Donald Trump, Hilary 2016, Hilary Clinton, Petition

This is why YOUR ‘VOTE’ DON’T COUNT!!!

electoral-college-550x316The above post on suggests your vote doesn’t matter because unknown “political figures” in the Electoral College gave their electoral votes to President-elect Donald Trump.

The electors are not nameless individuals conspiring to elect whomever they want. They are chosen based on your state senators and representatives in the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives in Congress.

Unlike in local elections, Americans do not directly elect the president or vice president. Instead, a 2-step process is necessary to prevent voter fraud on a massive scale.

The Electoral College is simply the 2nd step of the 2-step process to elect a president and vice president after the people have spoken.

Every state is represented by 2 senators and a number of representatives (congressmen or congresswomen) based on your state’s population.

Each state gets to choose electors equal to the number of senators and representatives who reside in that state.

Under most state’s winner-take-all system the candidate who wins the state gets all the electoral votes for that state.


The map shows the Democratic states in blue, and the Republican states in red. Clinton won the blue states, Trump won the red states.

In order for Clinton to be elected president on Dec. 19, at least 21 electors in one or more of the red states (won by Trump) would have to defy their state by giving their electoral votes to Clinton.

Theoretically, that would leave Trump with less than the 270 electoral votes necessary to be elected president.

44 thoughts on “This is why YOUR ‘VOTE’ DON’T COUNT!!!”

  1. So basically the system (electoral college) chose Trump why the majority of the American populist (popular vote) chose Clinton. That’s some real bullshit right there. 😡


      1. Mornin good people.
        The President Elect is already back shuffling through his campaign promises and has given the keys to the white house to a white racist bigot as his key cabinet member.


  2. How am I gonna elect someone who doesn’t pay taxes and I do. Yep the system is rigged. He campaigned that he wasn’t a Washington insider and wasn’t complained about Wall Street. Well he got Washington insiders and Wall Street on his committees. SMH…..Wow just wow


  3. White America has double standards, what person you know especially a black person could get a job with a FRAUD case pending? FOH Talkin bout grabbing pussies O_o Smmfh really?


  4. I’m listening to the commentators saying proudly things like Trump “learning curve” is picking up for President and yet they said Obama had no experience and yet he was a Senator and Constitution Scholar. So Donald is learning as he goes along with no experience and has the most important job in the world. Yet black Republicans are proud of that. O_o smh


  5. Omg we get it. Trump is the President. Can we move on already! Folks are wasting precious time and energy. The system was put into place for a reason and so was Trump. He was confirmed as President way before the actual election. Jokes on us 😞. Obviously, this country wants to go down this road. Let them 😒


    1. Move on to what exactly??? he isn’t president for a day, we are stuck with him for the next four years and the majority of people did not choose this man


  6. The US doesn’t negotiate with terrorists who capture serviceman and they darn sure aren’t going to negotiate with US citizens about the Presidency. The energy protesting is wasteful and can be put to good use in our communities.


    1. Adriane,
      Their protesting energy is not wasteful. Don’t get besides yourself because you enjoy luxuries as having a job, shopping, eating, buying a home and car. Had someone not protested you would not enjoy those luxuries.


  7. I know how all this works. He still didn’t win the popular vote but neither did Bush against AL Gore. It is what it is. The “people” have spoken and we have to eat it.


  8. I don’t think anyone believes the protest will change the outcome, but what it is doing is causing states to reevaluate the use of it.


  9. Instead, a 2-step process is necessary to prevent voter fraud on a massive scale.
    Actually, it was put in place to prevent a direct democracy. The United States was founded as a republic.


    1. Instead, a 2-step process is necessary to prevent voter fraud on a massive scale.
      Actually, it was put in place to prevent a direct democracy. The United States was founded as a republic.



  10. That is the NATIONAL popular vote that chose Clinton.


  11. here’s a little tad bit of history for y’all about this wonderful electoral college system that elected your man Trump……..

    Why does the electoral college exisit?
    Well, it exist because of slavery…in a direct election system, the South would have lost every time because a huge percentage of its population were slaves, and slaves couldn’t vote. But an electoral college allowed states to count slaves, albeit at a discount (the three-fourths compromise), which gave the south the inside track to win presidential elections…….it’s a bias system to say the least. It shows that we don’t really live in a democracy…..these electors are nameless nobody’s that meet on day to cast a vote. These people can be anybody, your next door neighbor, ect. You’re right though, the chance of Hillary getting picked on Dec 19th is VERY unlikely….but if something happens before Dec 19th, such as a new scandal, ect…well like Trump changing his mind on policies he promised to change immediately upon being elected….these electors could change their mind.


  12. So basically the system (electoral college) chose Trump why the majority of the American populist (popular vote) chose Clinton. what is the point of even counting the popular vote if the electoral vote usurps the choice of the majority.


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