Conversations Of A Sistah, Police, Police brutality, Racist

Looks like Police Brutality is alive and well? Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”

The choking death of Eric Garner is the latest in the plague of police brutality against African American men.

Garner a 43 year old father of six children, died on the streets of Staten Island, New York as police held him in a choke hold with him pleading for his life.

“I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe!” Garner uttered before going completely silent as several officers piled on top of him.

And despite an attempted cover-up by the NYPD, the video of Garner’s death (posted up-top) has gone viral with media outlets reporting this story vigorously as the cops involved are on desk duty awaiting results of a full investigation.

The incident began when Garner, was approached by a plainclothes police officer. The officer was investigating a report that Garner was selling un-taxed cigarettes. Garner denied the charge.

He stood 6′-4″ and just a shade under 400 pounds, Garner raised both fists and told the officer not to touch him. Yet they did.

The NYPD has outlawed the use of choke-holds during arrests, since 2009.

Join me tonight at 8:00 P.M. on “Conversations Of A Sistah” via “Conversations Live” as we discuss ‘Police Brutality” is it still alive and well in this twenty first century?

I will be taking your calls on the air at 1-347-426-3645.

Meet you on the air, in the meantime sound off here!

110 thoughts on “Looks like Police Brutality is alive and well? Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

  1. “And despite an attempted cover-up by the NYPD

    Mm hm….Cops covering up for cops. This is why we need video cameras on all police activities. And I’m so glad there was one in this instance.


    1. X,
      The report and memo were written up before they even knew there was a video of the entire incident. Garner didn’t die in vain and thank God for cell phone video. Heads will roll.


      1. The cover-up begins

        @Adam, ain’t no damn heads gon roll, a white cop killed a black man GTFOH, where U live in Disneyland?


      2. The report and memo were written up before they even knew there was a video of the entire incident.
        For that, they all need to lose their jobs for falsifying a report


  2. everyone keeps skirting the main issue~~~ this man was murdered… period!!! Does anyone see that this is history repeating itself before our very eyes~~~


  3. Doesn’t matter what he appeared to be doing. Or why he was approached? The bottom line is, he died just after mini-Rambo choked the *shit* outta him.


  4. They’re idiots for saying he didn’t appear to be in distress, he didn’t appear to be in distress because he was already dead. 😥 Damn idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    1. he didn’t appear to be in distress
      Kinda hard to make it apparent…when you can’t breathe…. 😡


      1. he didn’t appear to be in distress
        The man is clearly heard on video, saying he can’t breathe, what they thought he was lying?


  5. Happy Hump Day Ceo’ers.
    All conversations Lead right here tonight on/after/during Conversations Of A Sistah!


      1. Looking forward to Tracy’s monologue tonight people. Anybody gonna be brave enuff to call in?


  6. I hate this story, I hate that this happened and i hate that it will play out in the media everyday until there is a resolve, good, bad or indifferent.


  7. Why were they actually arresting him in the first place and what evidence did they have to warrant the arrest. Once the police meet resistance they all too often go overboard. We really need to look at procedure and how they got to the point of an arrest to begin with. IMO if we could have avoided the attempted arrest for what I feel was unjustified, none of this would have happened. Just another case where cops are overstepping their boundaries because they are not held accountable for their own actions.


  8. Cops are bullies who have bad days and just want to kick the sh!t out of somebody. I am a 52 year old white man who was harassed by a ranting and raging highway patrol officer for 45 minutes and my offense was driving without my seatbealt on. I had no idea if he was going to kill me or not. I know he was mentally unbalanced because in a second he went from rage to “have a good day, sir” after handing me a ticket. Scary to think he is still out there.


    1. Let me tell you that website got some hateful stuff on there that cops are saying.
      One of the main issues here was stated by a police officer on their message board. They view civilians as being “savages” and therefore unworthy of respect. That is a dangerous mind state to have. And it helps that their actions are supported by internal reviews an court decisions.


  9. The cops knew Garner — and they knew he was big enough to be a challenge . And they likely, had a bet on who could take him down. In the video, they circle him like hyenas ! .


  10. Grant it, not all cops are bad cops, but if they stand by while while their brothers commit travesties, they are just as culpable. If you stand aside while something like this happens, you are just as much a murderer.


  11. This entire situation is disgusting. I saw both videos and I was absolutely speechless and nauseous after watching them.


  12. I feel so sorry for his family because that video is everywhere and I cnt imagine watching a video of my loved one being murdered…smh

    R.I.P to Mr. Eric Garner


  13. Man I was sitting at Olive Garden and saw this story and I dropped my head… Then I noticed this white bitch watching me and I flipped her the bird.


  14. First the lady was beat on the side of the freeway by a highway patrolman, now this. Then you have news reporters like the one in New Jersey making commentary like they know the history of cops and African Americans. GTFOH


    1. Then you have news reporters like the one in New Jersey making commentary like they know the history of cops and African Americans.
      Yes to this. Like before you make comments about why no one has sympathy for a cop’s death in a particular part of town do your homework.

      That OLD homeless lady getting punched in the face like that was the saddest and sickest shit I’ve ever seen in my life and that dude was put on desk duty WTF?


      1. That OLD homeless lady getting punched in the face like that was the saddest and sickest shit I’ve ever seen in my life and that dude was put on desk duty WTF?
        That cop was whooping her ass like he was frustrated.


      2. That OLD homeless lady getting punched in the face like that was the saddest and sickest shit I’ve ever seen in my life and that dude was put on desk duty WTF?

        :smh: O_o that shyt was horrible!


  15. “In a statement, Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association President Patrick J. Lynch called Pantaleo’s reassignment “a completely unwarranted, kneejerk reaction for political reasons.” He said the move “effectively pre-judges this case and denies the officer the very benefit of a doubt that has long been part of the social contract that allows police officers to face the risks of this difficult and complex job.”

    SMH. What a buffoon. It’s ridiculous that this “Patrolmen’s President” even has the gumption to release a statement like this. Just goes to show that he knows that as always this murderer will be absolved since he is a cop.

    Talkin bout “don’t prejudge this cop” when these murderers prejudged this dude. SMH.

    White men shouldn’t even be allowed to be police officers.


  16. all this over selling cigarettes huh? :no:
    seems a Black Man would have a better chance of surviving in Guantanamo than on the streets of NYC :wtf:


    1. Felicia – he has been arrested before for selling lucys, that’s why they were questioning him. If you can’t take down a man of that stature who from the picture looks unhealthy, then you don’t need to be a cop. Plenty of other LEGAL take down methods.


      1. Plenty of other LEGAL take down methods.

        I think tasing him would have had the same result. He just wasnt healthy. 😦 still wrong but I think he was on his way out and they just tipped him over the edge.


  17. How the fuck long is this “investigation” going to be? There is footage clear as fucking day, but they want to take forever conducting an “investigation.”

    I literally want to punch a bitch


  18. Ain’t no money in the world is gonna get me to watch this here video…But folk wanna claim “to serve and protect” who needs lynching and Jim crow when you have the police…


  19. louima, bell and the countless others the nypd violated or killed in the line of duty. There’s gonna be a trial, cop gets off, then the family sues the city and the city ties them up in years of litigation hoping they get tired.


  20. I live in NYC and this behavior especially on Staten Island with those Italian PO and FDNY EMT is nothing out of the ordinary. In this case, it was caught on iphone plus the man died. Also, the likelihood of the EMTs not doing anything once the man was inside the ambulance is a posibilty. That is the racism that exsist with these Italians espeially the ones on Staten Island 😥


  21. this video breaks my heart. this man, who was not resisting or being belligerent, was murdered by this lousy POS fake tough guy w/a badge. give the man a ticket if you think he’s done something wrong. modern day lynching. and they wonder why we ain’t “over it” yet. prayers, peace, and understanding to his family.


  22. Unfortunately Tracy enough is enough but it would only STOP or cease in a PERFECT world and we don’t live in such Baby. Good show.


    1. Unfortunately Tracy enough is enough but it would only STOP or cease in a PERFECT world and we don’t live in such Baby. Good show.
      That’s why we LIVE BY FAITH and we can’t let our faith fail!


  23. Tracy is def. saved she takes almost all her conversations to scripture. I need to know where in the Bible is it, to kill, steal and destroy? Can someone tell me? Tracy failed to quote where that was.


      1. Loved her comparison to the father, son and the holy ghost vs. the devils steal, kill and destroy!,


  24. “The incidents which are becoming public knowledge point to a general melt-down in the job performance of police departments across the United States”
    Tracy L. Bell — C.O..S


      1. “The list of cases regarding police brutality in the United States involving local, state and federal law enforcement officers is long and the list keeps growing.”
        Tracy L. Bell, Conversations Of A Sistah

        Awesome commentary Tracy awesome!


      2. “To add insult to injury, paramedics were called on the scene and never performed CPR, they instead stood over the man, as he lay dying on a sidewalk.” …..C.O.S.

        Dayum shame 😥


      3. “The enemy does NOTHING NEW! he does the same things over and over and over again”… Ms. Tracy L. Bell, host of Conversations Of A Sistah.


  25. It’s very sad the way was he treated and the end result.
    This man was targeted, he even said so on the tape. Thanks to the camera phones i helping to expose this story.


  26. Tracy had a great show but she shoulda mentioned how the Mayor of NY is absent during such a crises. Damn shame.


    1. Tracy had a great show but she shoulda mentioned how the Mayor of NY is absent during such a crises. Damn shame.
      How is it important one way or another.?


  27. Good show last night Trace.
    Cops think they are above the law, they see themselves as cop, judge, jury & executioner. Citizens of this city need to remember, we sit on juries on cases brought on by cops. hey are nothing more than a legalized gang with guns


  28. Tra read the list of victims from police brutality last night on the show. Awesome move!

    I saw the video as did the world and it does look like the Police started the whole thing. Be it black or white it WAS WRONG!!!!!

    Trace is right in stressing “Enough is Enough!!!!


      1. CDawg, do you think it’s racially motivated?
        I think they PROFILED him based on 2 things, a past arrest and they maybe knew him. Bad enough black men supposedly don’t work so they suspected something illegal. Still doesn’t justify taking his life.


      2. I think they PROFILED him based on 2 things, a past arrest and they maybe knew him. Bad enough black men supposedly don’t work so they suspected something illegal. Still doesn’t justify taking his life.
        Big E (according to that video) looks to me like he was just minding his own business. Big E during the video seems like a nice person and that everyone around knew it including the police. The police did not have to do this. Why not ask him to come down to the station after seeing he was upset, instead of using force. Why not calm the situation instead of exasperating it?

        This video is golden because you could see he was no threat to anyone.


      3. I think they PROFILED him based on 2 things, a past arrest and they maybe knew him.
        Exactly …….because according to the Daily News: “Garner had a history with police and can be seen on the video waving his arms and yelling at them.

        “Every time you see me you want to mess with me,” Garner told the cops. “I’m tired of it. It stops today.”


  29. Morning all.
    Tracy gave an awesome show last night. As for the 12 (8 pigs and 4 EMT workers) who ignored the man while he lay dying. There is a special place in HELL for them!


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