Conversations Of A Sistah, Love & Relationships, Relationships, Tracy L. Bell, Tracy L. Bell - Blog Talk Radio

Love Dr Pamela Smith on the next “Conversations Of A Sistah”

_MG_8055Relationships can be a trip as well as challenging. They can also be pain saking and filled with a whirlwind of emotions. But with romance comes love and with love, reality. The reality of the two imperfect individuals striving in a relationship.

Life is not perfect and neither are people, so how do we cope in love and relationships?

Tune in tonight at 6:30 p.m. EST on “Conversations Of A Sistah” via blog talk radio as I talk about Romance, Love and its Reality in Relationships with my special guest, love Dr. Pamela Smith.

A certified Loveologist and Master Love Coach from Loveology University, Dr. Smith (pictured above), assist individuals and relationship seekers in keeping love and achieving successful loving relationships.

If you’re in love you won’t want to miss this show!

The “conversation links” in this post make it possible to access the show. 

90 thoughts on “Love Dr Pamela Smith on the next “Conversations Of A Sistah””

  1. I love these relationship conversations. Tracy you should be taking calls on this one. My question is, what kind of patience must one have in order for love to work in long distance relationships?


      1. TRACY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        I’m shocked. How are U? why are you not taking calls for the LOVE DOC???


      2. Good morning all.

        @Princess, when the show goes live, I’ll open the line for questions but in the meantime, you can also post them in comments and we carouse through them before the show and mention them on the air.


      3. heard the show. dr. love had me mesmerized. it was liking listening to a GF. especially when she said if that person makes ya Vjay Vjay tingle….I rolled 😆


      4. Happy Thursday peeps. I heard the show but was too tired to talk to y’all yesterday. If ya missed it I highly suggest you catch the rewind.


      5. The one thing I remember very clearly is Dr. Smith saying “You know the love is real when it’s powerful” but you really have to know it in order to discern it. Good morning


      6. Had Tracy taken calls, I would of asked her if she was the same Pamela Smith who sued Michael Jordan for paternity.


      1. relationships are relationships and neither one can be avoided. you can easily fall in love with someone and it’s unintentional. so trust I know the difference.


    1. I like the romance part, after that when love sets in, it’s all down hill from there
      why? O-_o


  2. in her opinion, do long distance relationships work? and what has to happen to make them work?


    1. do long distance relationships work? and what has to happen to make them work?
      Of course they work. you gotta have a lot f patience and understanding though.


      1. do long distance relationships work? and what has to happen to make them work?
        Of course they work. you gotta have a lot f patience and understanding though.


      2. Trust is the biggest imo. I never knew I’d be so jealous and trippin until I fell in luv.


      3. Oh well the good ole love doc gave her take on the long distance thang. smh 😛


      4. Oh well the good ole love doc gave her take on the long distance thang. smh😛
        So Corp. who movin you or him?


  3. If you’re in love you won’t want to miss this show!
    well i’m not that lucky but still tuning in.


  4. she str8 admitted she got married because of the pressures from her mama. wow O_o but she broke love down to the ground.


  5. Good conversation as usual. Tracy you be having these thought provoking conversations. wow! Loved her.


  6. Is anybody else mad like me we only heard part of the ending song tonight? 😥

    Well………here you go!


  7. Great show topic.
    Thank you Tra ……:P I’m in love with a guy I’ve been seeing for 5 months and the love with him is mad powerful. She touched on a lot of things I really needed to hear.


  8. The Love doctor brought it home when she said “if that man make ya vagina tinkle, he da one” LOL 😆 I was like O_o


  9. What exactly is a loveologist? I don’t think she fully answered this question. I looked it up and according to the online definition. The science of love.


  10. Ok Trace you didn’t know this is the same woman who sued Michael Jordan for paternity right? I was waiting for you to ask her about that?


    1. Oh shit I read the article and she did say on last night’s show that she divorced her husband. Looks like she maybe messed with Jordan back in the day but that paternity claim was all about money. she was looking for a come up.


    2. Brown, I found this one after I googled her.

      The woman suing Michael Jordan for paternity and child support — claiming he fathered her 16-year-old son — has dismissed her case against the NBA star … but he might not be out of the woods yet.

      TMZ has learned Pamela Smith has filed legal documents in Georgia asking the judge to dismiss her case against MJ — and her request was granted without prejudice (meaning she can refile at a later time if she wants to).

      It’s unclear why Pamela wanted the case dismissed — considering she had recently asked the court to order a DNA test ASAP.

      It’s possible MJ and Pamela reached some sort of settlement … or agreed to halt legal action while they try to work things out. It’s also possible she simply decided to walk away thinking she would lose in court. We simply don’t know.

      Either way, MJ has succeeded in taking the situation out of the public eye … at least for now.

      Pamela’s attorney Randy Kessler tells TMZ … she dropped the case on his advice that “dismissal at this time, without prejudice, is in her son’s best interests.”

      Read more:


    3. I can’t believe she waited 16 yrs to claim paternity! I remember hearing this. Seemed fishy to me. and maybe she stopped pursuing MJ becuz she knew he wasnt the father. smh


    4. at least she does admit she’s divorced.
      But why would/should Tracy bring up her paternity test with MJ? That wasn’t the basis of the conversation. who cares actually. The show was good and she was a great guest and it was a great conversation.


    5. why would/should Tracy bring up her paternity test with MJ? That wasn’t the basis of the conversation. who cares actually. The show was good and she was a great guest and it was a great conversation.


    6. Y’all always digging shit up. Even if somebody did email Tra and the show about this shit she wouldn’t of mentioned it. It was irrelevant


    7. Even if somebody did email Tra and the show about this shit she wouldn’t of mentioned it. It was irrelevant
      I agree, although she probably wished her son was by Jordan.


    8. Ok, what we talking bout this Thursday mornin cuss I’m seeing an article and links to articles. I clearly missed something. let me read up.


  11. I read she teaches classes on how to suck dyck? Trace should a had her talk about that. hell that’s her truff


  12. You gotta have passion for the one you LOVE!!! I Loved her.
    Especially when she said “there are other ways of intimacy besides sex” Loved her.


  13. The conversation was interesting. she got real personal at one point and started talking a little rated X but I got her point


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