Murder, Racially motivated, Racism in America, Racist

Four white men ordered to pay $840,000 for Jim Crow-style killing of Mississippi black man

untitledThey called their malicious outings “Jafrica” when these Mississippi teenagers from predominantly white Rankin County piled into their cars and drove into predominantly African American Jackson, Mississippi to “kill a nigga“. These trips were named for a portmanteau of “Jackson” and “Africa,” a nod to their specific and evil mission: to terrorize strangers for no other reason than that they were black. An evil act and racist behavior passed down from the Jim Crow era of their ancestors. 

Sometimes they carried weapons; other times they operated solely with their fists. The young people targeted those who were homeless or drunk, because they would be easier to prey on and less likely to report an assault.

James Craig Anderson (pictured above), was killed during a “Jafrica” outing that day, a hate crime that led to arrests and sentences for 10 young people involved, all of whom pleaded guilty.

On Monday, four of the most prominent co-conspirators — Deryl Dedmon, 23, John Rice, 23, Dylan Butler, 24 and William Montgomery, 26 — were ordered by a federal judge in Mississippi to pay $840,000 in restitution to Anderson’s estate. The restitution case was prosecuted by the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department.

imrs_wdpThe four men (one of them pictured left), all of whom are white, were previously found guilty of committing a racially motivated act that resulted in Anderson’s death, and they are each serving between seven and fifty (50) years in prison.

26 thoughts on “Four white men ordered to pay $840,000 for Jim Crow-style killing of Mississippi black man”

  1. A man was killed. Why wasn’t the killer, Dedmon, sentenced to death? He is and will remain a danger to others as long as he lives.


  2. A bunch of no-good thugs. They should all be put away for life – the one who ran over him and the ones who were accessories.


  3. I have to wonder why all these yahoos look like their mind is gone? The picture at the top of the article of that convicted killer is either mentally incompetent, or he’s living in a totally different reality than the rest of us.

    In other words, he looks nuts.

    Sad thing is, folks like him are getting LOTS of positive reinforcement from Donald J Drumbf.


  4. Awesome, they planned to attack a person b/c of his race, killed him, and no one got life in prison? O_o go figure.


    1. It’s Mississippi. It was rare enough that they got convicted and not given a hearty handshake and a pat on the back. Baby steps Flo baby steps.


  5. After reading this, what will keep me up tonight and nights to come, is how many more are out there that think the way these do.


  6. Racist lil bastards. Yes their behavior is generational. They should’ve all gotten sentenced to death, just like their victim. shit like this pisses me off!


  7. Mississippi so racist. Ion see how black folk living down there honestly. somewhere down the line them boys skin folk did the same thing, torture and kill somebody black. hateful, evil asses. they should pour gas on them and light their asses on fiya!!!


      1. Mississippi so racist.
        After all these years. YES it is.
        This racism, hatred and crime right here is embedded


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