Books, Conversations Of A Sistah, Damika Davis, Enduring the Single Mother Struggle, New Book Release

From Bitter to Better, “Enduring the Single Mother Struggle” Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”

Damika Davis

It’s all too common of a story, boy meets girl, have baby with girl, break up with girl, than girl uses kid (s) as a weapon to destroy the child’s relationship with the father. Contrary to what many of you believe, this is a common occurrence in failed relationships. All in the act of a woman’s petty tactic of revenge.

In the meantime, nobody wins and the child or children miss out on what’s valuable in healthy relationships and suffer in the end.

This was somewhat the case with Damika Davis (pictured above), a single mother who is author of the book “Enduring the Single Mother Struggle”. Damika not only evolved in her experiences but in her book she shares her means for healing, the lessons she’s learned and the wisdom obtained in the midst of her own struggles. 

Davis writes:

“In my selfishness, I pushed my child’s father away not allowing him an opportunity to try to be a father to his child……valuable time was lost but the wisdom I learned is a testimony to encourage other single mothers to get over it and endure.”  

Book_Cover_Single mothersJoin me tonight at 8:00 PM on “Conversations Of A Sistah” via “Conversations Live” as my guest Damika Davis will discuss how she’s grown from bitter to better, “Enduring the Single Mother struggle”. Having found her purpose, sustained her family, maintained healthy relationships, having released distracting strongholds in order to ultimately seek peace.

As usual you can access tonight’s show at any of the “Conversations” links in this post!

I’ll meet you all on the air!

146 thoughts on “From Bitter to Better, “Enduring the Single Mother Struggle” Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

    1. I swear I need to get a life! 😆 every Tuesday after midnight I wait for Trace to post her show.
      Chile me too! 😆


      1. I swear I need to get a life! 😆 every Tuesday after midnight I wait for Trace to post her show.
        Yea um it’s called a blog alert 😆


      2. I swear I need to get a life! 😆 every Tuesday after midnight I wait for Trace to post her show.
        Yes but sometimes she writes post and publish them after midnight often


      3. I swear I need to get a life! 😆 every Tuesday after midnight I wait for Trace to post her show.
        Y’all funny but Qtip and Slick is always here cause they work nights 😆


      4. I swear I need to get a life! 😆 every Tuesday after midnight I wait for Trace to post her show.
        Y’all funny but Qtip and Slick is always here cause they work nights
        what’s your excuse at Olivijah?


      5. what’s your excuse at Olivijah?
        Ion need one. I come here to read myself to sleep sometimes. When I read from working I’m usually rushing


      6. I swear I need to get a life! 😆 every Tuesday after midnight I wait for Trace to post her show.
        I’m on the night shift so this all works out well for me. But who’s checking anyway?


      7. Unless somebody taking attendance up in diss bitch I don’t see why it’s necessary to say why we here after midnight.


  1. I think almost every other single sistah I meet is a single mother. when I meet one who’s not i almost wanna dance a damn jig 😆

    Can’t wait to hear her story thou.


  2. “In my selfishness, I pushed my child’s father away not allowing him an opportunity to try to be a father to his child…”

    Alot of women do and it’s sad some of em need to grow the fuck up seriously.


  3. She’s a nice looking single mom. wonder how old she is? she looks young. her book is only $12.00 that’s not bad. Can’t wait to hear her elaborate on her story.


    1. This shit is an epidemic! Where and when does it end?
      Uh let’s see, when men and women take responsibility for the decisions they make. when men decide they’re gonna make an honest woman out of her and not leave her b4 or after she has the baby, I mean the list can go on depending on the situation dude


      1. This shit is an epidemic! Where and when does it end?
        when women REFUSE to be a statistic and brothaz stop making them one!


      2. This shit is an epidemic! Where and when does it end?
        Whatz this a trick question? WTF??? When we make better choices.


      3. This shit is an epidemic! Where and when does it end?
        good question, I guess it’s knowing that’s not how you wanna be labeled after having a child.


      4. This shit is an epidemic! Where and when does it end?
        good question, I guess it’s knowing that’s not how you wanna be labeled after having a child. <<<—That comment right there is str8 and utter bullshit because you can go from being a wife to a single mother if you go through a divorce. or god forbid your spouse dies. circumstances are different and can change at even given moment. life has no guarantees…either way when a woman has a baby she should always prepare herself to raise that child alone if she has too because no matter what you cannot send that child back!


      5. This shit is an epidemic! Where and when does it end?
        In some cases I don’t think it’s planned. Every situation is different.


      6. This shit is an epidemic! Where and when does it end?
        How, when and where does it end? It’s very simple don’t boink her before you get to the altar. period!


      7. The lesson here is don’t get knocked up if the daddy is some no good bum who cannot feed his child.


      8. This shit is an epidemic! Where and when does it end?

        As a widower single dad with two young children, might I suggest shoving the single parent stereotypes up your nearest orifice? Thanks.


      9. I find the demonizing of single mothers insane. The premise that all two parent families are sober, hardworking, and functional is as insane @Omar.


      10. This shit is an epidemic! Where and when does it end?
        I don’t think it’s being a single mom per se, it’s more the bad lifestyle choices that often go hand in hand with becoming one.


      11. This shit is an epidemic! Where and when does it end?
        OK Omar, the moral of your question is? Marry/or don’t get knocked up by/the wrong person. Trite but true.


      12. This shit is an epidemic! Where and when does it end?
        Yeah so I have another question, how can we end it?


      13. This shit is an epidemic! Where and when does it end?
        Just don’t be a part of the problem boo that’s all. Don’t make yourself a statistic


      14. This shit is an epidemic! Where and when does it end?
        Omar I hope you were listening when she said not all single mothers are single to do having kids out of wedlock


  4. The author is beautiful looking forward to your show with her Ms. Bell. Anxious to hear her bitter to better. Cause we’ve all been there.


  5. “In my selfishness, I pushed my child’s father away not allowing him an opportunity to try to be a father to his child……valuable time was lost but the wisdom I learned is a testimony to encourage other single mothers to get over it and endure.”

    By her statement I can tell she’s moved past being bitter and keepin the child’s father away based upon how she feels. This is going to be a good show. I can feel it in my bones!


  6. “In my selfishness, I pushed my child’s father away not allowing him an opportunity to try to be a father to his child”

    I commend Ms. Davis for even admitting what some women won’t. Looking forward to her story.


  7. “It’s all too common of a story, boy meets girl, have baby with girl, break up with girl, than girl uses kid (s) as a weapon to destroy the child’s relationship with the father.”

    wow so true! that’s the basis of the bitterness.


  8. I respect Damika Davis and ain’t even heard her story yet. Single moms are amazing when they’re doing it right and doing it alone.


  9. I am a single mom by choice with two teenage boys. As much as I wanted to stay married and work with their dad before deciding to file for divorce 7 years ago, I knew I’d be staying for all the wrong reasons. So I can relate to this show and will be tuned in.


      1. Hey Ya’ll!
        That’s a fine single sistah in this post. 😆 I wanna know what kind of relationship she have wit her baby daddy?


      2. Good Morning my Sugars

        I wanna know what kind of relationship she have wit her baby daddy?
        @Anthony, why you need to know?


      3. Hello everyone….I can’t relate to this show. Tis all.

        But because I Luvs me some Tra Tra I’ll probably be tuning in regardless. 😆


      4. Zup everybody
        MY mom raised us up alone cause my father died. I am sure that it was not easy for her. so yeah every situation is different.


  10. Tracy you did the single fathers now the single mother. maybe you should have saved his one for the month of May for around Mother’s Day. But it’s all good.


  11. I give credit to any woman who is a single mom regardless of circumstance because I know it’s not easy. raising kids alone or being a full-time mom if the father is not in the home.


  12. Every single mother must take the attitude that she may look like she is by herself, but she is not. That’s why it takes a village and single moms gotta get involved to have that village work for her as well as with her.


  13. Yes women are becoming single mothers are a rapid rate. yet they are not getting these titles alone. It takes 2 to pro-create and men need to assume their positions as well.


  14. Black woman should not have to do this by themselves; we as Black men must take some responsibility for the misdirected anger that kills the black woman’s hope and belief for a real and complete family.


  15. “valuable time was lost but the wisdom I learned is a testimony to encourage other single mothers to get over it and endure.”

    The best part of her quote is how alot of these women need to get over what their baby daddy’s have done and stop poisoning their children. Lawd knows that’s the truth!


  16. “Contrary to what many of you believe, this is a common occurrence in failed relationships. All in the act of a woman’s petty tactic of revenge.”

    It’s wrong to deny a child the right to a relationship with her father just because the mama mad. but yeah Trace a lot of these young women do it. this should be a good show.


  17. There are some very brave women in this world and this lady sound like she’s is one of them. I wish her all the best in her future. Tuning in tonight to hear her story.


  18. This day and age a single mother’s struggle is all too common. It will be a breathe of fresh air to hear how this Damika Davis overcame or how she is overcoming. Every story or testimony of some kind of victory is welcomed.


  19. I have a strong admiration for single moms because despite all the odds, they don’t give up hope and still do what needs to be done to care for their children. Kudos to this author. Can’t wait to hear side of her personal struggle.


  20. Kudos to any single moms. they gotta balance work n children plus handle their business. Can’t wait to hear Damika’s story.


  21. That’s one fine ass single mother. Wonder if she’s still single?? But you know I don’t date single moms. I think when you date single moms that’s like “robbing the poonanah” cause she’s somebody’s mama. If men get with single mothers they should do so with an intent not just to date er for fun but something more long-term. she has a kid to set a good example for. JMO.


  22. Its great being a single mom.. I mean you have to adjust to the lifestyle.

    Why have a partner (husband, boyfriend) if you are gonna be unhappy. That will only hinder the development of your child! Yea sometimes there is struggles like finances. But its great! I wouldn’t change it for the world!


    1. Off topic: So who’s going to watch Preachers of LA? Raises hand and giggles 😆 at the ratchedness of it all!!!
      The show is their blood money.


      1. So who’s going to watch Preachers of LA? Raises hand and giggles 😆 at the ratchedness of it all!!!
        That show is the reason I need to stay off of FB, it really makes folks show their true colors especially these so called church folk


      2. So who’s going to watch Preachers of LA? Raises hand and giggles 😆 at the ratchedness of it all!!!
        😡 they be the ones posting status every 30 mins too…… talm bout the lawd this the lawd that !!!!!! 😆


      3. Off topic: So who’s going to watch Preachers of LA? Raises hand and giggles 😆 at the ratchedness of it all!!!

        LOL 😆 Yes I’m tuning in. I won’t even lie.


    1. Wonder if she’s involved in any unrequited love struggles with her baby’s daddy?.
      We are always consumed with the looks and/or status of Tracy’s guests instead of the basis of their story. 😆 let’s stay focused people and tune in for what sounds like another good show..


    1. We heard her that’s NOT her baby on the cover but her breakdown and theory of her cover blew my mind 🙂 Whew!!!!!!!!


  23. SHE WAS AWESOME!!!!!




    1. I want to hear more about the Foundation
      If you listened to the show you know she did speak on her foundation. Tracy did ask her about that. Click the link for the rewind cause it’s there.


  24. Excellent show tonight Tracy! Damika is a powerful sister I had the great fortune of meeting at our church New Faith Baptist International last month. She is a forward thinker and credible role model for single moms and sisters everywhere! Well done!


    1. Excellent show tonight Tracy! Damika is a powerful sister I had the great fortune of meeting at our church New Faith Baptist International last month. She is a forward thinker and credible role model for single moms and sisters everywhere! Well done!


      1. Excellent show tonight Tracy! Damika is a powerful sister I had the great fortune of meeting at our church New Faith Baptist International last month. She is a forward thinker and credible role model for single moms and sisters everywhere! Well done!
        Hey Mr. Osborne, did you know your show was voted Tracy’s #1 of the year? Hoping she’ll have you back.


  25. I thought the commentary gave hope to a lot of single moms who think they have to settle for their circumstances based on the fact that they had their child out of wedlock..This girl is clearly educated and like Tracy said, “she took her lemons and made lemonade” and did a damn good job at it too. I enjoyed her.


  26. why was i not shocked when she said how the church folk judged her. (*_*) Smh 😡 side eye.

    and they be the main hypocrites.


  27. I admire her.
    More single sistahs out here havin babies by these niggaz need to take a chapter from her book. she put her child first. It was important to her that her child wasn’t bitter. and that her child saw a healthy relationship with her and the child’s father. i feel like ridin thru the hood blastin that show on MP3 so them bishes can hear dat shit. too many bitter bishes in da hood 2day cause they hate they baby daddy’s


  28. She made great points and Trace of course, asked all the right questions.
    Tracy always go to bat for us 😆 she gone make sure she ask those things that we wanna know.


  29. That show was INFORMATIVE. I wanted some JUICE 😆 like is she still with her baby daddy? But Tra didn’t ask her that. Tracy didn’t get personal at all.


    1. Tracy didn’t get personal at all.
      She wasn’t suppose too. Tracy kept the show about her topic and the girls book. The status of her current love life was not applicable..


      1. Tracy didn’t get personal at all.
        DAYUM!!!! And I wanted her too

        I’m so glad she don’t address all of the questions her readers wanna know 😆 Cause to be honest some shit just ain’t none of R damn bittness.


      2. Tracy didn’t get personal at all.
        “Conversations Of A Sistah” is NOT the new-age version of a dating or hook-up show. Tracy ask all the right questions relevant to her guest and subject matter. And “hey girl do you have a man” should neva be one of them. Ugh SMDH 😡


  30. Damika Davis’ story was both inspiring and hopeful. She made her situation a + instead of a minus. God Bless her I enjoyed hearing her and her sharing her story.


  31. Excellent interview Ms. Bell.
    Damika Davis has paid for her choices in life and making the best of all the opportunities afforded to her. I fell in love with her inspiration about encouraging other single moms.


  32. My question is, is the sistah still single? 😆 she’s smart, sound sexy and seem to have her shit so 2gether.. That interview was excellent!!!! Our gurl Trace really know how to milk a conversation to the last drop!



    1. Morning.
      Even if Damika Davis is single wouldn’t do some of you any good to know. and asking on behalf of a bunch bloggers is tacky. something Blog Queen is NOT!


      1. I am working hard today :phew: Might do a working lunch. Gotta get some things in order for next week.
        How are you good people doing


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