Blog talk radio, CEO's Blog, Conversations Of A Sistah, ILinda Reese, Relationships, What she said

Are You in a relationship with the WRONG man? Tonite on “Conversations Of A Sistah”


As I continue to celebrate women this Women’s History month, we will explore the types of relationships women seek to succeed. 

Our relationships are very important to us and we jump through hoops and do all that we can to make these personal relationships work. But do these relationships work when we’re making the effort to succeed with them on our own?

Some women are attracted to bad boys; they may be alcoholics, married men, or men with an attitude. I believe some women like these elements of danger in their relationships, thinking they’re the one woman who will make a difference in that man’s life. They will be the one who will make him faithful. They will be the one who gets him sober or they will be the one to change him. That kind of thinking may be dangerous, when in all actuality ladies, YOU CANNOT CHANGE A MAN!!!!!

Women are smart, some women even successful; but are making all the wrong choices when it comes to choosing a man. Are you in a relationship with the right man? Are these many theories correct? That smart women are almost magnetically drawn to the wrong men?

Tune in Wednesday March 20, 2013 on “Conversations Of A Sistah” on “Conversations Live” as I discuss with my guest, Motivational Speaker, Author and Relationship Expert, ILinda Reese  as to why “Smart Women are making Wrong choices” in relationships!

IlindaReese_rodneybrownfx3.5x5Ilinda Reese (pictured here) is the Author of two Books on Relationships. As a Relationship Coach Ilinda teaches how to navigate the sometimes bumpy road of managing marriage, friends, family and work related relationships. We will explore with my guest why women are making all the wrong choices in their relationships.

Conversations Of A Sistah is on live at 8:00 PM, follow the links in this post to access the show!

You can send your topic related questions for Miss Reese by emailing the show @

See you on the air!!

131 thoughts on “Are You in a relationship with the WRONG man? Tonite on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

      1. Good morning all: Lawd knows I’ve had a wrong man…or two! Glad I finally found the right one! 🙂


  1. It’s a miserable feeling living with and in a relationship the wrong man. so let’s see what Ms. Reese can give us regarding this epidemic.


    1. Nah damn!!!!
      another woman’s topic!
      “As I continue to celebrate women this Women’s History month”

      Need I say more?


      1. Nah damn!!!!
        another woman’s topic!
        Al, this is a two way topic. find ya place in it.


      2. Nah damn!!!!
        another woman’s topic!
        get with the program Al, or log the fluck OUT!


      3. Nah damn!!!!
        another woman’s topic!
        It was a really good show @Al, if you tuned in I’m sure you learned something cause Tracy aka Blog Queen had an awesome guest.


  2. I don’t want nobody else’s husband. but what happens when you fall for the brother then find out he’s married after the fact? Smh!


  3. some women don’t wanna know they with the wrong man they’d rather be miserable just so they can say “they have a man” it’s a sick but it’s true!


  4. Wao!
    This makes me go right back to my past relationship. I truly have to say, indeed God has been good to me and that I did not give it all up just for a man. I suffered a whole lot because I really loved him, but thank you God I was delivered from him in the long run.


  5. OMG I will be tuning in tonight!
    I have been with the wrong man before and married him. I know I have the right one now and there is such a drastic difference in my life. Tuning in tonight Tra! 😆


  6. Let me tell y’all being with the wrong man is some scary shit but true things to look out for…Now I wanna hear what ILinda has to say about it tonight.

    Her name is ILinda and not Linda? That’s different.


    1. well what qualifies as being with the wrong man?
      you know when you’re with the wrong person. you don’t agree, you have nothing in common (and sex shouldn’t be the only thing) you’re unhappy and it’s not about LOVE! Listen in tonight to find out more.


      1. well what qualifies as being with the wrong man?
        when everything about the relationship is just wrong, wrong, wrong!!!


      2. well what qualifies as being with the wrong man?
        when everything about the relationship is just wrong, wrong, wrong!!! —>>> Exactly!!!!


  7. As long as we are not bashing brothas I’m good with tonite’s conversation. and yeah I’ll be listening and monitoring the conversation.


  8. Good Morning and Happy Wednesday 🙂

    If you have expressed concerns to friends or family that you have in the relationship with your s/o and it’s still stagnant then maybe you are in the wrong relationship.


  9. Good Afternoon….

    this is quite simple..if YOUR basic needs aren’t met, then yeah, you are in the wrong relationship! hangin around in hopes that things’ll get better or work its way out, only sets you up for failure in the long run.


  10. Morning Peoples….

    yeah, i think there are folks who bail too fast in relationships. they have an ideal in their head, and when he/she chews too loud, they cant hack it, so they check out. i think it takes an honest evaluation of your list, a priotity check…that way when they do something that gets your dander up, you can accurately rate where it stands on the “am i out of here?” meter….


  11. Part of valuing yourself is realizing that no one else can make you whole, happy, or feel anything other than loved by them.


  12. I think dudes are just too quick now a days
    I agree with your post Tra…dudes take no time now-a-days to qualify a woman and rush into shit. Tuning in.


  13. There is no magic bullet for a perfect woman, special lady or perfect relationship. She’s someone you wanna spend your time with. Someone that compliments the life you’re building for yourself.

    Waiting on “the one” is like waiting on God, and good luck with that.


  14. Sexual incompability is the.worst.shit.ever.

    If I’m with a female she gotta at least meet me half way.

    I don’t “hunt” for sport, I hunt for sustinence. 😆


    1. Sexual incompability is the.worst.shit.ever.

      If I’m with a female she gotta at least meet me half way.

      I don’t “hunt” for sport, I hunt for sustinence
      Well EXCUUSE me!!! 😆 Guess you broke it down for us.


  15. Prayer equals the perfect mate. Not perfect as in perfection but perfect in compatibility both emotionally, physically and mentally, with mounds of RESPECT to boot.


  16. I know for sure that I stayed in my last relationship too long but instead of bailing I tried to encourage and support but that didn’t work. You can’t make someone want some sh!t if they don’t want it for themselves…be it a better job/education/or a spine…


    1. Kayla,
      Let me add to the list… if they don’t want to bathe on a regular basis, they fart at the dinner table, they refuse to lose weight and they think a high school education is just like a Masters degree. It’s time to cut your losses and move on…..


  17. Dating is trial and error – you learn and move on to the next one. That is why I never subscribed to the theory that something was wrong with me because I reached a certain age without being in a 2 year relationship (or whatever timeframe folks used) – if I saw I wasn’t getting what I needed, I moved on.


  18. I really dont get into that whole chase thing no matter how “big a fish” it is. It is simple. Its all about cooperation. She is either interested in you or shes not. The woman has to choose you. I think thats the problem. Alot of guys think they can win a woman over, spend too much time trying to impress a woman, and jump through all of these hoops to get her. It doesnt work like that. If she don’t chose yo azz it’s a wrap.

    Now uma tune in to see what Trace and this ILinda Sistah gone rap about.


    1. The woman has to choose you.
      Yeah the woman has to choose you….once you chase her down!

      from The Book of Wisdom. 🙂 Learned this from an uncle years ago. A woman choses her man, she does not wait to be chosen.


      1. Yeah @Yasha, it’s a turn off when a woman runs after a man. Deliver me from an aggressive heifer!


  19. See ladies she said, WE CAN BE OUR WORST ENEMIES!!!! STOP thinking with that thang between ya legas are start THINKING wit ya head period !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  20. That sistah was DEEP!!! I’m talking down in the Delta deep!
    Damn she sprouted knowledge like a burnin bush!!!!

    That was a damn good show!!!!!
    If you want the Prince, you gotta be the princess Ladies

    Loved it!!!


  21. My biggest regret of my dating career was staying too long. The handwriting was all on the wall for me, the expiration date was in full view long before I took action. But everything works out the way it should, I guess, so I now can say I am definitely in the RIGHT relationship.

    I enjoyed ILinda she was on point people.


  22. Ms. Reese was def. an expert when it came down to relationships. 🙂

    I truly enjoyed her.

    Next Wednesday is the end of Women’s history month…Hope next weeks show is a real POW!!!!!!


  23. I have stayed in relationships wayyyy too long trying to make something work that wasn’t meant to be. I’ve learned the hard way that you can’t “love someone into loving you”. Trust me, that is a hard lesson to learn.


  24. “Mr. Right or Mr. Right now!” She was good!
    a lot of people stay because they don’t want to be alone and think this is the only option they have right now. So they would rather have somebody than nobody.” what she say “A piece of man instead of no man at all”

    Whoa !!!


  25. Most everyone place looks first. That’s the first mistake. Looks and attraction are important but not so nearly as much as the god given gifts that lay under the surface of the skin.




  27. you will be looking for change from that dollar

    when she said that like Tra I hollered 😆

    good guest ms. bell good!!!


  28. She’s a P.K. Kid!

    I enjoyed her. we need not be thinking with our emotions people. remember that! use ya head when choosing a mate.


  29. ILinda, I loved her theories…and I love her name.

    but I 😆 when she said you’ll be looking for change from $1.00 bill.


    1. I believe Tracy’s show should be longer. 30 minutes is not long enuff.
      cosign you go take a piss come back and the show ova.


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