Controversy, Crime, Murder, News, Racist, Television/Radio, What he said

George Zimmerman Said: “It was all in God’s plan to kill Trayvon Martin”

George Zimmerman sat down and did an interview on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity” and this was his first since he killed unarmed teen, Trayvon Martin with a single shot to the chest on Feb. 26.

The self-appointed “Neighborhood watchman” said “It was all in God’s plan to kill Trayvon that night”.

During the interview, Zimmerman – who was arrested a month after the shooting and charged with second-degree murder – said he shot Martin as a last resort after the teen broke his nose, slammed his head into the concrete, told him he was going to die and reached for Zimmerman’s gun.

The volunteer watchman said he was not following the teen but keeping “an eye on him” when Martin confronted and then attacked him.

Zimmerman continues to apologize to the Martin’s for Trayvon’s death but they are not accepting his apology. And maybe that’s because the Martin’s know that Zimmerman’s apology is not sincere.

As far as Zimmerman’s comments about “killing Trayvon being all in God’s plan?” the Martin’s responded: “I don’t understand what God he worships? It’s not the same God I worship.”

I found Zimmerman’s interview and statements both cruel, heartless and antagonizing. It’s as if he wants to provoke hurt and anger. His comments pissed me off personally. It’s like he keeps pouring salt into a very open, fresh and hurtful wound. Zimmerman spoke as if he has no regret. In such a controversial case and highly sensitive situation as this, Zimmerman should not be speaking at all.

I hope the prosecutors in this case use the tape of that “Hannity” interview to fry his ass in the name of Justice. And “HELL NO” it was not in God’s plan for this psychopathic killer to take Trayvon’s life, it was the devil’s plan!!!!  

86 thoughts on “George Zimmerman Said: “It was all in God’s plan to kill Trayvon Martin””

  1. yeah his comments pissed me off too Tra…It’s a toss-up as to who’s the bigger fool, Zimmershit for doing the interview or Hannity for paying him. Cause trust me y’all he’s broke. he wanted BWalters to pay him for an intervuew and she walked out on his ass. Let’s see if his lying fam gon help take care of his ass and pay to keep somebody from putting a bullet in his head.


    1. Sean Hannity ole racist azz will have his day too watch

      ^^XzackLEE @CeDawg,thats why I refuse to watch it. No need to get my pressure up. Hell get his. They all will. The supporters too. Wait til something happens to yours. See if George’s b*tch ass rush to help you out. Anyway. Thanks for finally posting this Sandra. I thought maybe youd finally decided to side with your conservative buddies at fox. Glad to see youre still on the side of WHATS RIGHT with this particular case…Damn. I already read excerpts from this,,,Yet,,,,Here I am,,,Pissed…Imma go workout…Jennie,,,Give Yallcray a kiss for me shuga,,,thanks.


    2. he wanted BWalters to pay him for an intervuew and she walked out on his ass. Let’s see if his lying fam gon help take care of his ass and pay to keep somebody from putting a bullet in his head.

      Yeah he prolly broke and need cash I bet u hannity paid him. they claimed they didn’t but i know they did. he got something out of it.


    3. They need to get a job. The judge didn’t say you or your wife couldn’t work while you wait for the trial to start.


    4. They need to get a job. The judge didn’t say you or your wife couldn’t work while you wait for the trial to start.

      Georgie and his wife are hated..He can’t get a job! People wanna kill his ass and he will keep hiding cause he know he’s a target.


    5. trust me y’all he’s broke.
      The system intended for him to get broke, this is why they set his bails so high. Let’s see if those racist supports will continue to support him now. Doubt it.


  2. By the way, Zim used poor judgment and that is putting it very lightly. What kind of idiot chases an innocent person and initiates a confrontation, then shoots him b.c he is losing a fistfight? Sounds like an idiotic coward and punk to me.


  3. Sean Hannity evil azz is forever spewing hate across the airwaves I refuse to let this man take me their today


  4. “I do wish there was something, anything I could have done that would have put me in the position where I didn’t have to take his life”

    How about staying yo azz in the car?! How about minding your own dam business?! How about shutting da fuck up?!


    1. “I do wish there was something, anything I could have done that would have put me in the position where I didn’t have to take his life”

      How about staying yo azz in the car?! How about minding your own dam business?! How about shutting da fuck up?!



  5. Trayvon’s father responded to Zimmerman’s statement, saying: “We must worship a different God”


    WE sure do serve a different God!!!!!

    But 😦 WTF!!!!! Zimmerman need to STFU!!!!!!!!



  6. If something happens to George Zimmerman, (hypothetically speaking) I wonder if he would feel that it was all in God’s Plan?


  7. When is his court date? How can he be charged with murder, walking around free as a bird and still doing interviews? At the same damn time…. WTF is up wit dat?


  8. “We must worship a different God because there is no way that MY God would have wanted George Zimmerman to KILL my teenage son,” – Tracy Martin.

    Trayvon’s dad made some great points on the today show this morning. when asked about the public’s rush to judgment of zimmerman, he focused on zimmerman’s rush to judgment of his son on that fateful night.



  9. “I do wish there was something, anything I could have done that would have put me in the position where I didn’t have to take his life….”
    Oh, do you wish now? now do ya? Ok, this is what you could’ve done, your a$$! COULD HAVE STAYED IN YOUR DAMN CAR!!!!!!

    Hey everyone! I had to come out of lurk mode on this one. This dude is like flies at a barbecue to me. Just working my last damn nerve!

    ***back to lurking***


  10. When I saw the clip this morning, I was hollering at the tv. 7am and I was actually hollering at the tv. Chaz Zimmerman tell a different story every time the story is told. What’s yall definition of pursuing? Mine is following someone you don’t need to be following. He said he was just following Trayvon to see where he was going. SON STOP! It was killing season, and that boy was the target.


  11. Zimmerman said people think he’s racist, but he not because his mama is Hispanic. Sorry, Hispanics can hate blacks. Anyone else notice that tan he got trying to appear more hispanic. GTFOHWTBS.


  12. Earlier today, Zimmerman, 28, re-launched his personal website to beg the public for donations — despite the fact that his attorney, Mark O’Mara, has a fund set up to collect money for GZ’s legal costs.

    He needs more get away money huh? I dont even blame Zimmerman at this point for this bs. Im pissed with the system for allowing/accepting his fuckery? I was done when the judge said he knew he was a flight risk yet allowed him to walk outta that courtroom again.

    Whats more frustrating is that we know if the complexions were different, Zimmerman would’ve went to jail that night and we wouldnt be discussing a second bond hearing or an interview. They would’ve lost the key by now. This is more BS!!!


  13. He will get what’s coming to him, in one form or fashion & it ain’t for us, it’s really in GOD’s plan *wipes my hands of this loser*


  14. I also want a place where people can send me words of encouragement, and while I wish I didn’t have to ask, a place for those able to donate to my defense fund. I started a defense fund to help pay my living expenses, to help with legal expenses, and help with security expenses as needed. I have had no other means of generating income for five months let alone pay the enormous expenses surrounding this case.


    You should’ve stayed in your damn car Georgie. You wouldn’t have these issues. and expect other people to pay for your mistake/dumb decisions.


  15. *back from reading the write up*

    ok my hatred for that fat fuck has officially gone into overload…

    no regrets huh? Big Daddy wont have any regrets either Prison BTCH


  16. And who didnt know that FUCK wld be the first to get a sitdown w/ this lying piece of shyt Hannity? i’m so frustrated, it’s crazy. but holding onto hope, and :praying: for justice.


  17. I am a Chrisitian but I am not doing the Christian thing as it relates to Zimmerman..God isn’t through w/me yet I just can’t bring myself to pray for him yet.

    I am however still praying for Trayvon’s parents and that justice is served. This case is still sad and heartbreaking to me

    I can’t stand Hannity 😦


  18. Quite frankly, the fact that Fattyman followed Trayvon, that should have been considered stalking….

    I followed an azzhole that hit my car, since he fled the scene of an accident, and the Cop told me, “well Ma’am, that could be considered stalking”

    I told him “fine, bury me UNDER the jail…do you really think I was gonna let y’all’s inept azz’s tell me you couldn’t find him?”

    Following someone in 2009 – Stalking

    Following someone in 2012 – Standing your ground

    GTFOH either way.


  19. OH, remember how dude had said he wanted to be a cop, he told Hannity that until he shot Trayvon he didn’t know what stand your ground was! Lies! ALL LIES!


  20. I was done when I saw the clip with him saying “I am sorry they had to bury a child.”

    FA REAL????? So YOU wasn’t the one who put their child in the ground? YOU weren’t the one who chased that baby down and shot him???? No, wasn’t you?


    And let me not get on the people who act like it’s SOOO hard to believe Trayvon didn’t do narry a thing to deserve this except walk home from the store! People have fucked up mentalities in this world!


    1. @Qtip,
      that boils my grits too esp when Matt Lauer asked Trayvons parents could they think of anything Trayvon may have done to cause this I aint never like Matts punk azz anyway!


    2. @ Daisy &QTip, that’s because people are IDIOTS….straight sheep! Most of them ASSuming Trayvon MUST have done something wrong don’t even know the facts of the case! I got into it with a fellow law student who said the same thing “Trayvon was obviously somewhere he wasn’t supposed to be b/c I’m assuming to live in a gated community you have to have money.” I told him there was so much wrong with his comment that I couldn’t even BEGIN to attack it but that I will say I refuse to debate with sheeple who can’t even educate themselves on the simple facts! His father was staying there w/ the gf. So how did he NOT belong there? Or what you really mean to say is a black man(don’t matter that he’s a kid, he could have been a midget and they would be afraid of him) doesn’t belong in a gated community???

      and y’all wonder why the justice system is so screwed….this was a law student mind you…biases NEVER go away


  21. FUCK HIM & HIS ENTIRE EXISTENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    he laughed & smiled in that interview. i want him GONE. yep i said it. and yep I MEAN IT.


  22. Ppl act like this case is brand new. Someone asked why was Trayvon treaspassing in a gated community? If GZ was a psycho w/empathy he would have committed suicide by now. About ppl donating to his account, it’s their money. I do think if the public could get a list of the ppl who donated, most would have not sent in money. Most racist like to stay under “the sheet”.


  23. Nothing good ever comes out of that state when it comes to justice, you can be a mother and kill your child because you want to party and you can be a hateful judgmental psychopathic liar.

    I feel so bad for this family, you live the horror of loosing your child and now you have the killer:ghost:tell you basically that your son was in the wrong and there is nothing that I could have done differently (like waited on the cops) on that night. I wonder how many other color folk walked around at night and he just spoke to and went on about his business. So sad go ahead and chop his head off:mad:.


  24. I pray that somebody stop this motherfucker from breathing!! I mean cut his a-orta OUT, cutt his main artey or smother his ass in his sleep. No better yet a bullett to the head. In the same style he killed Trayvon.

    If Trayvon hada been my son I would have to beat somebody’s ass to get rid of the frustration and the anger


    1. I pray that somebody stop this motherfucker from breathing!! I mean cut his a-orta OUT, cutt his main artey or smother his ass in his sleep. No better yet a bullett to the head. In the same style he killed Trayvon.

      Nah his balls should be CUTT off and shoved down his fuckin throat. #1 becaz he talk 2 monfuckin much and said too much already..lieyin bastid


  25. Why is GZ acting like he is a celebrity or something? He needs to go sit down somewhere. Preferably in prison


  26. Ummm I know the hounds of hell are really tryin to remain caged however I think its time to release with specific direct order to #KILL ZIMMERMAN


    1. Anna,
      And why isnt he being held in jail until his trial date??? – most murderers are……. this is why I think GOD’s hand is still at work – EYE FOR AN EYE it’s in the bible #READ IT


  27. Oh my Lawd, one day at a time.

    I just can’t with this bastard and the obviously heartless and brainless retards that support him and what he did.


  28. i hate him! the mere sight of him makes me wanna *vomit*

    i’m still feeling the sting from the slap in the face from them letting this bastard out on bail. what a narcissistic a$$hole! he’s definitely one of those types who feel that he can outsmart anyone, but those people usually get it sooner or later. if he goes to jail, it will probably be more because of them trying to avoid social unrest and potential rioting. NOT because they feel that he did something wrong and unjust.

    did i mention that i hate his azz!?!?!


  29. it’s wrong to wish bad on ppl so i won’t wish for him to have leprosy, ebola, SARS, & MRSA #atthesamedamntime

    i will just wait on Karma to handle him. and it’s just around the corner..


  30. “It was all in God’s plan to kill Trayvon that night”.

    The volunteer watchman said he was not following the teen but keeping “an eye on him” when Martin confronted and then attacked him.

    Zimmerman’s lawyer should have tackled or tased him when he blurted out that shit. He’s only digging a deeper hole for himself. His time is running short, soon he’ll be praying/wishing he as dead.


  31. it ain’t looking good for Boy George at all.

    He a molestor, a killer, a liar, a domestic abuser I hope “The Father” has something for the ppl who raised him too..


  32. I know that GOD will not let Trayvon suffer in embarassment in HEAVEN – Trayvon will not be mocked… Trayvon will have his JUSTICE!



  33. I commend any interviewer who even has the stomach to sit across from this sleazy character for more than a few seconds. There’s no way I could do it.


  34. Zimmerman FUCKED himself with this interview:

    “Granting the interview will likely haunt Zimmerman, veteran legal analyst and defense attorney Mark Eiglarsh told ABC News. “He has impeached himself publicly, this is going to be a huge problem for him… and the prosecutors must be extremely pleased… He was making inconsistent statements that they can use in a trial against him.”


  35. I’m convinced that his lawyer allowed him to do this interview because he knows his client is not gonna win this case. so why not let him talk and have diarhia of the mouth cause now he done hung him damn self. stoopid ass. everytime he open his mouth it’s a lie! one lie after the other.


  36. This dirty bastard is gonna get what is coming to him for sure. Hope it gets a good azz whopping and more in prison!! A perm sleep. Pray for the Martin family.


  37. It is absolutely ridiculous when the perpetrator of a violent crime is treated like a celebrity. Zimmerman’s murder of Trayvon Martin is a natural progression of racist, stereotypical views of African American men in the US. Black people as a group, in American society are percieved as less valuable than white Americans. When will we wake up as a people! Equality is not something given to one group by another, it must be taken! Individualism is the down fall of our black people. I pray for the Martin family that they will get justice for their son. To Mr. Zimmerman, ” what goes around, comes around!”


  38. This dirty sonuba bitch (bernie mac) and to use god in his insanity, this motherfucker does not have a heart..he will not last a damn day in jail…


  39. Thank you Zimmerman you have truly shown what a piece of racist sh$t you really are, and the idiots that are donating money to your cause are just as racist as you are. The balls you have to say that you would do this all over again if you had the chance makes me want to throw up and it just goes on to prove you had no good intentions on that night, you hunted this innocent child down and murdered him, I hope you die a horrible death by the same means, you piece of trash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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