News, Politics, President Obama, What he said

Is Bill Clinton Obama’s Secret Weapon?

I caught part of Bill Clinton’s speech last night at the Democratic National convention, just in time to hear him expose all of the lies being told and taught, by the republican party. He even talked about how Paul Ryan is accusing Obama of using a crooked strategy on healthcare that he’s used during his own office in Congress.

Clinton, who has officially been dubbed the ‘black president’ gave a stirring, impactful speech endorsing President Obama for re-election at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, NC, last night. The media is saying that “Clinton did the dirty work of attacking the republican strategy for Obama, leaving President Obama to focus more on speaking about the economy than addressing his opponent”.

Clinton’s speech last night moved the crowd to their feet several times throughout the night. Then to cap it all off, President Obama walked out on stage just as Clinton was finished and the two embraced (as pictured above).

What are your thoughts on the Democratic National Convention and former President, Bill Clinton’s speech?

54 thoughts on “Is Bill Clinton Obama’s Secret Weapon?”

  1. Clinton, who has officially been dubbed the ‘black president’ _________________________________

    Last I checked, Bill still and always has checked the White/Caucasian box on all applications


    1. Clinton, who has officially been dubbed the ‘black president’ _________________________________
      Bill was not the 1st black president.. black folks love to claim someone who wasn’t claiming them without even realizing they’re insulting themselves in the process


      1. Cosign @Mrs.
        Stop referring to this man as the 1st black President whether in fun, jest or with pride because it’s an insult and we have our 1st Black President


      2. Fact: Bill did a lot for the people of this nation as a whole HOWEVER unless you want to claim that all black folks were poor, on welfare, or needed a boost to make it to the middle class you can’t say that his policies only or directly affected “US” because what he did affected everyone no matter what political pundits like to call out


  2. Perfect example of how you can slay the opposition with facts and knowledge without resorting to hate and lies!!! Republican party (and stupid people worldwide) take note!


  3. Im glad he adressed the blatant/racially undertoned attacks on the president. All presidents come under fire, but that whole YOU LIE situation, that ol haggardly bitch in AZ that got in the prez’s face…I mean shit is out of control.


  4. “that akward moment when you realize mitt Romney’s slogan, “keep America American” was the same slogan used by the KKK in 1922″

    He trying to tell us what he think but we just won’t listen


  5. Bill was able to state the facts. We can say Obama has not done anything for blacks but what can he really do when he did not have the support of Congress and he had a pile of steaming shit to clear up first. Check Clinton records he was not able to clean up the first Bush mess until the end of his 4 years and we did not see prosperity until his last 4. I say give the man a chance


  6. I still *sideye* President Clinton for the way he carried on 4yrs ago on the campaign trail The air in my sail has long been gone.


  7. The President has a stance on immigration and has acknowledged the growing Latino population in this country. I would think any person running for office would acknowledge this change to the population of this country. Not all Latinos are recent immigrants nor are all Latinos illegal. Also, Latino is not a race, but i’m not up to getting into that. As a Latina, I can tell you that we do not all look alike nor do we all think alike nor do we all vote for the same party nor are we all the same race. I’m a proud American and I voted for President Obama before and I will again even though he is far more conservative than I.


  8. The RNC was garbage the DNC was a thousand times better. The Dems for Obama outweight Romney which is why they gon try n cheat Obama out the white house. Dity devils.


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