Conversations Of A Sistah, Racial Profiling, Racial tension, racial unrest, Racially motivated, Racist, Racist images, Racist remarks, Tracy L. Bell - Blog Talk Radio

“Racism in America”…Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”



So here we are about to embark on Christmas 2014. Racism still taints the American dream. Race relations are more prevalent now since a black president was elected into office in 2008 and more black men have been murdered or gunned down unjustly.

African Americans came from a history of sit-in, bus boycotts, marches, protest and the transformation of civil rights laws, giving us full civil and legal equality in this country. Yet prejudice and racism still exists and rears its ugly head in todays society.


It was one thing back in the day when the government decreed that blacks couldn’t vote, couldn’t patronize restaurants or couldn’t apply for certain jobs, that sort of racism shames everyone. But when you have cops killing and brutalizing young black men where prosecutors wink and grand juries allow these cops to walk, while refusing to indict, this is a deep rooted seed of racism.

Join me tonight at 6:30 P.M. on Conversations Of Sistah” via for tonight’sConversation” —> “Racism in America, and it impact on our ways of thinking“.

I will be taking calls on the subject at 1-917-889-7872, just press “1” to speak with me the host.

All “conversations links” in this post make it possible to access tonight’s show.

See you on the air!

72 thoughts on ““Racism in America”…Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

  1. Word is bond y’all Trace covered all aspects of where racism exist. housing, government (the cops) employment (most definitely). O_o


  2. I don’t like how Trayvon Martin and Mike Brown and Eric Gardner are being portrayed to white readers. It’s sad. seriously 😥 it’s sad.


      1. but why you post to the blog so late?
        was kinda wondering the same thing but it’s all good


      1. “Racism and the systematic profile and stereotypes placed on people of color, are all negatively viewed”. —> T.L.B. ~ C.O.S.


    1. Too many stories about this lately. We must be in the last days.
      Yvonne we been in the last days since the first day O_o


      Civil, it’s sad that I don’t trust cops of any race; anywhere. And ion give a hot damn what color they is.


      1. Civil and Ms. Ang.
        I disagree to an extent, I do believe there are some good cops out there, honestly…but I agree that MANY of these cops are not adequately trained or mentally stable.


      2. @Y’all
        Some of these cops come from a long line of law enforcement which dates back to when the Klan was heavily in the rankings…those attitudes have carried over into recent years and there is STILL racial bias that many of them will not admit to…


  3. Two things:

    1. If things are changing then all this is just the quiet before the storm.

    2. Blacks have little to lose. Boycott your churches and instead spend that time in the library.


  4. Yeah we want a REVOLUTION….Awesome show tonight….We can effect real change in all communities when it comes to law enforcement, trust that!


  5. Not that the others stories didn’t hurt 😥 but that Tamir Rice story really hurts …Probably because it is a minor 😥 Tracy 4got to mention him in her commentary tonight.


  6. You people. As in you people who are currently thinking differently than myself. So what about the 60s. What’s happening today and who’s on the front line? Not the churches. It’s kids and young adult protesting. Where is T.D. Jakes or Joel Olsteen? Paula White. Joyce Myer. You mean to tell me that all can get TV time to promote and market a Megafest. But when the “principalities” the bible argues about clearly is winning these church leaders are no where to be found.

    So yes, you people. Get out the choir. Get off the mother board and spend time in the library putting on the armor of education. And then how you use that education will show how much God is in you.

    Any questions?


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