Controversy, News, Scandal

If you have a Penn State Degree you might want to???

Check with the University because they’re accreditation Status is ‘In Jeopardy’.

In light of the recent developments in the Jerry Sandusky child sex abuse scandal, an accrediting organization has informed Penn State that its accreditation status is “in jeopardy”.

The commission said in an Aug. 8 notice that Penn State remains accredited while “on warning” but it wants a monitoring report submitted by the end of next month detailing steps taken to ensure full compliance with governmental requirements, that the university’s mission is being carried out, that the commission will be fully informed and that Penn State is complying with standards on leadership and governance as well as integrity.

The commission also wants the report to address the university’s ability to bear financial obligations stemming from “the investigation and related settlements, etc.” It said “a small team visit” will be made, a standard practice “to verify institutional status and progress.”

Penn State officials expressed on Monday, their confidence that they would be able to address all concerns expressed by the commission.

Accreditation provides a basic standard by which schools are judged. If your school is unaccredited, your degree is not considered valid by employers, other schools, or financial aid organizations.

50 thoughts on “If you have a Penn State Degree you might want to???”

  1. Accreditation provides a basic standard by which schools are judged. If your school is unaccredited, your degree is not considered valid by employers, other schools, or financial aid organizations.

    Yeah it’s like u spent money and went to school for nothing.


  2. I knew they would be coming for the school’s accreditation next. Those in position to STOP the abuse but didn’t really FUCKED the school in the longrun.


  3. This is about hitting them where it hurts and that’s in the pocket. somebody gotta pull this school out the gutter if not, they will be closed in 2 years tops if that. the sandusky scandal killed them!


  4. this will get so much worse b4 it even comes close to getting better. Esp. since it’s coming out now that Sandusky and some sponsors even had sex with boys on a private plane. sick!!!


      1. Before this is over, we’ll find out joe paterno was selling trips on that plane for football contributions
        It’s about time the real truth starts to come out. The reason so many people turned a blind eye was because they were participating in these crimes right along with Sandusky. I believe (and evidence shows) that Sandusky was grooming and supplying young boys to boosters and others. Let’s get all the facts on the table.


      2. It’s about time the real truth starts to come out
        I agree they need to let it ALLL hang out.


  5. Oh well let the chips fall!!!!!!
    The entire lot – Board, Administration, Faculty and staff during those years, including any affiliates did nothing, yes they all knew that children were being abused (if emails are researched I’m sure that Secretaries knew because they read everything), should be gone at this point. If you sat there and did nothing, it’s the same as committing the act. Penn State is literally going to have to start from scratch.


  6. Mr Sandusky is in jail until death. Pappa Joe is dead. Other enablers have not been punished yet. The Board of Trustees and therefore the institution needs to be cut off at the knees. It is a corporation and it must be treated as such. The Board must not be afforded the undeserved privilege of being able to foist the responsibilities on to hapless and criminal employees.


    1. so i guess you feel like::: fuck the fact that kids were raped on a school campus which is already against the law. your opinion should be FOR whateva happens because of the sick offense they deserve. no punishment is really strong enuff IMO due to the sick and henious crimes that were committed against them young boys.


      1. C’mon now to take the school’s accreditation is a bit much. why should the students suffer? Just ridiculous IMO.

        Really @Angelhair, don’t you know the good always suffer with the bad?


      2. Really @Angelhair, don’t you know the good always suffer with the bad? –> EVERYTIME!!!!! EVERYTIME!!!!


  7. The football program paid for all of it, otherwise College Park is in the middle of nowhere and they will have a very hard time convincing students to go there.
    Lesson needs to be taught, this place needs to go down.


  8. Mm
    I honestly think this warning is a good thing. It shows Penn State & the world what happened will not be tolerated.

    All Penn State has to do is comply and show that the proper steps have been taken and that an incident like this will not happen again.


  9. It`s just mind boggling to me that the powers that be all looked the other way while they had children being abused on their campus by a gotdamn pedophile they were fully supporting with wages and a high level coaching position. When did a football program become more important than a child? Those that allowed this to continue belong in jail right along side Sandusky. I hope they lose their accredidtation.


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