Conversations Of A Sistah, On homosexuality, Religion, Tracy L. Bell, Tracy L. Bell - Blog Talk Radio

Hate, Homophobia or the Word of God? Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”

hate_homophobia_wog_cos_jan_2017-2We’re back!!! And tonight’s “Conversation” is going to be hot !!!

As we discuss how more than 1 million people watched Kim Burrell rail against “that perverted homosexual spirit” in a controversial sermon clip that led to the gospel singer getting pulled from a performance on “Ellen” and facing ongoing backlash from LGBT advocates.

She had been named a co-honoree at BMI Trailblazers of Gospel Music Awards, but the organization uninvited her due to the recent remarks. Also, her radio show — airing out of Texas Southern University — has been canceled.

Burrell’s two-minute clip of her message, filmed on a phone and posted on YouTube, shows Burrell describing sex acts and saying, “The spirit of delusion and confusion, it has deceived many men and women, and it’s caused a stain on the body of Christ.”

Her critics said her message was hate, other media outlets called it a homophobic rant, while believers state it’s the Word of God.

What do you say?

Join me tonight at 6:30 p.m. EST on “Conversations Of A Sistah” via blog talk radio as I discuss “Hate, Homophobia or the Word of God?” with three (3) dynamic ministers; Rev. Caffie Risher, Minister Tuala Williams-Shields and Pastor Josh Olivero.  

All “topic and conversation links” in this post will access the show.

See you on the air!!

107 thoughts on “Hate, Homophobia or the Word of God? Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

      1. In all fairness, you should have a gay person as well.
        well we all know why someone who is gay would think Burrell’s message was HATE because it’s the lifestyle that they’re living which is against Christian beliefs. Which is why some people on here are comparing her sermon with other sins. Smh.

        Maybe Tracy should ask, is one any greater than the other?


      2. I think having a gay rep woulda been a bit much. That’s a bit much and a conversation for another show.


      3. Both of them were so on point I don’t think we could’ve asked for anything better. They vibed well. very well.


  1. Tracy after generations of homosexuals running rampant in the black church and gospel world, I can certainly understand Kim’s frustration if she is truly convicted in her beliefs. I hope that God can rid her of that perverted spirit of pride and hate — and help her clarify what she should REALLY be praying for….because pastor and ministers turn their heads to the obvious as to what is going on in their churches.


    1. Not true Mahogany, as Rev. Caffie said, they know who’s gay and they preach certain messages in love. You have too in order to be effective.


  2. Most Christians ‘rank’ sins like one is worse than the other. So hypocritical! Gluttony is a sin that NO ONE talks about because you’d piss off half the church.


    1. Adam,
      Those who read the Bible in it’s entirety can see that God Himself is the one who “ranks” sin. In that same Bible it speaks of ‘men who lie with men” and “liars” as things He hates. Meaning those who choose to practice these things.

      Being that she referred to a “homosexual spirit” it seems to me she wasn’t trying to offend, but rather address a real issue.

      Sadly, in this entitled society, no one feels anyone can tell them right from wrong…


    2. Can you point me to the ‘rankings’ you referred to in the Bible? Thanks!

      I don’t think people, at least I’m not, are saying don’t tell them right from wrong. But some call out some wrongs while others have become accepted is all I’m saying.


      1. I say this with love
        There is a difference yet still its “sin”
        Think in these terms to make it understandable
        There’s misdemeanors and there’s felonies
        Both are infractions- breaking of the law
        But the penalty is greater for a felony
        Gluttony= misdemeanor

        Adultery, Liars, Thieves etc bible says be not deceived those that do such things will not go to heaven = felony
        Gluttony can be upgraded to a felony – some people will kill, steal, etc to satisfy their lust


  3. Tracy please ask how long should this conversation be had in the church. IMO until men and women seek deliverance the conversation should never end.


  4. The fact that Pharrell would stand up for LGBTQ..
    Yet he is in the Hip Hop Music industry that is known for discriminating against black women for their COLOR, Size and Age. HIPOCRITE ….. OKAY


  5. Many of these so called entertainers have sold the Black community out for the gay agenda. Obama did the same thing himself.


    1. Pharrell is out of the same denomination as Kim. I doubt if he means what he says. He’s Pentecostal. It’s about the money. he has to agree because I’m sure he has a gay fan base.


      1. Well ya can’t have it both ways, either you are going to preach the gospel and stand with your convictions or be condemned by the world, can’t dibble dabble in both.


  6. Kim Burrell said “If you’re operating with a homosexual spirit in 2017 you will die!” and Eddie Long is dead, so did God say it? Looks like it. O_o


  7. What gets me is Black pastors (MEN) hasn’t addressed Burrell’s statement at all. Especially the likes of TD Jakes and Jamal Bryant….wonder why that is?

    don’t follow the bible, but for those that do, how can anyone follow a book written (by man) hundreds of years ago? Times change, people change. We’re living in a different time and your thinking should adjust to where we are today, not where a fictional book says you should (do or live by). Just think, you don’t raise your kids completely the way your parents raised you. Your parents raised you and left off something they didn’t agree with, as taught by their parents.
    Sure, there’s a spiritual power, but they can trash any versions of the bible. The bible teaches you to live in fear, honor this jealous God, and accept that any bad shit you go through is God teaching you a lesson about faith. I’m good on all that.


  8. Question Tracy for your panel:: If everything God made is good, then how does EVIL (which is not real) exist??? And please miss me with Satan was a fallen angel crap.


  9. How could Burrell’s comments fade when Eddie Long is dead 15 days into the New Year? I think NOT…..there is so much more to be said about it IMO.


      1. That other guy should be SCARED shitless because bottom line is, one down she did mention and one maybe to go
        Oh God, nothing to really joke about but the guy in the blue shirt was delivert from a homosexual spirit.


  10. Great topic and since so many people said she spoke hate, I think that’s what needs to be talked about and addressed. Were her words actually hate? Why are her words being considered hateful when she spoke to the sin. yet everyone became defensive and all up in arms about it. so yes this is a GREAT TOPIC.!!


  11. Nice pic of the ministers, that one with all the grey you can tell she’s young but in need of a makeover O_o sheesh

    Other than that, sounds like a really good topic.


    1. Wow! Ms. Applebottom. I am the one with the grey and am not in need of a makeover at all. I may look young because I have been grey all of my life but I am in my ??’s. And one thing is true it is a really good topic!

      As I’m listening to Eddie Long on the video above he stated and challenged every saint, “we have no right and justification to kill one another on social media especially when you don’t know…”


      1. Re. Caffie,
        My apologies!!!
        Clearly I judged incorrectly. And after hearing your dialogue on last night’s show, I have nothing but a PROFOUND RESPECT for you…..Your words were wisdom and def. sincere.

        🙂 God bless you


  12. Her critics said her message was hate, other media outlets called it a homophobic rant, while believers state it’s the Word of God.
    What do you say?
    Well homophobia is a fear of something and no one fears gays but this word was created to protect them. like no one is suppose to talk about that lifestyle O_o I mean really.


    1. People should be able to live their lives the way they wanna live. Just like fucking outside of marriage make HO’s uncomfortable when preachers talk about it (if they ever do) I’m sure gays feels the same damn way. Sin is sin


      1. You are correct!
        Only 2 hetro’s can make it right by just getting married to stop fucking w/o the benefits of marriage. and they would be sinning no more but gays fucking in the same sex is STILL an abomination in the eyes of God.


      1. No real point except these are the reasons I don’t DO CHURCH. I believe in a higher power, just no to a church


      1. Minister Caffie said it came across as hate because it was only a snitbit of a message.
        Exactly but I can’t help but think she was setup. smh 😡


  13. I hope y’all didn’t sleep on REV. Caffie, that HEIFER slaughtered with her comments and as usual Trace asked all the RIGHT questions. “) she was well spoken wow!! Kudos. Trace you gota have a partv2


      1. Rev….I’m so proud of you. You are a well educated woman and it spoke volumes in your response to tonight’s. Love to you!!!


  14. Minister Caffie and Pastor Josh KUDOS y’all answered the questions in love and sensibility. I gots to hear the show again.


  15. Started the year with such a ‘kiss ass’ show Trace WoW!!!!
    Both ministers were good.
    Josh and Caffie sound like they have doctorates and shit.
    Good show. Good conversation


      1. Tracy knows where to go with these topics and conversations……she keeps a brotha coming back 🙂


  16. Josh said blacks and Puerto Ricans are long winded 😆 I hollered but when Rev. Caffie said a lot of people talk about how that’s why they don’t go to church because of the hypocrisy girlfriend said “Take note: there are hypocrites on the job, in da club, in the supermarket in nail salon” bottom line hypocrites ain’t just in the church people”. 😆


  17. Tracy your show topic was the bomb dot com tonight!!!
    Your question how are we to win souls if our messages are harsh was on point. There are 2 sides of the coin with one spenderture and that is preaching the gospel in love because Josh made a great a point in saying her message was harsh because she became graphic in detail in the sexual act of that which in un natural but you gotta be sensitive in that respect. but the conversation was slammin!


  18. Good show.
    Rev. Caffie and Pastor Josh were GOOD! Excellent!
    They really explained what was happening in the Burrell snidbit vid that I never thought about and that is that we didn’t hear the full message….the person only took the damaging parts and spreaded it like wild fire and that was wrong…..something to consider. Poor Kim. But it was an awesome convo Tra. Welcome back!!!


  19. Tracy thank you for providing us with clarity from a small part of our world that matters. The special guest were really on target with the subject …Just a really good conversation tonight. That Josh might be Puerto Rican but he surely sound like a black man. O_o Dayum!!! I had to look at that picture again.


  20. So whome will be watching the inauguration tomorrow? I want to since it will live and things happen when you go live…yet I want to play ball around that time….choices🎭


    1. They marchin out here in DC…my sister works over where they marching and she just text me sayin “be careful, there have been white hoods spotted!!!” And my job gave us off. It’s so dangerous out here today, boy!!!!!! 😞


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