PERSONAL for Tracy but got the impression it was experience. she was speaking from experience.


      8. well you heard her say “this friend of hers told her to WAIT on an apology” I wonder who da fuck was that? Really? I know she cut dat ass off. That’s the one thing I will always do and that’s apologize. whoever told her to wait on an apology is fucked up.


      9. I don’t care if it was personal or not, she was GOOD.!!!!
        She dealt with this topic HEAD ON!!!


      10. And because she kept saying “you need to” made me think it was personal.
        But she was PASSIONATE about this topic.
        CoSign but for me she spoke more from a place of experience, like she’s dealt with someone who has an EGO problem. Her passion was because she cant stand egoistic negroes LOL


  2. I like when she she said:: Let’s 1st define EGO? A person’s sense of self importance. I was like UP that’s IT. LOL 😆


  3. Loved tonight’s conversation.
    Awesome topic!!
    Tracy blew my mind. she really made me think about the question.

    “The EGO constantly begs to be satisfied” TLB Conversations Of A Sistah


      1. “The Ego’s focus is on your limitations” – “The Ego doesn’t like to be naked” TLB “Conversations Of A Sistah”




        That was mad disrespectful and knowing Trace she cut his/her ass off too.


      2. To tell someone to WAIT ON AN APOLOGY IS THE ULTIMATE disrespect to someone. Now that is def. a relationship killer.


      3. I can guarantee you all Tracy dropped that ZERO. Let a fool tell me to wait on an apology, I’d take his ass out at the knees. 😆 You can tell Tracy don’t take NO shit., especially from some LOSER who don’t know right from wrong. wow. just wow.


      4. Let me tell you. when she said this person told her to “wait on an apology” I was like Oh yea I know she ended the relationship with whoever that was but guess what they didn’t value her friendship to begin with.

        Tonight was a good show.


      5. Let me tell you. when she said this person told her to “wait on an apology”
        I KNow I was like O_o when she said that……after that you may as well end the relationship because after telling me something like that, it would neva be the same. 😡


      6. If it was a man who refused to apologize to BLOG QUEEN they’re a COWARD plain and simple. A PUNK ASS COWARD!!! IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT THE FUCK WENT DOWN OR HOW

        Liked by 1 person

      7. If it was a man who refused to apologize to BLOG QUEEN they’re a COWARD plain and simple. A PUNK ASS COWARD!!! IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT THE FUCK WENT DOWN OR HOW
        I emailed her asking her who she was referring to that told her “to wait on an apology” and got NO response. I don’t think she’ll tell us who O_o hell and now I wanna know. 😡


      8. why does it matter who told her to “wait on an apology” y’all know damn well Trace was DONE with whoever disrespected her like that. One thing about Blog Queen Diva she commands RESPECT. so hey why worry who it was. I’m sure it’s been handled. And YES if a man I agree he’s a FUCKIN COWARD!!! Period.


      9. Good show tonight and like many of you., I was disturbed when she talked about how some friend, acquaintance or associate told her to wait on an apology. That was very DISRESPECTFUL and this person didn’t value her as a friend, a woman or their equal. Sad 😥 but I’m sure they RUINED their relationship with her 4ever. So for them I hope it was worth it.


    2. Oh yea I know she ended the relationship with whoever that was but guess what they didn’t value her friendship to begin with.
      Exactly!! The person felt their ego was too fragile to issue an apology I would neva sacrifice a relationship for something as petty as not apologizing. and with Trace nonetheless, fuck outta here


      1. Tracy will not reveal who it is/was who told her that. besides what good would it do? and as bad as I wanna know 😆


      2. YO… y’all need to chill. Whomever It WAS “FUCK EM”. Trust and believe she said the same thing.!! When she dumped their asses and GUESS what at the end of their day it’s their LOST. Not hers.


      3. YO… y’all need to chill. Whomever It WAS “FUCK EM”. Trust and believe she said the same thing.!! When she dumped their asses and GUESS what at the end of their day it’s their LOST. Not hers


      4. who wanna bet it was a man?
        Why? How can we know.
        Because men have bigger ego’s and I’m just willing to bet it was a man


      5. Men and women are always at war. But the motherfucker who denied our Blog Queen Diva an apology, need dat ass whooped. Fa Real. Can’t be a real man but a punk as coward.!! 😡

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Tracy I cosign everything you said. The EGO is a relationship killer. I broke up with my man recently for the very same reason. HIS EGO. My GF’s and I are going to send him the link to tonight’s show. Not that it’ll matter but just to cosign my very point. dumb ass.


  5. Your EGO’S can be dangerous. Put them in check b4 they sabotage your relationships people.
    Tracy was ON POINT with tonight’s topic.


  6. All I can say is, tonight’s show was a damn GOOD show.
    And whomever the IDIOT is who told Tracy to “wait on an apology” IS A FUCKING FOOL.!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. All I can say is, tonight’s show was a damn GOOD show.
      And whomever the IDIOT is who told Tracy to “wait on an apology” IS A FUCKING FOOL.!!


  7. Tracy “I APOLOGIZE” on BEHALF OF THE COWARD who let his ego defy and befoul his relationship and respect for you my queen/our queen. Some people will neva appreciate the beauty you have to offer and don’t deserve to bask in the knowledge of even knowing you. And even if I am presumptuous in assuming this was a man, I still apologize for the IGNORNACE and disrespect that was shown to you.

    Tonight’s show was a GOOD show, a powerful message and a passionate reveal, one necessary to have us all check the humbleness of our logic. xoxoxoxo 1LUV

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Tracy MOVE ON baby MOVE ON, there are plenty of GOOD men who would love to have that heart. And wouldn’t hesitate to check that E.G.O vs. losing you Boo

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I’m LOL at these comments. Tracy revealed one thing personal and you all automatically assume she’s talking about a relationship that she may’ve been in or given up. Her show’s message was more than about how someone felt she didn’t deserve an apology. Her message was a bit deeper. Don’t lose yourselves in your EGO is the concentration. Not some fool she encountered on her journey. Smh

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Tracy I loved tonight’s show.
    And especially like when you are passionate about your topics but please reveal who told you to “wait on an apology” don’t care if it was or is personal or not. we wanna handle that for you.
    Palease and thank you.


      1. STOP I don’t even think it’s that serious.
        I’m sure Trace could care less.
        She mentioned it in making her point.
        It was good show otherwise.


      2. Tracy I loved tonight’s show.
        And especially like when you are passionate about your topics but please reveal who told you to “wait on an apology” don’t care if it was or is personal or not. we wanna handle that for you.
        Palease and thank you.
        😆 Does Tracy seem like a sistah who needs help handling.?? LOL thought so.


  11. I just heard the show.
    Missed it last night. Tracy is a trip but her commentary was FIRE.
    She knew her shit regarding the E….G…….O. I loved it when she kept calling it the E……G………O
    Our Blog Queen was ON POINT.


  12. Some of the comments are funny. Y’all think every subject topic on the show is about Trace personally, when this might not be the case at all. But…hey guess it’s to get us yapping. LOL 😆 and she succeeds every time. Gotta LUV her.


    1. Just like Beyoncé and Jay Z both made millions all becuz they got folks thinking he cheated. all just to sell a lie and records. it’s all about the $$ plus misery sells why? cuss folks are miserable.


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