KKK, Klu Klux KLan, Law Enforcement, Racially motivated, Racist

The KKK is Alive & they meet, behind closed doors…They still wear sheets!


Fruitland Park, Florida is 50 miles northwest of Orlando with a community of less than 5,000 residents and has been recently rocked with news that their policemen are a part of the Klan. An investigative report linked two city officers with the secret hate society that was once violently active in the area.

George Hunnewell, was fired, and deputy chief David Borst (pictured below) resigned from the 13-member Fruitland Park Police Department recently. James Elkins, a third officer resigned in 2010 after his Klan ties became public.


Fruitland Park, has been dealing with alleged KKK ties and other problems in the police ranks since 2010, when Elkins resigned after his estranged wife made his membership public.

As recently as the 1960s, many in law enforcement in the South were members of the KKK. Is it exceedingly unusual these days to find a police officer who are secretly Klansman? Sounds unrealistic and far-fetched but its shockingly a grim reality.


My cousin (who is in law enforcement in Florida) recently shared what has since been confirmed through a PoliticsNation investigative report, that Klansmen still exist on police forces throughout the south. They’re not only policemen wearing badges but they’re judges, lawyers and secretly hate behind the laws in the counties and states which they govern.

Membership in the Klan is secret. Like many fraternal organizations, the Klan has signs which members can use to recognize one another. A member may use the acronym AYAK (Are you a Klansman?) in conversation to surreptitiously identify himself to another potential member. The response AKIA (A Klansman I am) completes the greeting.


71 thoughts on “The KKK is Alive & they meet, behind closed doors…They still wear sheets!”

  1. This is why the laws in Florida are different for blacks than whites. These racist MF’s have an agenda people and that U better believe.


  2. The whole Florida justice system has been run by thugs for years. The judges are crooked, too. The Feds need to come down here and clean house.


  3. This should be great for the Florida tourism industry. ” Come to Florida in the Winter, bring your own pillow case.”


  4. When blacks see this type of hatred being performed in such away it raises questions. One question is: can this still be going on against us or someone else, I’m familiar with these type of actions. Which give understanding on blacks reactions to certain police behaviors?

    Then the attitude our elected officials whether on state or local levels should always punish any behaviors that points to actions that even appears to be conducted in a KKK manner. Not allowing anyone to get away with it, in no form or fashion.


  5. If it weren’t for the internet, I would naively believe that things have changed. But message boards are the new white sheets, where people anonymously spew their bigotry and hatred. The computer keyboard is the new rallying place.


    1. “The KKK is Alive & they meet, behind closed doors…They still wear sheets!”
      me2 R Girlz got skills 🙂


  6. The klan was and is not a Southern phenomena. It is alive and well in Clinton County Michigan, and many other areas throughout the United States.


  7. It’s hard to preach “don’t hate” when faced with groups like these people¿.who make it so easy and so right to HATE THEM.


      1. NO you gotta PRAY for them.
        So you think when they were burning crosses outside black folks homes, setting their houses on fire and hanging young black men/boys from trees their families where somewhere praying? GTFOH!!! Folk tired of praying.


      2. Folk tired of praying.
        I doubt they were praying when their houses were burning. There was no time to pray they had to RUN. Let’s be realistic here.


  8. The KKK was recently trying to recruit in SC by handing out candy. They should come to Harlem passing out candy trying to recruit. 😛 they asses wouldn’t make it back after Pookie Nem in Harlem finished with they asses.


  9. I live in Florida and wonder how many minorities these men falsely accused….but I am not surprised, they have Klan members in the local government here.


  10. Florida got some MAD shit goin on. The KKK forming and ALIVE down there while cops killing blacks n Latino’s up here. SMH O_o when is ENUFF enuff?!!


      1. Mm tonights show about Police Brutality. OK Trace going for the current case in the news Eric Garner who was choked hold by the NYPD. That’s a good look if she is.


      2. Who saw the HNHN last night? That’s my show.
        Ebony alot is goin on. Now all of a sudden Candice scared of her former baby daddy? 😛


      3. Did y’all know there are over 1,330 people who follow this blog but won’t comment. What Kind of shit is that??? 😆

        Morning 😛


  11. Unfortunately this crazyness is real. A WI republican candidate was handing out hoods…“Democratic candidate for governor Brett Hulsey plans to hand out white Ku Klux Klan-style hoods to Wisconsin Republicans as they gather for their annual convention Friday to highlight what he says are their racist policies.”


  12. I vowed i wasn’t EVER going to Florida when Tryavon Martin was killed….So the KKK, FUCK THEM and their white supremacy


  13. It’s unfortunate this story but I’m not surprised. And y’all better know there are far more blacks being killed by white folk but its just not being televised as much trust me.


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