
Newt Gets The Boot For Calling Obama, The Food Stamp President!

During Monday night’s GOP debate in Myrtle Beach, SC, presidential candidate Newt Gingrich called President Barack Obama “The Food Stamp President”. Gingrich insists that black kids don’t need handouts from President Obama — they need jobs. Newt is trying to imply that, because President Obama is African-American he’s giving blacks the very thing they know best: a free ride.

Gingrich says schoolchildren should be given janitorial jobs because, in his opinion, janitors in the NYC public school system earn way too much money. The average annual salary for a NYC public school janitor is $80,000, compared to a teacher who earns $45,000 annually.

According to the NY Daily News, Gingrich argued the best thing public schools could do for students – particularly black students – was to give them a broom.

“Can’t you see that this is viewed at a minimum as insulting to all Americans, but particularly to black Americans?” asked Fox News questioner Juan Williams, who is part Hispanic and black.

“No, I don’t see that,” Gingrich responded, with rousing applause from the majority white audience.

On Jan. 21, voters in South Carolina will vote to pick their choice for the Republican presidential candidate. Recent polls in the South show Gingrich running second behind former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney., who did not oppose one word out of Gingrich’s mouth. That means they’re two of a kind because silence brings consent.

123 thoughts on “Newt Gets The Boot For Calling Obama, The Food Stamp President!”

  1. Wow, I’m all for my kids working, but don’t limit them to pushing a broom when there’s more opportunities out there.


  2. Tra Sharpton just talked about this.

    I cant believe people entertain this bullshit.

    He would have to repeal child labor laws. Do they not understand this?


  3. This racist motherfucker sound dumb and ignant as hail…you find out how dumb a person is when they open their mouf! and this motherfucker is just dumb!


    1. Why the emphasis on black kids???
      Cause this fool said only a month ago, that “Black kids don’t wanna work, black kids have no examples, no role models in their community, they only inspire to be prositutes and pimps who want to sell drugs to make a living”


      1. Why the emphasis on black kids???
        He wants to make sure there will never, ever be another black President. Good luck to him.


      2. “Cause this fool said only a month ago, that “Black kids don’t wanna work, black kids have no examples, no role models in their community, they only inspire to be prositutes and pimps who want to sell drugs to make a living”
        He’s saying poor kids have no work ethics, really? Some poor kids have single parents who work two jobs, if that isn’t enough work ethics to witness then I don’t know what. Rich kids are the ones that need work ethics with their spoiled asses.


      3. Why the emphasis on black kids???
        They are talking about “blacks” because this has been the key talking point of white conservatives (even with KKK members of their group) since blacks were brought here as slaves.

        You will note, that even Herman Cain spoke this way when he was a contender. In order to prove that you are a dyed in the wool conservative, you have to stick to the talking points that are writen in stone for conservatives and NEVER CHANGE: Black folks. You have to make sure that you talk against black people like there have been NO CHANGES since the 1800s.


  4. He wants to limit what they can do, black children have been working since slavery. They were mostly used to pick cotton, tabacoo and work in the fields. Those that were forunate not to have to endure that, would perfer there children focus on education or work in fast food or your local grocery store. But that’s not possible because they only give those jobs to non-speaking mexicans and indians.


  5. His whole middle finger up at working Americans should anger these same idiots he is pandering too. But they too stupid to even realize.


  6. “Gingrich says schoolchildren should be given janitorial jobs because, in his opinion, janitors in the NYC public school system earn way too much money. The average annual salary for a NYC public school janitor is $80,000, compared to a teacher who earns $45,000 annually.”

    GOOD! Because the way I see it, janitors SHOULD be paid well to clean up people’s spit, sht, vomit, and monthly cycles.

    Since we are in a DEPRESSION, and even college graduates can’t get a job; I say that Newt has done us all a favor.

    GO OUT AND MAKE THAT 80K boys and girls! Let the jobless/homeless white people stand on ceremony and OCCUPY America.


    1. “Gingrich says schoolchildren should be given janitorial jobs because, in his opinion, janitors in the NYC public school system earn way too much money. The average annual salary for a NYC public school janitor is $80,000″

      The ones just starting out are likely making half of that amount but that’s what these politicians do. They exaggerate stuff to make their point and scare the ignorant masses into believing this shit.


      1. Cosign* I agree! I don’t see what the problem is. They don’t have to make a career out of being a janitor. They can do this while going to school or college. Shoot if I ever get laid off you better believe I wouldn’t hesitate to take that job, until I get on my feet.


  7. all black people are not lazy and unwilling to work. Not even most of them. And I’m still gonna have to do some research to determine that janitors make that much money.
    Furthermore, maybe he should have addressed his rant to poor people, not black people in general. I don’t even know why I’m getting my panties in a bunch behing his corrupt azz when he doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of winning his party’s nomination let alone the election.


  8. I’m wondering what ‘handouts’ he is referring to that only black kids get. Last time I checked, welfare was available to ALL races, and even those who are not citizens


    1. I’m wondering what ‘handouts’ he is referring to that only black kids get. Last time I checked, welfare was available to ALL races, and even those who are not citizens
      He is definitely referring to welfare. What his challenged azz doesn’t realize is that blacks are not the majority that benefits from welfare. Hell its not even the Hispanics


  9. Has he never heard of mentoring?? And how does he think he can un-employ nearly an entire worker’s union? They’re in place for a reason and they’re protected from this sort of thing!

    End rant.


  10. I feel he has the old slave master mind.

    Sounds like to me he wants to eliminate those jobs and give it to multiple kids that will divide that salary up to maybe about 2-5000 per kid annually. Then another group of people will lose their jobs and cannot provide for their family.

    Keeping a school clean is fine. But getting better books and school programs that promote mental development and comprehension is much better. I can teach my own child how to clean a damn floor!!!!


  11. White women in america will not support him, he’s been married too many times. They barely can stand there non-commital, perverted, child molesting husbands. They will not vote for him.


  12. What about the comments from Rick Santorum a couple of weeks ago?

    Why are they just singling out black kids?!?!?!?!?!!!!! Why is this acceptable?

    When will we as a Black people realize how much power we truly have in this country?

    Make sure everyone around you is registered to vote!!!!


  13. This man is so ignorant it’s not even funny but what’s actually scary is the amount of people in this country who actually believe the shit that comes out his fucking mouth!!!


  14. You’d think the Republican party would’ve learned by now that he only makes them look worse to people with basic brain function but alot of them would rather have him over Romney, who isn’t much better but still…

    All I can do is smh at this nonsense and pray these nutjobs don’t get in the Oval office


  15. Furthermore, maybe he should have addressed his rant to poor people, not black people in general

    Because he said “Black ppl dont want handouts from Obama…” insinuating that Blacks rule the welfare roles.

    Its a shame he is so stupid.


  16. Newt Gingrich is a dumb fuck and a waste of the voting public’s time and the GOP’s money. It’s scary how many people actually are going along with him on this. 😦

    But thanks for getting Obama a little closer to getting re-elected buddy.


  17. That was my guess if the dollar amount was correct. They call Obama elitist (even though he has made way less money than all of them), but this idiot is trying to minimize the skills of highly trained professionals by insinuating children could do their job and they don’t deserve to make an above living wage in New York. Does he know that even middle class people get rent assistance in New York because of the high rent? I had a coworker who made 100k as an executive assistant in New York. That’s just the way it is here.


  18. Fig Newton knows that White folks get more welfare than blacks. They get all kinds of aid…Engergy bill assistance and everything else…..etc.


  19. Is it just me or do “they” not feel the need to hide “it” any longer? Will we be going the way of coloreds only/whites only signs again?


    1. @Natasha

      We won’t go that far again. Too many Black folks are educated and outspoken and realize they have way more power than back then. For once, they’re honestly way more scared of us than we are of them.

      Those “Colored Only/Whites Only” signs wouldnt work because you would have arrogant and proud mofos like 50 Cent and Lil Wayne pulling up to a “Whites Only” counter in a restaurant with his entourage of 30 with weapons finna make sure they get whatever the fukk they want.

      The racism is becoming way more blatant though.


      1. @RANDOM

        Yeah, all the racism that used to be just below the surface is just being thrown in our faces now. Putting a black man in the White House just gave them a get out of ignorance free card I guess.


  20. The fix is in, and I believe the Romney will be the next president.

    President Obama, himself, said that he didn’t mind being a one-term president. This was said just a few months of winning the election.

    I saw a head-line blurb yesterday, stating that the president’s heart wasn’t in this race.


    1. The fix is in, and I believe the Romney will be the next president.

      President Obama, himself, said that he didn’t mind being a one-term president. This was said just a few months of winning the election.

      I saw a head-line blurb yesterday, stating that the president’s heart wasn’t in this race.
      That’s a lie from the pit-of-hell


      1. The fix is in, and I believe the Romney will be the next president.
        Too little, too late. Romney would have had to been the front runner way before now if he was going to win. And historically Americans always vote to keep a seated President.


      2. The fix is in, and I believe the Romney will be the next president.
        Unfortunately this is a new era and we are not pulling the strings. Usually whom ever wins the popular vote is elected but Bush made sure that shyt didnt happen. Our government is so phucked up right now that we really dont know how things will play out even if we do get out and vote


      3. Too little, too late. Romney would have had to been the front runner way before now if he was going to win. And historically Americans always vote to keep a seated President.
        Haven’t you been reading the Tea Leaves, Mrs?

        Huntsman and Bachman are out. Nuke (Gingrich) keeps shooting himself in the foot, which only leaves Romney—who I believe the media has been wanting all along.

        Just wait til the summer. This is when whomever the media wants to be president, starts getting all of the media attention. It will be Romney.

        I don’t want him, but that’s the way it’s looking to me.


  21. There are no “hand-outs.” These are just HISTORICAL GOP talking points. Like I said before, in order to be a conservative candidate, you must profess to believeing in Conservative Propaganda Number One: Blacks are bad. They are shiftless, lazy, and drag down the economy.

    They have to preach this no matter how many Tom Delays’ and Enrons there are out there. The bad economy is never the fault of the Smartest White Boy In The Room: Noooo. It’s always those bad black people fault. and this is why nobody has anything.


  22. I swear, they say the racist shit outta their mouths and then want to look all “deer in the headlight’ when they get called out on it AND THEN they flip the race card on you and say it’s you who’s racist… Go figure SMH


  23. I know one thing: I still vote absentee ballot because I believe (since Bush) that EVERYTHING is fixed. I certainly don’t trust a machine with my vote.


  24. Most of the people who know how to legally use the system to their advantage are not black, just like most people who commit high profile crimes are not black, and most people who get rich off crimes aren’t black but we will always be blamed.

    Yes, you will find a lot of black folks in the county line but there are a lot of others with state health insurance, food stamps, rental assistance and everything else. We’re the scapegoats but we aren’t the majority no matter how you look at the statistics but racists ignore their contributions to the problems in this country and focus on us.

    Btw, in the offices in CA they used to have these signs that would show people convicted of welfare fraud, the majority were white, but again according to assholes like Newt we’re the problem!


      1. I just wanna monkey stomp they asses!

        Are you talking about Herman Cain? Because he played “monkey” for them plenty of times.


  25. Look at the Duggars?
    Would the media be so quick to sign up a black or brown couple with thousands of kids for a reality show?

    These Duggars are just shiftless, lazy bums to me. And just nasty, since you know that woman’s inner parts drag the ground, and are probably held up by a safety pin.

    The Duggars are paid to keep on having babies, while a network or cable company PAYS them to do so. That is all they do. It is their only claim to fame. These bitches even have new cars and go on vacation to far away places.

    Tell me what white producer is going to do that for some blacks or Mexican people——and call that special?


      1. @Shawnia:
        I’m not downing the Duggars in any way. There are plenty of people who believe as they do….my point is they are praised while we are raked over the coals for more than 1 child and automatically assumed to be on public assistance. again this won’t be pointed out because this serves no purpose for the media’s agenda.


      2. I’m not downing the Duggars in any way. There are plenty of people who believe as they do….my point is they are praised while we are raked over the coals for more than 1 child and automatically assumed to be on public assistance. again this won’t be pointed out because this serves no purpose for the media’s agenda.
        Of course, any “beliefs” that black or brown people have are thrown right out of the window, right? Our “beliefs” aren’t even taken into consideration only because of our skin color or ethnicity.

        These people are media darlings, and the networks are paying for their livlihoods. The WHITE MEDIA is paying them to give birth until one of them dies or shoots the other one.


  26. So ole Newt Gingrich said that huh… It amazes me that people will follow or vote for this type of foolishness. Once you get over a certain age I dont think you should have any opinion on how the country works.


  27. The way these Republicans talk, Obama is just giving out welfare to black people by virtue of them being black. If that’s the case, I must not have recieved my check yet. I pray Obama gets another term, but these shady, ignorant Republicans are going in with their lies.


  28. I know that during the beginning of the Bush years, there were plenty of people rolling up in expensive cars at the food bank I used to volunteer for. This was when jobs started flying out of the window, and corporations were being crashed and robbed by their own CEO’s.

    They had pretty cars, but couldn’t afford to eat.


  29. When Newt starts suggesting that white kids pick up brooms and mops I’ll believe his comments aren’t racist.
    There is a reason why gvt lets schools in Black neighborhoods fail. Gvt wants to undereducate part of the population so there will always be a group that can only aspire to clean toilets, raise other people’s children, and drive other people’s cars.


  30. Conservatives like Herman Cain help to keep this type of racism current. The first thing he did was blast black people to show whose pocket he is in. This is what you have to do to be a “paid” conservative.

    Anyway, this is what America was founded on, and many people are still very hungry for racism on the American menu. It’s historical, and many people don’t want it to end. It’s as American as apple pie.

    Sad but true.


  31. This fuckin man is nuts, but in between his nutiness he comes out with one that makes me laugh 🙂 I be thinking I wonder what the white-ies thought about that last stament. SMH..he’s one dumb ass.


  32. Yeah Newt gets the boot aight!! He’s prejudice and racist!!

    And the reason he wanna work lil black kids is because he’d slave them. These racist repubs got a plan and it doesn’t include minorities..


  33. It’s racist rhetoric is what it is…and this is what racist people want to hear. that we’re (black/minorities) are apart of the problem including Obama (the black president) and in order to rid our country of paying their fair share, let’s just do away with the person who’s bringing *how the rich are getting richer* to light.

    The shit is sad but a scary reality.


  34. Sounds like Newt *racist* Gingrich don lost his motherfucker mind!!! What lil bit he had left. He disrespected Juan Williams, left, right and all up n down in that debate. and for that white racist crowd to cheer that bulshit on, was like putting Juan in deep racist water with sharks. These racist repubs are off the hook!


  35. watching Rev. Al. He just played a clip of a woman thanking Newt for ‘putting Juan Williams IN HIS PLACE!’ WOW!

    That shit is sad like that.


    1. ACE,
      I saw that too, a Gingrich supporter drove the point home: “I want to thank you, Mr. Speaker, for putting Juan Williams in his place.” The audience burst into applause…that shit was so whacked!!


      1. Ace, Val,
        I just saw the clip on Hard Ball where Newt was addressing an audience in S.C. A lady stood up and thanked Newt for ‘Putting Juan in his Place’….­…we all know the ‘Code Words’ for racism….­..
        Very sad that Newt’s arrogance and aplause in that debat came on Reverand Martin Luther King’s birthday..­…I am so sad about that.­…….


      2. the boos in that debate against Juan, unfortunat­ely sounded like a lynch mob, who still harbor that hate in the Carolinas.


      3. Ace, Val, Mrs &CDawg,
        That was so sad to watch, a black guy trying to explain a racist comment while being interrupte­d by and surrounded by, two obviously racist apologists­.


      4. That was so sad to watch, a black guy trying to explain a racist comment while being interrupte­d by and surrounded by, two obviously racist apologists­.
        Juan Williams is mixed Latino and black I believe!


      5. That was so sad to watch, a black guy trying to explain a racist comment while being interrupte­d by and surrounded by, two obviously racist apologists­.
        Juan should know that, this is what happens when you surround yourself with bigots and racists


      6. I just saw the clip on Hard Ball where Newt was addressing an audience in S.C. A lady stood up and thanked Newt for ‘Putting Juan in his Place’….­…we all know the ‘Code Words’ for racism….­..
        Very sad that Newt’s arrogance and aplause in that debat came on Reverand Martin Luther King’s birthday..­…I am so sad about that.­…….
        WOW these people are still living in the 1900’s. We are in the 21st century and this BS is still going on.

        Well South Carolina has definitely made the top of my list of places NEVER to visit.


  36. Mitt, Newt et al, and all the racist republican crowds provide yet more examples of the kind of overreach and extremism that must be kept out of the White House. They are so out of synch with average people, and they don’t even know it. I plan on doing a big Tebow come january 2013 when all of these bad republican actors are out of the way.


  37. I don’t care if Juan Williams or LeBron James says it, Calling President Obama the “welfare president” is GOP code for “he’s black.” and that’s so wrong!!!


    1. I don’t care if Juan Williams or LeBron James says it, Calling President Obama the “welfare president” is GOP code for “he’s black.” and that’s so wrong!!!
      WTF you talkin bout? Gingrich called Obama the “food stamp” president and all dem repubs didn’t say shit!!! which means they agree with it.


  38. I promise to care about what Newt has to say if he will promise to go away forever when he doesn’t get the presidential nomination­.


  39. Don’t take the jobs from janitors and give them to kids, I would rather us take jobs from unsanitary politician­s and give them to kids who can probably do a better job than most of these petty politician­s for a fraction of the price.


  40. I think this all so sad and ignorant……I don’t think we have regressed at all. This has been festering all along. Having a Black president just turns over the stone so we can see the creepy crawlies.


  41. The fact that the crowd booed Juan is irrelevant­. They would have boo’ed Jesus Christ if he said we should help the poor blacks. Of course they would proclaim he wasn’t the real Jesus Christ too.


    1. The fact that the crowd booed Juan is irrelevant­. They would have boo’ed Jesus Christ if he said we should help the poor blacks. Of course they would proclaim he wasn’t the real Jesus Christ too.
      Especially when they’d see that Jesus was black!!! now that would really blow their mind.


  42. Newtsy is once again catering to the hillbillie­s of the South, using race baiting to gain votes. His comment can very well be applied to the large number of white people who are on welfare too.


  43. A better question is what kind of Party has people like this in it? I think the Republican­’s, outside the South, need to REALLY look at what they have become. Wow.


    1. A better question is what kind of Party has people like this in it? I think the Republican outside the South, need to REALLY look at what they have become. Wow.
      The Republican­s set out to become this. After the civil rights act was signed by LBJ, they gleefully rounded up as many racists as they could find to join their ranks. It’s the only way they could regain power. Whip of racists, whip up the religious right and then try to pretend they aren’t the party of hate and fear.


  44. “During Monday night’s GOP debate in Myrtle Beach, SC, presidential candidate Newt Gingrich called President Barack Obama “The Food Stamp President”.

    The Food Stamp Program was created for people in need. Give people jobs and they won’t need foodstamps­. Its a good thing the program is there, otherwise the republican philosophy is you don’t work, then you don’t eat!


      1. you don’t work, then you don’t eat!
        That’s in the Bible Boo.



      2. you don’t work, then you don’t eat!
        That’s in the Bible Boo.


        2 Thessalonians 3:10


  45. This fool is leading in South Carolina…see…he attacked blacks and called Obama the “food stamp president” and now he’s leading in South Carolina…Can’t tell me that state ain’t racist.


    1. This fool is leading in South Carolina…see…he attacked blacks and called Obama the “food stamp president” and now he’s leading in South Carolina…Can’t tell me that state ain’t racist.
      That tells you that those folks like that kind of talk. A CRACKA will always want to see the black man down. they hate us. That ole racist south has arisen once again..


      1. Doesn’t matter, Obama didn’t win in SC the last time. He ain’t depending on them people to get back in the white house.


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