Aids, Blog talk radio, Conversations Of A Sistah, HIV

Epic Fail cause HIV is alive and well… Tonight on Conversations Of A Sistah!


On November 7, 1991 basketball legend Earvin “Magic” Johnson stunned the world by announcing his sudden retirement from the Los Angeles Lakers, after testing positive for HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

At the time, many Americans viewed AIDS as a gay white man’s disease. Until Magic, who is African American and heterosexual, was one of the first sports stars to go public about his HIV-positive status.

Fast forward to today 2014, Johnson is a prominent spokesman for AIDS awareness and a successful businessman, earning millions from a range of ventures, including movie theaters and restaurants. He serves as an example of how a variety of drug treatments have transformed AIDS from a death sentence into a manageable condition for many people in the U.S.

Therefore, some individuals who are sexually active have become relaxed with the reality of this disease, believing they are exempted from contracting it because of modern day treatments and advancements but they could be no further from the truth.


Still, some 25 years after the first AIDS cases were reported, 25 million people worldwide have died of AIDS and another 40 million have been infected with the virus.

Still so many people don’t mind engaging in unprotected sex, they are willing to risk taking a walk on the wild side with their lives and their health for a mere 15 minutes of pleasure. Some people don’t even believe that AIDS or HIV still exists.

Tune in tonight at 8:00 P.M. to “Conversations Of A Sistah” on “Conversations Live” as we discuss how it’s an “Epic fail, if you don’t believe HIV is still alive and well

Please access tonight’s show at any of the links in this post or by clicking here!

In the meantime, sound off with your thoughts and opinions…See you all on the air!

127 thoughts on “Epic Fail cause HIV is alive and well… Tonight on Conversations Of A Sistah!”

  1. “Still so many people don’t mind engaging in unprotected sex, they are willing to risk taking a walk on the wild side with their lives and their health for a mere 15 minutes of pleasure. Some people don’t even believe that AIDS or HIV still exists.”

    I have a friend who goes on Jack’d for quickies. They don’t use condoms. In the gay community a lot of gay men want to catch the “gift”. Look up the term bug chaser and gift giver..Smh


      1. @Random what is Jack’d for quickies?
        DAISY, if you EVER see an app called Jack’d on your man’s phone you better pack your shit. Jack’d is a app for gay men that let’s you know how many other ppl near you have it on their phone.. One day we were eating and my homeboy got a message on his was by a guy who worked there bc he the app let him know someone less than 25 ft from him had Jack’d too


      2. Let me tell y’all, all my guy friends have h.i.v they have gotten letters to go get checked because they came in contact with someone who had it. ..


      3. Let me tell y’all, all my guy friends have h.i.v they have gotten letters to go get checked because they came in contact with someone who had it. ..
        SMMFH And then these cats screw women and that’s how it gets to heterosexual people.


      4. Let me tell y’all, all my guy friends have h.i.v they have gotten letters to go get checked because they came in contact with someone who had it. ..
        I have gay friends as well and I cant understand for the life of me why they are so risky with their sex life. Its like they are livibg in some fantasy. One of them even told me, when I mentioned HIV, he said oh you can live a long time with that now and just kept talking and laughing.


  2. It’s not the choice to be homosexual that gets me about folks…it’s their attitudes. And their attitude is what make them NOT care about getting aids.


  3. A lot of gays excuse is they already have HIV and they just didn’t care who they give it to. But it’s def alive and well.


  4. The only motherfuckers I feel sorry for who has aids are innocent babies and spouses and blood transfusion recipients. . I can not care for a person who meets someone via Internet ..wears no condom then gets upset when they are sitting in a clinic with bad news


    1. I wish people would stop acting like DL men are the sole reason for the high HIV rates in our community. If 80% of our children are born to single moms, I think its fair to say some of us aren’t using condoms period. #ijs


      1. I wish people would stop acting like DL men are the sole reason for the high HIV rates in our community. If 80% of our children are born to single moms, I think its fair to say some of us aren’t using condoms period. #ijs


  5. HIV/AIDS is running rampant in the gay community. But the mainstream media blindly blames heterosexuals for the spread of HIV.. Not true know who you fucking Fam!


  6. The virus is easily transmitted through torn membranes (fragile skin) in the rectum, the last part of the large intestines that ends at the anus. serious but unpopular topic but I’m so tuning in.


  7. Magic Johnson has HIV, and can infect other people but his test comes up negative. Is that so impossible for anyone else to do the same?


    1. Magic Johnson has HIV, and can infect other people but his test comes up negative. Is that so impossible for anyone else to do the same?
      NO …it means his levels are probably low, doesn’t mean he doesn’t have it ..please don’t be dumb!


  8. Show was short but GOOD info.
    Why are you having unprotected sex with anyone without getting tested first? Sympathy for the Atlanta women though 😥


  9. WTF is wrong with people I still get tested for diseases and I’m married not saying there is no trust I just gotta take care of self 😡


  10. This is crazy! I am glad he was convicted! However, I am on the fence about this case: Don’t get me wrong – he should have disclosed his status…..AND worn a condom! But why are these women having unprotected sex


  11. The woman that was celibate for 15 years and then had unprotected sex with this guy!

    I am not sure I have much sympathy though! Loved hearing CREEP by TLC 😆


  12. there is no test that can accurately detect HIV. I was thinking, then how does the doctor test/diagnose someone with HIV? 😦


    1. I was almost killed yesterday for voicing my opinion about hiv/aids so I’m gonna just smh 😦
      In here or somewhere else?


  13. I read about the story Tra talked about tonight.
    His azz needs all 20 years. We all need to be careful, but he wasn’t trying to take any responsibility. Calling the one chick crazy and shyt. Fuck you and your dirty dick.


  14. “Not having sex with you until I have the resume on that penis” –>> TLB C.O.S.

    😆 That quote was priceless!!!!!!!!!


      1. “The only safe sex is abstinence no sex at all”

        when Tracy said that I emailed “BOO” to her and she repeated it on the air 😆 I started cheezing my ass off!!!


      2. “The safest way to prevent HIV or STIs, of course, is abstinence, which is no sex at all” Tlb tonight on C.O.S.


      3. “Before I have sex w/a man I have to have the RESUME on that man’s PENIS”

        That shit was PRICELESS!
        That Tracy Bell is too serious!


  15. Some of these kneegrows out here hotter than fish grease! Makes you wanna fuck en raw but after tonight’s show y’all better think twice.


  16. I make sure condoms are worn every trip and I have a husband! I am not on any contraceptives and he isn’t fixed…so we wrap it up! Plus, he travels a lot for his business and I don’t put NOTHING past NO ONE! On any given day…anything can happen between two people (maybe more).


  17. Very few people ask for HIV test results from their partners. But HIV comes in the prettiest packages, so I do protect myself with Saran wrap before dining out.


      1. Creep was the perfect song considering the subject.
        Exactly cause that’s how u can contract an STD or aids like Tracy said 2night


      2. Creep was the perfect song considering the subject.
        Exactly cause that’s how u can contract an STD or aids like Tracy said 2night


  18. I don’t feel sorry for ppl that lay their dicks and coochies on the crap table and hope they win. I only show compassion for kids…transfusion recipients and spouses


  19. Enjoyed the show and read about the woman who sued the HIV minister, hell I think everybody knew about that story. Erbody in the ATL anyways.


    Unless she got a text of him saying he didn’t have it or something I don’t see how they could PROVE he didn’t tell her.


  20. We are responsible for your own well-being. No one can force you to have unprotected sex, unless we are talking rape. Then on top of everything else he was married. Duh. If he slept with you God only knows who else he was sleeping with smh


  21. The show tonight gave much to think about……When you are in a relationship with someone and you start having unprotected sex, you trust that person with your life. It makes you not want to have sex with anyone. I get tested regularly aslo but to be diagnosed with HIV. It really isn’t much you can do after that. Leave?! Start over dating? Explain to potential suitors that you have HIV? This is some BS. All this propaganda. Jesus! Keep your eyes open ladies for signs that your man may be creeping and nip it in the bud IF HE IS.


  22. These new drugs have ppl thinking they can live a normal and long life w/HIV and some take advantage of it and they start to think they don’t have it at all or think bc their viral load is undetectable they don’t have it. .besides using it as a 2nd chance some abuse it as I can still pretend to be a healthy whore.


    1. Tonight’s show further confirmed my commitment to celibacy.
      A talk about aids and hiv can usually do that shit to people.


      1. Tonight’s show further confirmed my commitment to celibacy.
        A talk about aids and hiv can usually do that shit to people.
        Yep which is why celibacy is my only banner of safety right now. and I’m keeping it. reading some of these comments and the married folk on this blog are even wearing condoms. It’s just not worth it for me. so celibacy and abstinence is my only reality.


  23. Great show tonight and the gist of the story was anybody could be infected with aids. everything that look good ain’t good for you. it’s a slippery slope so know who you are slipping with. wow


  24. What people don’t realize is that there are various strands of HIV. What can possibly happen in the future is a strand that will be resistant to anti-viral drugs. For example when you go to the doctor for an infection, they only prescribe but so much antibiotics. If we were to overuse antibiotics, they have a potential of losing their effectiveness.


  25. Like the cold virus, each HIV virus has a different marker that can be matched. Say for instance, you contract HIV from a dude with a different HIV marker than your HIV virus; that means he’s not the source of your infection.


  26. They actually make a disinfectant that kills the hiv virus… it’s used at crime scenes..funeral homes. .hospitals.. it stinks but it works well


  27. The ATL case wasn’t about who the source of the infection was. The case was that the minister alledgedly DECIEVED these women by not stating that he had the virus.

    But how can that be PROVEN in court? He says he told her, she says he didn’t. People choose to have unprotected sex with positive people all the time. I guess the D.A. just banked on the fact that no one would believe that a female would do that knowingly even tho they do.


  28. I used to do hiv case management so I know that there are quite a few people who have unprotected sex and refuse to disclose to their partners and if they confessed to us we had to disclose and report them. It is so sad that you have people with positive status who are reckless and individuals with negative status who are willing to take such chances.

    I was celibate for a few years and I made sure I saw my partner’s test as well as strap up. There are too many unknowns for people to be trusting other individuals with their lives


  29. I use to work for an infectious diseases clinic…every walk of life came into that clinic… The prettiest women, Wall Street looking businessmen, gays, straights, everybody,.. It was like being on scared straight everyday… I even had a high school classmate come in.. So sad yet a wake up call to always be protected and avidly practice safe sex…


  30. safe sex is BORING (although quite healthy)
    seriously tho, this HIV/protected sex convo gives me the sads. sex is one of the few simple pleasures left in life, but the way these statistics set-up?


      1. See, they are supposedly working on this gel you can put on your dick that protects you and kills sperm. Man, I hope it is finalized in my lifetime!


      2. See, they are supposedly working on this gel you can put on your dick that protects you and kills sperm. Man, I hope it is finalized in my lifetime!
        Sounds like the trial gels would burn your duck off 😆


  31. he should have disclosed his status…..AND worn a condom! But why are these women having unprotected sex ..especially since you already know he is married so he is having sex with his wife!? Just like he is stepping out on his wife…his wife may be stepping out on him.


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