A hot mess!, Celebrity Kids, Celebrity Parents, Drama, Will Smith

Will and Jada raise their children differently…


In a recent interview Will Smith says African-American parents believe they “own” their children as a result of slavery…

“I think that, specifically in African-American households, the idea of coming out of slavery, there’s a concept of your children being property and that was a major part that Jada and I released with our kids.

“We respect our children the way we would respect any other person. Things like cleaning up their room, you would never tell a full-grown adult to clean their room, so we don’t tell our kids to clean their rooms. Actually, we tell our kids ‘you don’t have a room, that’s our room and we are letting you borrow it.’

So the same way you would say to an adult if you let them use car, you say, ‘Yo man, clean my car! Don’t drive around all filthy like that!’ And it’s perfectly reasonable for you to want an adult to clean your car, so we feel it’s perfectly reasonable to ask our kids to clean the rooms that we are letting them use.”

Will and Jada are ridiculous and when I read the story to my mom she said and I quote… “They’re full of shit!” It’s bad parenting bottom line.

93 thoughts on “Will and Jada raise their children differently…”

  1. This is what works in my household. My house, my rules. I’m not a single parent, so you’re allowed to voice your opinion much more than I would allow if there was another adult in the house. You may even win a few arguments. But since I’m the one feeding, cleaning, teaching, instructing, defending, raising and loving you, you will do as I say. My child is being raised, not dragged up. I just wish more children were.


      1. Hello Acquitta, Zenna, Ashanti, Man, Tamala, Acquitta, Brown, Sane, Ionna, Adrienne, Coco, Nicole, Adam, Cameo and Everybody….


  2. I don’t think he thought about what he said before he said it.

    I know black parents, me included, who tell their children to clean their rooms because the room belongs to the PARENT, not the child. I do not know black parents who tell their children to clean their rooms because the children are considered property.

    THERE IS NO CORRELATION to Smith’s statement and the point he is trying to make. He needs to focus on promoting that movie instead of degrading black families.


  3. Your rich Bitch…..now STFU.
    I agree children should learn to think for themselves, but as a parent than what is your job? Your job is to guide them in what you know best. And nurture then in what they love best. Till then you are the parent and you run the show.


  4. How very BLACK of you Mr. Smith. Black men are the first to down their race. You never hear white people, putting done their race, that because they know that people are diverse. Not all black people have a slave mentality. I’m gonna guess your talking about yourself.

    People in all races are diverse in there thinking, and how they raise their children.

    Mr. Smith please save your comment till, you kids are successful and about 35 years old.


    1. Let’s be real…who can better have an opinion than someone who is part of the race? If we would listen to each other and stop trying to play God we could rid ourselves of the evils that plague us as a race.


  5. A parent will have to do the thinking for their child.
    Many successful athletes, musicians, and business owners, owe it to their parents for thinking for them.
    How many regret not listening to their parents?


  6. I agree with Willard to a point. The problem with many parents (black parents especially) is that they no longer want to PARENT. Whether it’s absolute laziness or a conspiracy by the Powers That Be to control every aspect of our lives, it’s completely destroying this generation.


  7. Just like he doesn’t want people telling him how to raise his kids, well right back attcha ya.
    Both he and Jada need to SHUT up. Their parenting skills have GONE WILD. Since when did Will Smith get so high and mighty that they criticize their parents parental skills.
    They come to my house and that ass will get whipped.


  8. “Will and Jada are ridiculous and when I read the story to my mom she said and I quote… “They’re full of shit!” It’s bad parenting bottom line.”

    I agree with Mama Blog Queen Bell, Will and Jada Full of shit!!!!


    1. I agree with Mama Blog Queen Bell, Will and Jada Full of shit!!!!
      Yeah I gotta AGREE with Mrs. Bell also! So I coSign you Adam.


      1. I agree with Mama Blog Queen Bell, Will and Jada Full of shit!!!!
        Yeah MA you right!!!!


      2. “Will and Jada are ridiculous and when I read the story to my mom she said and I quote… “They’re full of shit!” It’s bad parenting bottom line.”

        That Mama Bell is going to always speak her mind. Ya gotta RESPECT her for that. She is like a mom to me in so many ways.


      3. “Will and Jada are ridiculous and when I read the story to my mom she said and I quote… “They’re full of shit!” It’s bad parenting bottom line.”

        CoSign Mrs. Bell !!!


  9. The student has gotten mightier than the Teacher.
    Will Smith where would you be if your parents had not allowed you to pursue your dream as an actor. How quickly we forget when we think that we have ARRIVED. I need for both you and jada to take many seats __/ and SHUT UP.


  10. That’s why when Willow and Jaden become of age they will run wild like lost dogs because their parents gave them no damn direction. Stoopid asses.


  11. The Smiths went from being a proud representation of a Black family unit to a bunch of new-age Scientology crack-heads. Money and power done fucked up their thinking.


  12. When was the last time Will was in a really good movie, a hit, a certified box office banger. It just seems like they’re relying on controversial quotes to keep them in the limelight.


  13. Telling them they don’t have a room is the same thing an African-american household would tell their children. Hell I know my mama would tell us that.


  14. What fucked up the Black generation of today was ASSIMILATION!
    Now that our ancestors done paved the way for us to get as far as having someone of COLOR such as POTUS, we are trying to become white!
    Even second-generation children of immigrants who are assimilated have more ethnic pride than African-Americans. This generation is fighting self-hatred. We are not as proud to be Black like our people were in the past.
    We are only proud to be Black when it’s CONVENIENT.


  15. Sorry Will, you dropped the ball. Psychology is not your strong point. Not to say that Slavery didn’t impact on the parent child dynamic of Blacks in this country. But your children do belong to you. That’s the problem now, parents don’t want to own their children.

    Slaves, how can we even begin to imagine what they endured. I’ll never forget.


  16. Look at how Jada fucked up her lovely face! Nothing was wrong with her and had she left her face alone, she would have still looked young. But she has been around those bony, botoxed, crazy Hollywood white women for so long that she wanted to look like them. She got plastic surgery when she didn’t need it. She has destroyed her looks.


  17. The only Black couple in Hollywood that act like they have some damn sense is Denzel and Paula Washington, Boris Kodjoe and his wife, and Samuel L. Jackson and his wife.


  18. What he said IS the traditional black way of thinking. Just like no slamming doors or locking doors in MY house or when you start paying the bills THEN you can make the rules.


  19. The way the last generation raised us is still a great way to raise this generation. The problem is society has turned pussy (just like Bernie Mac alluded to in ‘Kings’). So now you have a generation of kids that have the nerve to tell their parent(s) that they’ll call the cops on em over an asswhoopin.

    Some of today’s parents are just chickenshit and won’t take a stand. But if you are truly in control of what’s going on with your children in your household, that shit cannot be penetrated by retarded thinking.


  20. I understand challenging your children to behave more maturely, but Will and Jada are laughable with this shit. But you won’t find no black folk living a regular day to day life working 9 to 5s and bustin’ they ass to make ends meet subscribing to this bullshit.

    Nobody’s sayin’ you have to absolutely spank your children as a form of punishment, but the vilification of parents that don’t spare the rod is just modern day American fuckery. Anyone who looks sideways at me for spanking my children can go drown with that shit..


  21. I was never a fan of either Jada or Will. I was really just eluding to the days of when him and his Botox bride brought what was lacking to Hollywood at the time — representation of Black love. Now they’ve gone all the way to the left and sound razy as hail while trynna keep up with the Cruises.


  22. Maybe his ideas would make more sense to me if I was a multi-millionaire with children that make millions and access to maids, butlers, and limo drivers. Unfortunately I don’t live in that world and can’t afford to spare the rod.


  23. His sort of thinking is what’s wrong with these kids now..that whole “let your kids make their own rules” is bullshit ..children need discipline and boundaries to be successful in the world.

    That’s why you have so many out of control children running around fighting and being on worldstar because their parents have completely checked out. Miss me with this bullshit Will and from the looks of it you are the last person I wanna take advice from about raising children…..


    1. What’s wrong with children today is a lack of parenting. Governments and the media ate raising most children. If nothing else give them credit for doing the job and not leaving it to the systems that have failure ingrained in them that prevent what many children need from reaching them.


  24. Will, please stick to making movies. And tell Jada to stop trying to turn herself into a white woman. Please and Thank you!


  25. Some Black people do take the spanking thing a little to far but spanking should be an ultimate punishment. However, children need to be punished if they do wrong. If you spoil your children and let them when you over, you will raise a monster!


  26. I don’t agree with Will’s comment about black people perceiving their kids as “property” and I don’t think I ever experienced that from my mother. I simply don’t agree with that, but I do agree that any parent must find a medium, a balance to parenting. I think that should be the goal of any parenting. I just believe that this “balance” should not exclude or frown on spanking that ass as an option.


    1. The point of parenting is to bring the child to maturity. Which is different for every family. We do what we must to make that happen. Some people use newfangled ideas without regard to the society they will enter as adults. There are somethings that are standard for instance not sparing the rod which means don’t. spoil the child, but the rod in Its place can save the child from a lifetime of heartache.


  27. Okay ya’ll im bout to go jump on smelly Greyhound. Ya’ll have a fun, SAFE weekend. Don’t do nuttin I wouldn’t do
    See ya’ll Mon/tues?


  28. Everybody be safe this holiday weekend. Don’t eat too much BBQ ribs, potato salad, macaroni and cheese, apple pie and pumpkin pie. Of course I will be doing all that. But do as I say, not as I do.


      1. Have a safe holiday weekend ladies 😆 lurked all day waitin on a new post and NOTHING!!! 😥


  29. Spiritually speaking I think they’re kind of on point. You may really shy idea of ownership on your children but that doesn’t negate the whole training piece. Spiritually speaking they have guardianship over them and that leaves the minds in tact to develop a different kind if thinking in them. Loving does not imply ownership on any level but the responsibility of training and guidence means that you must exert a degree of control because they don’t know any better. I Agree that their way of training has some valididty but we should not use them as a standard for child rearing. Accept that they do things differently and call it a day.


    1. Accept that they do things differently and call it a day
      That’s the scary part. You would like to hope you raised, reared and influenced good kids but if they go left then that’s a whole nother ball game.


      1. Well no can be.absolutely sure but there’s thus piece they way.others do some things should not affect our better judgement. They found a way that they believe works for them. If its found faulty its theirs to fix we just need to not rush.to judgement when we are not in a position to make any changes. We know there are many children off to the left as long as we are not there we should be.thankful.


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