Adrian Peterson, Baby Mama Drama, Child abuse, Murder

Adrian Peterson’s Baby Mama Is Revealed…Was she a good mother?


After the two-year old son of Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson passed away from injuries he sustained during a horrific beating at the hands of his mother’s boyfriend, the child’s mother, Ann “Ashley” Doohen took to social media sites to post pictures of her son.

Ann took to her Facebook page early in the morning on Oct. 11 to post a picture of her beloved son as a newborn. Dozens of friends liked and commented on the picture, sending their thoughts and prayers to Ann as her son remained on life support, in critical condition, at a Sioux Falls, South Dakota hospital. Tragically, the toddler, whom several Facebook users referred to as “Ty,” passed away later that day.

Ann was a wonderful mother, who showered her son with love and affection

Are her friends trying to appease her guilt? Where was she when her crazy ass boyfriend was pouncing on her son?

As for her boyfriend, Joseph Robert Patterson, 27, he was arrested in connection with the boy’s death on two counts: aggravated battery of an infant and aggravated assault. He was formally charged in his first court appearance on Oct. 11.


Adrian Peterson had met his son for the first time as the child lie on life support. He and Ann had been in disputes over the child’s paternity since the child was born.

123 thoughts on “Adrian Peterson’s Baby Mama Is Revealed…Was she a good mother?”

  1. This bish is a ratchet white hoe who had so much dick in her that she couldnt even identify her child’s father. Good mother my ass!


    1. You sound dumb and naive! A whore has no respect of color Boo. They come in all colors. A Whore is a whore is a whore and you can believe that baby.


      1. Angelhair,
        There are bad and careless parents in all races. Children of all races die all the time because parents make stupid decisions or careless mistakes. Children of all races are abused and neglected.


      2. Only white women sleep with multiple men
        Really? That’s news to me. Sound a bit distorted too.


      3. Only white women sleep with multiple men
        when a woman love dick that can be common in all race of people.


      4. Only white women sleep with multiple men and dont know who the father of their child is.
        Angel, ertime you OPEN ya mouth something DUMB fall out 😆 LMMFAO


      5. Only white women sleep with multiple men
        Nah any women who LOVE DICK will sleep with multiple men be it black, white, asian, puerto rican or creo. when a women love dick she’ll jump on one regardless of her color! Now that’s a real newsflash for ya boo!


      6. Only white women sleep with multiple men and dont know who the father of their child is.
        Can we visit the real world for a minute ?!!..promiscuity comes in all nationalities..male and female… how many male athletes have multiple baby mamas?? So go head with this Angelhair.


      7. Only white women sleep with multiple men
        Last I checked prostitutes come in all nationalities…dumb ass statement just dumb!


      8. Puzzy is puzzy… they all goin try and get your money at the end of the day so just go after which ever one you wanna phuck the most and let the chips fall where they may.


  2. This is the saddest story ever. 😦 And whatever kind of mother she was and/or wasn’t she has to live with it! I would not want to trade place with her conscious for nothing in the world.





  4. The topic here should be about her lack of parenting skills and her deceased son, and if this h0 will face charges for neglect.
    Let’s stay on topic people.


  5. It’s this woman’s behavior that makes her look trashy. Not knowing who her son’s father was after two years?That’s just nasty. esp. when you look at him and the kid clearly looks half black. Sad story seriously.


  6. How could she have been a good mother? Good mothers practice sound judgement. They protect their babies and don’t let abusers around their kids. You can bet there were signs from this crazy ass boyfriend of hers…but this “good mother” chose dick over her child. She needs to be sitting in a cell too. Smdh 😦


  7. She and that crazy boyfriend killer of hers had just a brought a house together. Now her baby dead and he’s in jail. wow.


  8. If you lay with a dog you come up with fleas. She knew what that man was like before she brung him around her son. Some women just want a man in the house and don’t care who it is either! She should get 20+ in jail just for being able to live with him knowing he was crazy.


  9. This tragedy is about the innocent child lost- regardless of if she slept with 10 men or
    a hundred, who the father is or not – an innocent child who had no role in his
    birth or parents is dead, folks !!

    We ALL have made some bad choices in life, unfortunately her decision and choices resulted in tragedy!


  10. Her son died at the hands of an abusive tyrant who already had charges pending stemming from abuse. She has the responsibility to protect her child. She was extrmely negligent in allowing his presence in her sons life. Sometimes mothers have to put their loins on hold and concentrate on parenting instead of a relationship with a loser. She failed her son and that’s tragic!


  11. Looking at the picture of this little innocent child really breaks my heart. this child suffered so much before his death and its nobody’s fault but the monster who killed him.

    The mother is guilty of failing to protect her son. They weren’t even dating long enough for him to be babysitting if he was arrested for beating another child last year.


  12. If she was such a great mother, why did she continue a relationship with a convicted felon and an a abuser of women and children. Why didn’t she know who her babies father was better yet why is her son dead? Great parenting right gtfo here with that mess!


  13. I will not judge this woman in such a tragic time. What she is already feeling is much more than anyone can say to her or about her.
    What I would like to do is caution all women against leaving their children with people that they do not know. You CANNOT leave your child with a man that you barely know. You are your child’s first line of protection, and a lapse in judgement could cost your child his or her life. I pray that such a tragedy never happens to another family, however it will. People have to do better when it comes to the safety of their children.


  14. You Can’t Leave Your Child With People You don’t Know…sometimes. It’s those that are around children who harm them. Unfortunately, that can happen from those you don’t know, and “sometimes” from those you know. Sometimes I think it’s better for single mothers not to date at all, or bring no-one home until their child is of an adequate age, or moved out of the home. Didn’t Trac say that on one of her shows?


  15. Parents, well so-called parents, must learn to put their “lives on hold” and put the child first. It’s best to be “safe than sorry.” People get lost in “feelings” and don’t think. It “feels good” so its OK. Just because you “feel” something does not mean you have to do it. People Protect Your Children. That means no sleep overs!


  16. How could she have been a good or wonderful mother when you don’t know who the father of your child is? That’s irrelevant. A good mother protect her own.


  17. How great of a mother could she have been when she left a known thug with control and anger issues alone with her helpless toddler? Isn’t she wondering what happened that he beat the boy to death? I mean what could the toddler have done to provoke this fool? Justsad#


  18. IMO she should be charged with something,child endangerment or maybe being STUPID WHILE BREATHING. IDK but charge her dumb negligent ass with something.


  19. Please this heffa don’t get a pass in my book, where was she when dude was beating her child to death. Second off this becky, is just as triff as the next cause she was just a jump off to AP and sleeping with BR and whoever else….wonderful mom bullshit?!
    Next week she might be scouting the next baller to shack up with and pop one out for….#throwinsupershade big time😎


  20. Some women are reckless & unfit and should not have custody of their own children. Women should put their children & safety first. Before you date, investigate your mate.


  21. I just read that Adrian Petersen wasn’t even the child’s father and that he didn’t even get a dna test smh.

    He just said it was his son because he slept with her and thought it could have been a possibility that it was his son. So she don’t even know who the father is!! This story is sickening all the way around.


  22. AP has a beautiful wife/gf at home but he chose to sleep with this ugly, trashy, old faced h0e instead. SMH

    Somebody needs to put this bitch in jail or at least sterilize her stupid behind.


  23. Bad mothers come in all races, not just black women are bad mothers. Yes she is as responsible for her child’s death as her boyfriend.

    What “good mother” leaves her child with just anybody. As a “good mother” she should have protected her baby from monsters like her man, now the baby is dead and the man is in jail and I hope he’s getting the shit beaten out of him while he’s there.

    And I agree with some of y’all this heffa should be in jail too for child endangerment.


  24. Every adult involved failed this child but it is irrelevant now. The child is gone and not coming back. A terrible lesson to be learned from all the adults who loved and was supposed to protect him. Treat everyone that your child encounters as if they will do harm. I always say if you don’t look out for your kids and protect them, no one else will.


  25. I don’t get HOW people equate causing a child’s death with “good parenting”?!?! And YES she caused it! SHE was the sole guardian of that child…SHE was to ensure he had the necessities of life AND a safe environment to grow in…SHE was to make sound decisions that would not affect his upbringing negatively. So um NO she was/is NOT a good mother.


  26. The real culprit is sitting in jail. There is responsibility to be placed on both sides and a lesson to be learned from this unfortunate situation. But sitting here all damn day blaming, and debating about who’s at fault it is, won’t bring this child back. May the child R.I.P.


  27. SHE IS TO BLAME!!!!!!!!!!! No doubt about it!
    A mother who is a good one KNOWS when a man has negative feelings towards her child even if he’s masking them so her being a good a mother is bullshit.


  28. Good mom my Ass, you’re sleeping with so many guys in a short period of time you don’t know who the father is?! Did the first victim start spending time with the little fella thinking the child was his? Girl hide your face in shame, you are not a victim you victimized and should be locked up as well!


  29. Just look at that adorable little face. How could anyone beat this poor innocent child?

    Must exit this story….. 😦 I Can’t


  30. Why if she is such a good mother, did she let her abusive boyfriend near her child? where was she, when the child was being beaten? He claims to have been with the boy all the time, a good mother is not going to put her children in harms way for a man!


  31. This is disgusting, this story is not about race, it’s about a baby left alone and defenseless with a monster. There’s nothing that little baby could have done to defend himself against a grown man. “wonderful mom” I THINK NOT.


  32. There’s enough blame to go around for ALL adults involved in this situation.
    Yes the Child’s Mother failed him. and that doesn’t make her a good mother.
    She was a BAD mother who only cared about her own needs.


  33. Of course she’s to blame no question about that. A good mother? hell NO! How could she be dubbed a good mother when her kid is dead! A good mother work to keep her kid alive. This bitch failed at that.


  34. She was NOT a wonderful mom, I don’t know a wonderful mom who moves herself and her child into a harmful situation with someone they don’t know, and then to leave your child with someone thats unacceptable and doesn’t sound wonderful at all. It’s sounds like she was lacking in all aspects of her life and her family and friends probably should have told her that.


  35. He was a very handsome baby boy. It’s a real tragedy that his life was cut so short. I’m so glad that his murderer is behind bars. Sorry bastid!


  36. I bet she wants to hide under a rock now that the world knows she slept with multiple dudes and didnt know who her baby daddy was! As a mother to mother, I feel bad that she has lost her son. But as a mother to mother, we are ultimately responsible for keeping our children as safe as possible. If I can’t find someone to watch my kids, I don’t leave. No where on this planet is worth me going somewhere and leaving my kids with whoever!! My husband and I trust VERY few people with our beautiful children!


  37. She has my sympathy. She is guilty of bad judgement and that is something she is going to live with the rest of her life. That bad judgement just cost her one of life’s most precious gifts. She may have been trying to be a good mother but some people just don’t have any common sense.


  38. OMG this is the saddest story 😦 ever in the history of child abuse.
    The part that kills me is……this lil innocent boy was just a toddler.
    Got Damn shame!


  39. “In a post on Facebook, Bobby Ruffin says that he’s ‘So tired of this poor Adrian Peterson shit,’ and claims that he helped raise the boy while the Vikings running back didn’t meet the child until he was already in a coma.”


      1. “In a post on Facebook, Bobby Ruffin says that he’s ‘So tired of this poor Adrian Peterson shit”.

        You just can’t make this shit up. Ruffin’s son is DEAD and his major concern is about who is getting SYMPATHY? What has happened to our society? This entire story makes me sick.

        Peterson still played football on Sunday despite his son’s death…a son he never even knew. I guess that explains why he was able to play football because he had no emotional attachment to the child.

        But riddle me this batman: How can Ruffin claim to have ”raised” the boy when he was only two years old AND the boy’s mother already has a new manic boyfriend?

        Can a guy claim to have raised a boy after only two years? I guess raising a child isn’t what it used to be. In any event it seems that all the players in this TRAGEDY have more self interest than they had interest in the child’s welfare.


      2. I CoSign you CDawg 100%
        😦 …the boy is dead who gives a rats ass who raised him, who didn’t and who’s getting the most sympathy! Not nan one of dem motherfuckers protected that lil boy from the hands his killer!


      3. This Ashley Doohen hoe:
        -Phucked her boyfriend Bobby Ruffin
        -Phucked Adrian Peterson
        -Wasn’t sure WHO the father of her child was
        -Named the baby after the WRONG nigga
        -Met some new Asian nigga
        -Started phuckin the new Asian nigga
        -MOVED this Asian nigga in her house
        -This Asian bytch azz nigga murdered her son
        ALL within 2 years.
        Poor puzzy management Ashley, poor puzzy management <<SMH


      4. Man,
        In certain states I believe it is required for the child to be given a DNA test to establish paternity before paying out child support. So I wouldn’t call Ruffin a bytch ass nigga, hell if I had a question about a child i’m raising damn right i’m getting that test done.
        Even though it wasn’t his he still was at the hospital so that says a lot. Blame the poor child’s MOTHER for her whore ass decision to operate her puzzy as a Motel 6


  40. This story is soooooooooooo fucked up all the way around. No winners here all losers with the baby losing most of all…with his life. SmMFH


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